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synced 2025-03-01 15:01:11 +00:00
* fix(SeedPhrase): Fixing seed phrase validation 1. Validate each word after the editing is finished 2. Fixing the seed phrase suggestions where the suggestions box was hidden behind other ui elements 3. Propagate editingFinished signal in StatusBaseInput, StatusInput, StatusSeedPhraseInput 4. Fixing undefined `mnemonicIndex` errors * fix: Refactoring of SeedPhraseInputView Remove duplicated code and use EnterSeedPhrase component + Added storybook page * fix(Onboarding): Fixing seed phrase validation on windows The seed phrase validation fails on windows due to the dictionary line endings * chore(squish): Update e2e tests to the new enter seed phrase panel construction * fix: Load english dictionary from local file using StringUtils
414 lines
20 KiB
414 lines
20 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQml 2.15
import QtQml.Models 2.15
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import QtTest 1.15
import shared.panels 1.0
import utils 1.0
Item {
id: root
width: 600
height: 400
TestCase {
name: "EnterSeedPhraseTest"
when: windowShown
Component {
id: enterSeedPhraseComponent
EnterSeedPhrase {
id: enterSeedPhrase
anchors.fill: parent
dictionary: ListModel {}
readonly property SignalSpy submitSpy: SignalSpy { target: enterSeedPhrase; signalName: "submitSeedPhrase" }
readonly property SignalSpy seedPhraseUpdatedSpy: SignalSpy { target: enterSeedPhrase; signalName: "seedPhraseUpdated" }
property EnterSeedPhrase itemUnderTest: null
function generateDictionaryVariation(baseDictionary) {
let dictionaryVariation = baseDictionary.map((word) => word + "a")
dictionaryVariation = baseDictionary.map((word) => word + "b").concat(dictionaryVariation)
dictionaryVariation = baseDictionary.map((word) => word + "c").concat(dictionaryVariation)
dictionaryVariation = baseDictionary.map((word) => word + "d").concat(dictionaryVariation)
return dictionaryVariation
function init() {
itemUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(enterSeedPhraseComponent, root)
function test_componentCreation() {
verify(itemUnderTest !== null, "Component creation failed")
// Test seed phrase input by typing on the keyboard
// The seed phrase is valid and the typing is done without any space between words
// This is the most common way to input a seed phrase
function test_seedPhraseKeyboardInput() {
//generate a seed phrase
const expectedSeedPhrase = ["abandon", "ability", "able", "about", "above", "absent", "absorb", "abstract", "absurd", "abuse", "access", "accident"]
let isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
itemUnderTest.isSeedPhraseValid = (seedPhrase) => {
verify(seedPhrase === expectedSeedPhrase.join(" "), "Seed phrase is not valid")
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = true
return true
itemUnderTest.dictionary.append(expectedSeedPhrase.map((word) => ({seedWord: word})))
//Type the seed phrase. No space is needed between words
const str = expectedSeedPhrase.join("")
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
verify(isSeedPhraseValidCalled, "isSeedPhraseValid was not called")
verify(itemUnderTest.submitSpy.count === 1, "submitSeedPhrase signal was not emitted")
// This signal is emitted multiple times due to the way the seed phrase is updated and validated
// The minimum is the length if the seed phrase
verify(itemUnderTest.seedPhraseUpdatedSpy.count >= expectedSeedPhrase.length, "seedPhraseUpdate signal was not emitted")
// Test seed phrase input by typing on the keyboard
// The seed phrase is valid and the typing is done with a space between words
// The space between words is ignored and the seed should be valid
function test_seedPhraseKeyboardInputWithExtraSpace() {
//generate a seed phrase
const expectedSeedPhrase = ["abandon", "ability", "able", "about", "above", "absent", "absorb", "abstract", "absurd", "abuse", "access", "accident"]
let isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
itemUnderTest.isSeedPhraseValid = (seedPhrase) => {
verify(seedPhrase === expectedSeedPhrase.join(" "), "Seed phrase is not valid")
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = true
return true
itemUnderTest.dictionary.append(expectedSeedPhrase.map((word) => ({seedWord: word})))
//Type the seed phrase. A space is needed between words
const str = expectedSeedPhrase.join(" ")
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
verify(isSeedPhraseValidCalled, "isSeedPhraseValid was not called")
verify(itemUnderTest.submitSpy.count === 1, "submitSeedPhrase signal was not emitted")
// This signal is emitted multiple times due to the way the seed phrase is updated and validated
// The minimum is the length if the seed phrase
verify(itemUnderTest.seedPhraseUpdatedSpy.count >= expectedSeedPhrase.length, "seedPhraseUpdate signal was not emitted")
// Test seed phrase input by pasting from clipboard
// The seed phrase is valid and the clipboard seed is space separated
function test_seedPhrasePaste() {
//generate a seed phrase
const expectedSeedPhrase = ["abandona", "abilityb", "ablec", "aboutd", "abovea", "absentb", "absorbc", "abstractd", "absurda", "abuseb", "accessc", "accidentd"]
const baseDictionary = ["abandon", "ability", "able", "about", "above", "absent", "absorb", "abstract", "absurd", "abuse", "access", "accident"]
let isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
itemUnderTest.isSeedPhraseValid = (seedPhrase) => {
verify(seedPhrase === expectedSeedPhrase.join(" "), "Seed phrase is not valid")
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = true
return true
itemUnderTest.dictionary.append(expectedSeedPhrase.map((word) => ({seedWord: word})))
const clipboardHelper = createTemporaryQmlObject("import QtQuick 2.15; QtObject { property var getFromClipboard }", root)
clipboardHelper.getFromClipboard = () => expectedSeedPhrase.join(" ")
Utils.globalUtilsInst = clipboardHelper
// Trigger the paste action
keyClick("v", Qt.ControlModifier)
verify(isSeedPhraseValidCalled, "isSeedPhraseValid was not called")
verify(itemUnderTest.submitSpy.count === 1, "submitSeedPhrase signal was not emitted")
// This signal is emitted multiple times due to the way the seed phrase is updated and validated
// The minimum is the length if the seed phrase
verify(itemUnderTest.seedPhraseUpdatedSpy.count >= expectedSeedPhrase.length, "seedPhraseUpdate signal was not emitted")
// Test the seed phrase by choosing from the suggestions
// The seed phrase is valid and the user selects the words from the suggestions
function test_seedPhraseChooseFromSuggestions() {
//generate a seed phrase
const expectedSeedPhrase = ["abandona", "abilityb", "ablec", "aboutd", "abovea", "absentb", "absorbc", "abstractd", "absurda", "abuseb", "accessc", "accidentd"]
const baseDictionary = ["abandon", "ability", "able", "about", "above", "absent", "absorb", "abstract", "absurd", "abuse", "access", "accident"]
let dictionaryVariation = generateDictionaryVariation(baseDictionary)
let isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
itemUnderTest.isSeedPhraseValid = (seedPhrase) => {
verify(seedPhrase === expectedSeedPhrase.join(" "), "Seed phrase is not valid")
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = true
return true
itemUnderTest.dictionary.append(dictionaryVariation.map((word) => ({seedWord: word})))
// Suggestions dialog is expected to receive key events when there's multiple suggestions
let downKeyEvents = 0
for (let i = 0; i < expectedSeedPhrase.length; i++) {
keySequence(expectedSeedPhrase[i].substring(0, 4).split('').join(','))
for (let j = 0; j < downKeyEvents; j++) {
downKeyEvents = downKeyEvents === 3 ? 0 : downKeyEvents + 1
verify(isSeedPhraseValidCalled, "isSeedPhraseValid was not called")
verify(itemUnderTest.submitSpy.count === 1, "submitSeedPhrase signal was not emitted")
// This signal is emitted multiple times due to the way the seed phrase is updated and validated
// The minimum is the length if the seed phrase
verify(itemUnderTest.seedPhraseUpdatedSpy.count >= expectedSeedPhrase.length, "seedPhraseUpdate signal was not emitted")
// Test seed phrase input by typing on the keyboard
// The seed phrase is invalidated by the external isSeedPhraseValid
function test_invalidatedSeedPhraseKeyboardInput() {
//generate a seed phrase
const expectedSeedPhrase = ["abandona", "abilityb", "ablec", "aboutd", "abovea", "absentb", "absorbc", "abstractd", "absurda", "abuseb", "accessc", "accidentd"]
const baseDictionary = ["abandon", "ability", "able", "about", "above", "absent", "absorb", "abstract", "absurd", "abuse", "access", "accident"]
let dictionaryVariation = generateDictionaryVariation(baseDictionary)
let isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
itemUnderTest.isSeedPhraseValid = (seedPhrase) => {
verify(seedPhrase === expectedSeedPhrase.join(" "), "Seed phrase is not valid")
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = true
return false
itemUnderTest.dictionary.append(dictionaryVariation.map((word) => ({seedWord: word})))
//Type the seed phrase
const str = expectedSeedPhrase.join("")
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
verify(isSeedPhraseValidCalled, "isSeedPhraseValid was not called")
verify(itemUnderTest.submitSpy.count === 0, "submitSeedPhrase signal was emitted")
verify(itemUnderTest.seedPhraseUpdatedSpy.count >= expectedSeedPhrase.length, "seedPhraseUpdate signal was not emitted")
// Test seed phrase input by pasting from clipboard
// The seed phrase is invalidated by the external isSeedPhraseValid
function test_invalidatedSeedPhrasePaste() {
//generate a seed phrase
const expectedSeedPhrase = ["abandona", "abilityb", "ablec", "aboutd", "abovea", "absentb", "absorbc", "abstractd", "absurda", "abuseb", "accessc", "accidentd"]
const baseDictionary = ["abandon", "ability", "able", "about", "above", "absent", "absorb", "abstract", "absurd", "abuse", "access", "accident"]
let dictionaryVariation = generateDictionaryVariation(baseDictionary)
let isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
itemUnderTest.isSeedPhraseValid = (seedPhrase) => {
verify(seedPhrase === expectedSeedPhrase.join(" "), "Seed phrase is not valid")
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = true
return false
itemUnderTest.dictionary.append(dictionaryVariation.map((word) => ({seedWord: word})))
const clipboardHelper = createTemporaryQmlObject("import QtQuick 2.15; QtObject { property var getFromClipboard }", root)
clipboardHelper.getFromClipboard = () => expectedSeedPhrase.join(" ")
Utils.globalUtilsInst = clipboardHelper
// Trigger the paste action
keyClick("v", Qt.ControlModifier)
verify(isSeedPhraseValidCalled, "isSeedPhraseValid was not called")
verify(itemUnderTest.submitSpy.count === 0, "submitSeedPhrase signal was emitted")
verify(itemUnderTest.seedPhraseUpdatedSpy.count >= expectedSeedPhrase.length, "seedPhraseUpdate signal was not emitted")
// Test seed phrase input by typing on the keyboard
// The seed phrase is invalid due to the length
function test_invalidLengthSeedPhrase() {
const expectedSeedPhrase = ["abandona", "abilityb", "ablec"]
const baseDictionary = ["abandon", "ability", "able", "about", "above", "absent", "absorb", "abstract", "absurd", "abuse", "access", "accident"]
let dictionaryVariation = generateDictionaryVariation(baseDictionary)
let isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
itemUnderTest.isSeedPhraseValid = (seedPhrase) => {
verify(seedPhrase === expectedSeedPhrase.join(" "), "Seed phrase is not valid")
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = true
return true
itemUnderTest.dictionary.append(dictionaryVariation.map((word) => ({seedWord: word})))
//Type the seed phrase
const str = expectedSeedPhrase.join("")
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
verify(!isSeedPhraseValidCalled, "isSeedPhraseValid was called when it should not have been")
verify(itemUnderTest.submitSpy.count === 0, "submitSeedPhrase signal was emitted")
verify(itemUnderTest.seedPhraseUpdatedSpy.count >= expectedSeedPhrase.length, "seedPhraseUpdate signal was not emitted")
// Test seed phrase input by typing on the keyboard
// The seed phrase is invalid due to the dictionary word
function test_invalidDictionarySeedPhrase() {
const expectedSeedPhrase = ["abandonna", "abilityb", "ablec", "aboutd", "abovea", "absentb", "absorbc", "abstractd", "absurda", "abuseb", "accessc", "accidentd"]
// ^^ invalid word
const baseDictionary = ["abandon", "ability", "able", "about", "above", "absent", "absorb", "abstract", "absurd", "abuse", "access", "accident"]
let dictionaryVariation = generateDictionaryVariation(baseDictionary)
let isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
itemUnderTest.isSeedPhraseValid = (seedPhrase) => {
verify(seedPhrase === expectedSeedPhrase.join(" "), "Seed phrase is not valid")
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = true
return true
itemUnderTest.dictionary.append(dictionaryVariation.map((word) => ({seedWord: word})))
//Type the seed phrase
const str = expectedSeedPhrase.join("")
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (i === 8) {
// The first word is invalid. Move on to the next word
print (itemUnderTest.seedPhraseUpdatedSpy.count)
verify(itemUnderTest.submitSpy.count === 0, "submitSeedPhrase signal was emitted")
verify(itemUnderTest.seedPhraseUpdatedSpy.count >= expectedSeedPhrase.length, "seedPhraseUpdate signal was not emitted")
// Test suggestions are active after the seed phrase word is updated
function test_suggestionsActiveAfterUpdatingWord() {
const expectedSeedPhrase = ["abandona", "abilityb", "ablec", "aboutd", "abovea", "absentb", "absorbc", "abstractd", "absurda", "abuseb", "accessc", "accidentd"]
const baseDictionary = ["abandon", "ability", "able", "about", "above", "absent", "absorb", "abstract", "absurd", "abuse", "access", "accident"]
let dictionaryVariation = generateDictionaryVariation(baseDictionary)
let isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
let lastVerifiedSeedPhrase = ""
itemUnderTest.isSeedPhraseValid = (seedPhrase) => {
lastVerifiedSeedPhrase = seedPhrase
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = true
return true
itemUnderTest.dictionary.append(dictionaryVariation.map((word) => ({seedWord: word})))
// Suggestions dialog is expected to receive key events when there's multiple suggestions
let downKeyEvents = 0
for (let i = 0; i < expectedSeedPhrase.length; i++) {
keySequence(expectedSeedPhrase[i].substring(0, 4).split('').join(','))
for (let j = 0; j < downKeyEvents; j++) {
downKeyEvents = downKeyEvents === 3 ? 0 : downKeyEvents + 1
verify(isSeedPhraseValidCalled, "isSeedPhraseValid was not called")
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
wait (500) // Wait for the suggestions to appear
verify(isSeedPhraseValidCalled, "isSeedPhraseValid was not called")
print (lastVerifiedSeedPhrase)
verify(lastVerifiedSeedPhrase === expectedSeedPhrase.join(" ").slice(0, -1) + "a", "Seed phrase is not updated")
verify(itemUnderTest.seedPhraseUpdatedSpy.count >= expectedSeedPhrase.length, "seedPhraseUpdate signal was not emitted")
// Test suggestions are active after the seed phrase word is fixed
function test_suggestionsActiveAfterFixingWord() {
const expectedSeedPhrase = ["abandona", "abilityb", "ablec", "aboutd", "abovea", "absentb", "absorbc", "abstractd", "absurda", "abuseb", "accessc", "accidenntd"]
const baseDictionary = ["abandon", "ability", "able", "about", "above", "absent", "absorb", "abstract", "absurd", "abuse", "access", "accident"]
let dictionaryVariation = generateDictionaryVariation(baseDictionary)
let isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
let lastVerifiedSeedPhrase = ""
itemUnderTest.isSeedPhraseValid = (seedPhrase) => {
lastVerifiedSeedPhrase = seedPhrase
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = true
return true
itemUnderTest.dictionary.append(dictionaryVariation.map((word) => ({seedWord: word})))
// Suggestions dialog is expected to receive key events when there's multiple suggestions
let downKeyEvents = 0
for (let i = 0; i < expectedSeedPhrase.length; i++) {
keySequence(expectedSeedPhrase[i].substring(0, 4).split('').join(','))
for (let j = 0; j < downKeyEvents; j++) {
downKeyEvents = downKeyEvents === 3 ? 0 : downKeyEvents + 1
verify(isSeedPhraseValidCalled, "isSeedPhraseValid is not called")
isSeedPhraseValidCalled = false
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
wait (500) // Wait for the suggestions to appear
verify(isSeedPhraseValidCalled, "isSeedPhraseValid was not called")
verify(lastVerifiedSeedPhrase === expectedSeedPhrase.join(" ").slice(0, -3) + "ta", "Seed phrase is not updated")
verify(itemUnderTest.seedPhraseUpdatedSpy.count >= expectedSeedPhrase.length, "seedPhraseUpdate signal was not emitted")
verify(itemUnderTest.submitSpy.count === 1, "submitSeedPhrase signal was emitted")