Jonathan Rainville b245d858aa feat: redisgn compact mode part 1
redesigns the compact mode to have a nice hover, easier replying and adding reactions and more

Missing parts are aligning chat command, images and unfurlings, redesigning mentions and the channel list and also trying to find a way to re-enable link hovers in the text
2021-02-01 11:54:26 -05:00

20 lines
473 B

import QtQuick 2.13
import "../../../../../shared"
import "../../../../../imports"
MouseArea {
cursorShape: chatText.hoveredLink ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : undefined
acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton | Qt.LeftButton
z: 50
onClicked: {
if(mouse.button & Qt.RightButton) {
clickMessage(false, isSticker, false);
if (mouse.button & Qt.LeftButton) {