376 lines
15 KiB
376 lines
15 KiB
import QtQuick 2.13
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import utils 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.status 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0
import shared.panels.chat 1.0
import shared.views.chat 1.0
import shared.controls.chat 1.0
Column {
id: root
width: parent.width
anchors.right: !isCurrentUser ? undefined : parent.right
z: (typeof chatLogView === "undefined") ? 1 : (chatLogView.count - index)
property var rootStore
property var messageStore
property var chatsModel: !!root.rootStore ? root.rootStore.chatsModelInst : null
property string fromAuthor: "0x0011223344556677889910"
property string userName: "Jotaro Kujo"
property string alias: ""
property string localName: ""
property string message: "That's right. We're friends... Of justice, that is."
property string plainText: "That's right. We're friends... Of justice, that is."
property bool isCurrentUser: false
property string timestamp: "1234567"
property string sticker: "Qme8vJtyrEHxABcSVGPF95PtozDgUyfr1xGjePmFdZgk9v"
property int contentType: 1 // constants don't work in default props
property string chatId: "chatId"
property string outgoingStatus: ""
property string responseTo: ""
property string messageId: ""
property string emojiReactions: ""
property int prevMessageIndex: -1
property int nextMessageIndex: -1
property bool timeout: false
property bool hasMention: false
property string linkUrls: ""
property bool placeholderMessage: false
property bool activityCenterMessage: false
property bool pinnedMessage: false
property bool read: true
property string pinnedBy
property bool forceHoverHandler: false // Used to force the HoverHandler to be active (useful for messages in popups)
property string communityId: ""
property int stickerPackId: -1
property int gapFrom: 0
property int gapTo: 0
property bool isEdit: false
property string replaces: ""
property bool isEdited: false
property bool showEdit: true
property var messageContextMenu
property string displayUserName: {
if (isCurrentUser) {
//% "You"
return qsTrId("You")
if (localName !== "") {
return localName
if (userName !== "") {
return Utils.removeStatusEns(userName)
return Utils.removeStatusEns(alias)
property string authorCurrentMsg: "authorCurrentMsg"
property string authorPrevMsg: "authorPrevMsg"
property string prevMsgTimestamp: !!root.chatsModel ? root.chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(prevMessageIndex, "timestamp") : ""
property string nextMsgTimestamp: !!root.chatsModel ? root.chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(nextMessageIndex, "timestamp"): ""
property bool shouldRepeatHeader: ((parseInt(timestamp, 10) - parseInt(prevMsgTimestamp, 10)) / 60 / 1000) > Constants.repeatHeaderInterval
property bool isEmoji: contentType === Constants.emojiType
property bool isImage: contentType === Constants.imageType
property bool isAudio: contentType === Constants.audioType
property bool isStatusMessage: contentType === Constants.systemMessagePrivateGroupType
property bool isSticker: contentType === Constants.stickerType
property bool isText: contentType === Constants.messageType || contentType === Constants.editType
property bool isMessage: isEmoji || isImage || isSticker || isText || isAudio
|| contentType === Constants.communityInviteType || contentType === Constants.transactionType
property bool isExpired: (outgoingStatus === "sending" && (Math.floor(timestamp) + 180000) < Date.now())
property bool isStatusUpdate: false
property int statusAgeEpoch: 0
property int replyMessageIndex: !!root.chatsModel ? root.chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageIndex(responseTo) : -1
property string repliedMessageAuthor: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? !!root.chatsModel ? root.chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "userName") : "" : "";
property string repliedMessageAuthorPubkey: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? root.chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "publicKey") : "";
property bool repliedMessageAuthorIsCurrentUser: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? repliedMessageAuthorPubkey === userProfile.pubKey : "";
property bool repliedMessageIsEdited: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? !!root.chatsModel ? root.chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "isEdited") === "true" : false : false;
property string repliedMessageContent: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? !!root.chatsModel ? root.chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "message") : "" : "";
property int repliedMessageType: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? !!root.chatsModel ? parseInt(root.chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "contentType")) : 0 : 0;
property string repliedMessageImage: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? !!root.chatsModel ? root.chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "image") : "" : "";
property string repliedMessageUserIdenticon: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? !!root.chatsModel ? root.chatsModel.messageView.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "identicon") : "" : "";
property string repliedMessageUserImage: replyMessageIndex > -1 ? appMain.getProfileImage(repliedMessageAuthorPubkey, repliedMessageAuthorIsCurrentUser , false) || "" : "";
property var imageClick: function () {}
property var scrollToBottom: function () {}
property string userPubKey: {
if (contentType === Constants.chatIdentifier) {
return chatId
return fromAuthor
property bool useLargeImage: contentType === Constants.chatIdentifier
property string profileImageSource: !placeholderMessage && appMain.getProfileImage(userPubKey, isCurrentUser, useLargeImage) || ""
property var emojiReactionsModel: {
if (!emojiReactions) {
return []
try {
// group by id
var allReactions = Object.values(JSON.parse(emojiReactions))
var byEmoji = {}
allReactions.forEach(function (reaction) {
if (!byEmoji[reaction.emojiId]) {
byEmoji[reaction.emojiId] = {
emojiId: reaction.emojiId,
fromAccounts: [],
count: 0,
currentUserReacted: false
if (!byEmoji[reaction.emojiId].currentUserReacted && reaction.from === userProfile.pubKey) {
byEmoji[reaction.emojiId].currentUserReacted = true
return Object.values(byEmoji)
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error parsing emoji reactions', e)
return []
property var clickMessage: function(isProfileClick, isSticker = false, isImage = false, image = null, emojiOnly = false, hideEmojiPicker = false, isReply = false, isRightClickOnImage = false, imageSource = "") {
if (placeholderMessage || activityCenterMessage) {
if (!isProfileClick) {
SelectedMessage.set(messageId, fromAuthor);
messageContextMenu.messageId = root.messageId
messageContextMenu.contentType = root.contentType
messageContextMenu.linkUrls = root.linkUrls;
messageContextMenu.isProfile = !!isProfileClick;
messageContextMenu.isCurrentUser = root.isCurrentUser
messageContextMenu.isText = root.isText
messageContextMenu.isSticker = isSticker;
messageContextMenu.emojiOnly = emojiOnly;
messageContextMenu.hideEmojiPicker = hideEmojiPicker;
messageContextMenu.pinnedMessage = pinnedMessage;
messageContextMenu.isCurrentUser = isCurrentUser;
messageContextMenu.isRightClickOnImage = isRightClickOnImage
messageContextMenu.imageSource = imageSource
messageContextMenu.onClickEdit = function() {root.isEdit = true}
if (isReply) {
let nickname = appMain.getUserNickname(repliedMessageAuthor)
messageContextMenu.show(repliedMessageAuthor, repliedMessageAuthorPubkey, repliedMessageUserImage || repliedMessageUserIdenticon, plainText, nickname, emojiReactionsModel);
} else {
let nickname = appMain.getUserNickname(fromAuthor)
messageContextMenu.show(userName, fromAuthor, root.profileImageSource || identicon, plainText, nickname, emojiReactionsModel);
messageContextMenu.x = messageContextMenu.setXPosition()
messageContextMenu.y = messageContextMenu.setYPosition()
function showReactionAuthors(fromAccounts, emojiId) {
return root.rootStore.showReactionAuthors(fromAccounts, emojiId)
function startMessageFoundAnimation() {
Connections {
enabled: (!placeholderMessage && !!root.rootStore)
target: !!root.rootStore ? root.rootStore.profileModelInst.contacts.list : null
onContactChanged: {
if (pubkey === fromAuthor) {
const img = appMain.getProfileImage(userPubKey, isCurrentUser, useLargeImage)
if (img) {
profileImageSource = img
} else if (replyMessageIndex > -1 && pubkey === repliedMessageAuthorPubkey) {
const imgReply = appMain.getProfileImage(repliedMessageAuthorPubkey, repliedMessageAuthorIsCurrentUser, false)
if (imgReply) {
repliedMessageUserImage = imgReply
Connections {
enabled: !!root.rootStore
target: !!root.rootStore ? root.chatsModel.messageView : null
onHideMessage: {
// This hack is used because message_list deleteMessage sometimes does not remove the messages (there might be an issue with the delegate model)
if(mId === messageId){
root.visible = 0;
root.height = 0;
Loader {
id: messageLoader
width: parent.width
sourceComponent: {
switch(contentType) {
case Constants.chatIdentifier:
return channelIdentifierComponent
case Constants.fetchMoreMessagesButton:
return fetchMoreMessagesButtonComponent
case Constants.systemMessagePrivateGroupType:
return privateGroupHeaderComponent
case Constants.gapType:
return gapComponent
return isStatusUpdate ? statusUpdateComponent :
(localAccountSensitiveSettings.useCompactMode ? compactMessageComponent : messageComponent)
Component {
id: gapComponent
GapComponent {
onClicked: {
root.visible = false;
root.height = 0;
Component {
id: fetchMoreMessagesButtonComponent
FetchMoreMessagesButton {
// nextMessageIndex: root.messageStore.nextMessageIndex
// nextMsgTimestamp: root.messageStore.nextMsgTimestamp
onClicked: {
onTimerTriggered: {
Component {
id: channelIdentifierComponent
ChannelIdentifierView {
store: root.rootStore
profileImage: profileImageSource
authorCurrentMsg: root.authorCurrentMsg
// Private group Messages
Component {
id: privateGroupHeaderComponent
StyledText {
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
text: {
return `<html>`+
`<style type="text/css">`+
`a {`+
`color: ${Style.current.textColor};`+
`text-decoration: none;`+
visible: isStatusMessage
font.pixelSize: 14
color: Style.current.secondaryText
width: parent.width - 120
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
textFormat: Text.RichText
topPadding: root.prevMessageIndex === 1 ? Style.current.bigPadding : 0
Component {
id: messageComponent
NormalMessageView {
linkUrls: root.linkUrls
isCurrentUser: root.isCurrentUser
isExpired: root.isExpired
timeout: root.timeout
contentType: root.contentType
container: root
store: root.rootStore
messageStore: root.messageStore
Component {
id: statusUpdateComponent
StatusUpdateView {
statusAgeEpoch: root.statusAgeEpoch
container: root
store: root.rootStore
messageContextMenu: root.messageContextMenu
onAddEmoji: {
root.clickMessage(isProfileClick, isSticker, isImage , image, emojiOnly, hideEmojiPicker);
onChatImageClicked: {
onUserNameClicked: {
onEmojiBtnClicked: {
root.parent.clickMessage(isProfileClick, isSticker, isImage, image, emojiOnly);
onClickMessage: {
root.parent.clickMessage(isProfileClick, isSticker, isImage, image, emojiOnly, hideEmojiPicker, isReply);
onSetMessageActive: {
root.messageStore.setMessageActive(messageId, active);;
Component {
id: compactMessageComponent
CompactMessageView {
linkUrls: root.linkUrls
isCurrentUser: root.isCurrentUser
isExpired: root.isExpired
timeout: root.timeout
contentType: root.contentType
showEdit: root.showEdit
container: root
messageContextMenu: root.messageContextMenu
store: root.rootStore
messageStore: root.messageStore
onAddEmoji: {
root.clickMessage(isProfileClick, isSticker, isImage , image, emojiOnly, hideEmojiPicker);