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synced 2025-02-23 12:08:53 +00:00
- removed nested ListViews inside StackLayouts, in order to reduce the memory footprint and improve performance, and also to be able to better manage the scrolling - no more unrolled multiple listviews, which again hurt the performance; now the views instantiate the delegates dynamically on the fly - the tab bar and the search fields now stick to the top of the page, with the users list view scrolling independently - both views now uniformly use the common `ContactListItemDelegate` - the received/sent CRs are now combined into one `pendingContacts` model - factored out common search/filter criteria into a new, separate SFPM `UserFilterContainer` component - fix an issue where StatusContactVerificationIcons wasn't properly displaying the "blocked" state/icon - fix documentation comments, removed relative imports, and updated some Fixes #16612 Fixes #16958
184 lines
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184 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import shared.controls 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0 as SharedStores
import utils 1.0
import AppLayouts.Chat.stores 1.0
import AppLayouts.Communities.layouts 1.0
import AppLayouts.Communities.popups 1.0
SettingsPage {
id: root
property RootStore rootStore
property SharedStores.UtilsStore utilsStore
property var membersModel
property var bannedMembersModel
property var pendingMembersModel
property var declinedMembersModel
property string communityName
property int memberRole
property bool editable: true
signal kickUserClicked(string id)
signal banUserClicked(string id, bool deleteAllMessages)
signal unbanUserClicked(string id)
signal acceptRequestToJoin(string id)
signal declineRequestToJoin(string id)
signal viewMemberMessagesClicked(string pubKey, string displayName)
signal inviteNewPeopleClicked()
function goTo(tab: int) {
if(root.contentItem) {
title: qsTr("Members")
buttons: [
StatusButton {
text: qsTr("Invite people")
onClicked: root.inviteNewPeopleClicked()
contentItem: ColumnLayout {
function goTo(tab: int) {
let tabButton = membersTabBar.currentItem
switch (tab) {
case Constants.CommunityMembershipSubSections.Members:
tabButton = allMembersBtn
case Constants.CommunityMembershipSubSections.MembershipRequests:
tabButton = pendingRequestsBtn
case Constants.CommunityMembershipSubSections.RejectedMembers:
tabButton = declinedRequestsBtn
case Constants.CommunityMembershipSubSections.BannedMembers:
tabButton = bannedBtn
if (tabButton.enabled)
membersTabBar.currentIndex = tabButton.TabBar.index
spacing: Theme.padding
StatusTabBar {
id: membersTabBar
Layout.preferredWidth: root.preferredContentWidth
StatusTabButton {
readonly property int subSection: MembersTabPanel.TabType.AllMembers
id: allMembersBtn
objectName: "allMembersButton"
width: implicitWidth
text: qsTr("All Members")
StatusTabButton {
readonly property int subSection: MembersTabPanel.TabType.PendingRequests
id: pendingRequestsBtn
objectName: "pendingRequestsButton"
width: implicitWidth
text: qsTr("Pending Requests")
enabled: pendingMembersModel.ModelCount.count > 0
StatusTabButton {
readonly property int subSection: MembersTabPanel.TabType.DeclinedRequests
id: declinedRequestsBtn
objectName: "declinedRequestsButton"
width: implicitWidth
text: qsTr("Rejected")
enabled: declinedMembersModel.ModelCount.count > 0
StatusTabButton {
readonly property int subSection: MembersTabPanel.TabType.BannedMembers
id: bannedBtn
objectName: "bannedButton"
width: implicitWidth
enabled: bannedMembersModel.ModelCount.count > 0
text: qsTr("Banned")
SearchBox {
id: memberSearch
Layout.preferredWidth: root.preferredContentWidth
placeholderText: qsTr("Search by name or chat key")
enabled: membersTabBar.currentItem.enabled
MembersTabPanel {
Layout.preferredWidth: root.preferredContentWidth
Layout.fillHeight: true
panelType: membersTabBar.currentItem.subSection
model: {
switch (panelType) {
case MembersTabPanel.TabType.PendingRequests:
return root.pendingMembersModel
case MembersTabPanel.TabType.DeclinedRequests:
return root.declinedMembersModel
case MembersTabPanel.TabType.BannedMembers:
return root.bannedMembersModel
case MembersTabPanel.TabType.AllMembers:
return root.membersModel
searchString: memberSearch.text
rootStore: root.rootStore
utilsStore: root.utilsStore
memberRole: root.memberRole
onKickUserClicked: {
kickBanPopup.mode = KickBanPopup.Mode.Kick
kickBanPopup.username = name
kickBanPopup.userId = id
onBanUserClicked: {
kickBanPopup.mode = KickBanPopup.Mode.Ban
kickBanPopup.username = name
kickBanPopup.userId = id
onUnbanUserClicked: root.unbanUserClicked(id)
onAcceptRequestToJoin: root.acceptRequestToJoin(id)
onDeclineRequestToJoin: root.declineRequestToJoin(id)
onViewMemberMessagesClicked: root.viewMemberMessagesClicked(pubKey, displayName)
KickBanPopup {
id: kickBanPopup
property string userId
communityName: root.communityName
onBanUserClicked: root.banUserClicked(userId, deleteAllMessages)
onKickUserClicked: root.kickUserClicked(userId)