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synced 2025-03-02 23:41:18 +00:00
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154 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import StatusQ 0.1
import utils 1.0
QtObject {
id: root
/* PRIVATE: Modules used to get data from backend */
readonly property var _allTokensModule: !!walletSectionAllTokens ? walletSectionAllTokens : null
readonly property var _networksModule: !!networksModule ? networksModule : null
readonly property double tokenListUpdatedAt: root._allTokensModule.tokenListUpdatedAt
/* This contains the different sources for the tokens list
ex. uniswap list, status tokens list */
readonly property var sourcesOfTokensModel: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: !!root._allTokensModule ? root._allTokensModule.sourcesOfTokensModel : null
proxyRoles: FastExpressionRole {
function sourceImage(name) {
return Constants.getSupportedTokenSourceImage(name)
name: "image"
expression: sourceImage(model.name)
expectedRoles: ["name"]
filters: AnyOf {
ValueFilter {
roleName: "name"
value: Constants.supportedTokenSources.uniswap
ValueFilter {
roleName: "name"
value: Constants.supportedTokenSources.status
/* This list contains the complete list of tokens with separate
entry per token which has a unique [address + network] pair */
readonly property var flatTokensModel: !!root._allTokensModule ? root._allTokensModule.flatTokensModel : null
/* PRIVATE: This model just combines tokens and network information in one */
readonly property LeftJoinModel _joinFlatTokensModel : LeftJoinModel {
leftModel: root.flatTokensModel
rightModel: root._networksModule.flatNetworks
joinRole: "chainId"
/* This list contains the complete list of tokens with separate
entry per token which has a unique [address + network] pair including extended information
about the specific network per entry */
readonly property var extendedFlatTokensModel: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: root._joinFlatTokensModel
proxyRoles: [
JoinRole {
name: "explorerUrl"
roleNames: ["blockExplorerURL", "address"]
separator: "/token/"
FastExpressionRole {
function tokenIcon(symbol) {
return Constants.tokenIcon(symbol)
name: "image"
expression: tokenIcon(model.symbol)
expectedRoles: ["symbol"]
/* This list contains list of tokens grouped by symbol
EXCEPTION: We may have different entries for the same symbol in case
of symbol clash when minting community tokens, so in case of community tokens
there will be one entry per address + network pair */
// TODO in #12513
readonly property var plainTokensBySymbolModel: !!root._allTokensModule ? root._allTokensModule.tokensBySymbolModel : null
readonly property var assetsBySymbolModel: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: plainTokensBySymbolModel
proxyRoles: [
FastExpressionRole {
function tokenIcon(symbol) {
return Constants.tokenIcon(symbol)
name: "iconSource"
expression: tokenIcon(model.symbol)
expectedRoles: ["symbol"]
// TODO: Review if it can be removed
FastExpressionRole {
name: "shortName"
expression: model.symbol
expectedRoles: ["symbol"]
FastExpressionRole {
function getCategory(index) {
return 0
name: "category"
expression: getCategory(model.communityId)
expectedRoles: ["communityId"]
// Property and methods below are used to apply advanced token management settings to the SendModal
readonly property bool showCommunityAssetsInSend: root._allTokensModule.showCommunityAssetWhenSendingTokens
readonly property bool displayAssetsBelowBalance: root._allTokensModule.displayAssetsBelowBalance
signal displayAssetsBelowBalanceThresholdChanged()
function getDisplayAssetsBelowBalanceThresholdCurrency() {
return root._allTokensModule.displayAssetsBelowBalanceThreshold
function getDisplayAssetsBelowBalanceThresholdDisplayAmount() {
const thresholdCurrency = getDisplayAssetsBelowBalanceThresholdCurrency()
return thresholdCurrency.amount / Math.pow(10, thresholdCurrency.displayDecimals)
function setDisplayAssetsBelowBalanceThreshold(rawValue) {
// rawValue - raw amount (multiplied by displayDecimals)`
function toggleShowCommunityAssetsInSend() {
function toggleDisplayAssetsBelowBalance() {
readonly property Connections allTokensConnections: Connections {
target: root._allTokensModule
function onDisplayAssetsBelowBalanceThresholdChanged() {
function updateTokenPreferences(jsonData) {
function getTokenPreferencesJson(jsonData) {
return root._allTokensModule.getTokenPreferencesJson(jsonData)