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synced 2025-02-19 01:58:52 +00:00
- the goal of this PR is to get some bsais UI building blocks done for the followup PRs - the order of showcase tabs now is: Communities/Accounts/Collectibles/Assets - there will be further changes to accomodate for different types of backend models as those get developed (for other users' profiles) Fixes #9664
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pragma Singleton
import QtQml 2.14
QtObject {
id: root
property var dragArea
property var applicationWindow
property bool popupOpened: false
property int settingsSubsection: Constants.settingsSubsection.profile
property var userProfile
property bool appIsReady: false
signal openPinnedMessagesPopupRequested(var store, var messageStore, var pinnedMessagesModel, string messageToPin)
signal openCommunityProfilePopupRequested(var store, var community, var chatCommunitySectionModule)
signal openLinkInBrowser(string link)
signal openChooseBrowserPopup(string link)
signal settingsLoaded()
signal openCreateChatView()
signal closeCreateChatView()
signal blockContactRequested(string publicKey, string contactName)
signal unblockContactRequested(string publicKey, string contactName)
signal displayToastMessage(string title, string subTitle, string icon, bool loading, int ephNotifType, string url)
signal openPopupRequested(var popupComponent, var params)
signal openNicknamePopupRequested(string publicKey, string nickname, string subtitle)
signal openDownloadModalRequested(bool available, string version, string url)
signal openChangeProfilePicPopup(var cb)
signal openBackUpSeedPopup()
signal openImagePopup(var image, var contextMenu)
signal openProfilePopupRequested(string publicKey, var parentPopup)
signal openEditDisplayNamePopup()
signal openActivityCenterPopupRequested()
signal openSendIDRequestPopup(string publicKey, var cb)
signal openContactRequestPopup(string publicKey, var cb)
signal openInviteFriendsToCommunityPopup(var community, var communitySectionModule, var cb)
signal openIncomingIDRequestPopup(string publicKey, var cb)
signal openOutgoingIDRequestPopup(string publicKey, var cb)
signal openLink(string link)
signal setNthEnabledSectionActive(int nthSection)
signal appSectionBySectionTypeChanged(int sectionType, int subsection)
signal openSendModal(string address)
signal switchToCommunity(string communityId)
signal playSendMessageSound()
signal playNotificationSound()
signal playErrorSound()
function openProfilePopup(publicKey, parentPopup) {
root.openProfilePopupRequested(publicKey, parentPopup)
function openActivityCenterPopup() {
function openPopup(popupComponent, params = {}) {
root.openPopupRequested(popupComponent, params);
function openDownloadModal(available, version, url){
root.openDownloadModalRequested(available, version, url);
function changeAppSectionBySectionType(sectionType, subsection = 0) {
root.appSectionBySectionTypeChanged(sectionType, subsection);