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synced 2025-01-10 14:26:34 +00:00
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366 lines
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import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import utils 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.popups 1.0
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils
import StatusQ.Layout 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
import AppLayouts.Chat.stores 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
import "../panels/communities"
import "../popups/community"
import "../layouts"
StatusSectionLayout {
id: root
notificationCount: activityCenterStore.unreadNotificationsCount
hasUnseenNotifications: activityCenterStore.hasUnseenNotifications
onNotificationButtonClicked: Global.openActivityCenterPopup()
// TODO: get this model from backend?
property var settingsMenuModel: [{name: qsTr("Overview"), icon: "show", enabled: true},
{name: qsTr("Members"), icon: "group-chat", enabled: true},
{name: qsTr("Permissions"), icon: "objects", enabled: root.rootStore.communityPermissionsEnabled},
{name: qsTr("Mint Tokens"), icon: "token", enabled: root.rootStore.communityTokensEnabled}]
// TODO: Next community settings options:
// {name: qsTr("Airdrops"), icon: "airdrop"},
// {name: qsTr("Token sales"), icon: "token-sale"},
// {name: qsTr("Subscriptions"), icon: "subscription"},
property var rootStore
property var community
property var chatCommunitySectionModule
required property CommunitiesStore communityStore
property bool hasAddedContacts: false
property var transactionStore: TransactionStore {}
readonly property string filteredSelectedTags: {
var tagsArray = []
if (community && community.tags) {
try {
const json = JSON.parse(community.tags)
if (!!json) {
tagsArray = json.map(tag => {
return tag.name
catch (e) {
console.warn("Error parsing community tags: ", community.tags, " error: ", e.message)
return JSON.stringify(tagsArray);
signal backToCommunityClicked
signal openLegacyPopupClicked // TODO: remove me when migration to new settings is done
onBackButtonClicked: {
leftPanel: Item {
anchors.fill: parent
ColumnLayout {
anchors {
top: parent.top
bottom: footer.top
bottomMargin: 12
topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: parent.width
spacing: 32
clip: true
StatusChatInfoButton {
id: communityHeader
title: community.name
subTitle: qsTr("%n member(s)", "", community.members.count || 0)
asset.name: community.image
asset.color: community.color
asset.isImage: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
Layout.rightMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.OneToOneChat
hoverEnabled: false
StatusListView {
id: listView
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.leftMargin: Style.current.padding
Layout.rightMargin: Style.current.padding
model: root.settingsMenuModel
delegate: StatusNavigationListItem {
objectName: "CommunitySettingsView_NavigationListItem_" + modelData.name
width: listView.width
title: modelData.name
asset.name: modelData.icon
asset.height: 24
asset.width: 24
selected: d.currentIndex === index
onClicked: d.currentIndex = index
visible: modelData.enabled
height: modelData.enabled ? implicitHeight : 0
// TODO: remove me when migration to new settings is done. Only keep back button and anchor to it.
ColumnLayout {
id: footer
anchors {
bottom: parent.bottom
bottomMargin: 16
width: parent.width
spacing: 16
// TODO: remove me when migration to new settings is done
StatusBaseText {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
text: qsTr("Open legacy popup (to be removed)")
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: 10
font.underline: true
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: root.openLegacyPopupClicked()
StatusBaseText {
objectName: "communitySettingsBackToCommunityButton"
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
text: "<- " + qsTr("Back to community")
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: 15
font.underline: true
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: root.backToCommunityClicked()
hoverEnabled: true
centerPanel: Loader {
id: centerPanelContentLoader
anchors.fill: parent
active: root.community
sourceComponent: StackLayout {
currentIndex: d.currentIndex
CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel {
communityId: root.community.id
name: root.community.name
description: root.community.description
introMessage: root.community.introMessage
outroMessage: root.community.outroMessage
logoImageData: root.community.image
bannerImageData: root.community.bannerImageData
color: root.community.color
tags: root.rootStore.communityTags
selectedTags: root.filteredSelectedTags
archiveSupportEnabled: root.community.historyArchiveSupportEnabled
encrypted: root.community.encrypted
requestToJoinEnabled: root.community.access === Constants.communityChatOnRequestAccess
pinMessagesEnabled: root.community.pinMessageAllMembersEnabled
editable: root.community.amISectionAdmin
onEdited: {
const error = root.chatCommunitySectionModule.editCommunity(
item.options.requestToJoinEnabled ? Constants.communityChatOnRequestAccess : Constants.communityChatPublicAccess,
Utils.getImageAndCropInfoJson(item.logoImagePath, item.logoCropRect),
Utils.getImageAndCropInfoJson(item.bannerPath, item.bannerCropRect),
if (error) {
errorDialog.text = error.error
onInviteNewPeopleClicked: {
onAirdropTokensClicked: { /* TODO in future */ }
onBackUpClicked: {
Global.openPopup(transferOwnershipPopup, {
privateKey: root.chatCommunitySectionModule.exportCommunity(root.communityId),
onPreviousPageNameChanged: root.backButtonName = previousPageName
CommunityMembersSettingsPanel {
membersModel: root.community.members
bannedMembersModel: root.community.bannedMembers
pendingMemberRequestsModel: root.community.pendingMemberRequests
declinedMemberRequestsModel: root.community.declinedMemberRequests
editable: root.community.amISectionAdmin
communityName: root.community.name
onUserProfileClicked: Global.openProfilePopup(id)
onKickUserClicked: root.rootStore.removeUserFromCommunity(id)
onBanUserClicked: root.rootStore.banUserFromCommunity(id)
onUnbanUserClicked: root.rootStore.unbanUserFromCommunity(id)
onAcceptRequestToJoin: root.rootStore.acceptRequestToJoinCommunity(id, root.communityId)
onDeclineRequestToJoin: root.rootStore.declineRequestToJoinCommunity(id, root.communityId)
CommunityPermissionsSettingsPanel {
readonly property PermissionsStore permissionsStore:
permissionsModel: permissionsStore.permissionsModel
// temporary solution to provide icons for assets, similar
// method is used in wallet (constructing filename from asset's
// symbol) and is intended to be replaced by more robust
// solution soon.
assetsModel: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: rootStore.assetsModel
proxyRoles: ExpressionRole {
// list of symbols for which pngs are stored to avoid
// accessing not existing resources and providing
// default icon
readonly property var pngs: [
"aKNC", "AST", "BLT", "CND", "DNT", "EQUAD", "HEZ", "LOOM", "MTH",
"PAY", "RCN", "SALT", "STRK", "TRST", "WBTC", "AKRO", "aSUSD", "BLZ",
"COB", "DPY", "ETH2x-FLI", "HST", "LPT", "MTL", "PBTC", "RDN", "SAN",
"STT", "TRX", "WETH", "0-native", "aLEND", "ATMChain", "BNB", "COMP",
"DRT", "ETHOS", "HT", "LRC", "MYB", "PLR", "renBCH", "SNGLS", "STX",
"DTA", "ETH", "ICN", "MANA", "NEXO", "POE", "renBTC", "SNM", "SUB",
"UBT", "WTC", "1ST", "aMANA", "aUSDC", "BQX", "CVC", "EDG", "EVX",
"ICOS", "MCO", "NEXXO", "POLY", "REN", "SNT", "SUPR", "UKG", "XAUR",
"aBAT", "AMB", "aUSDT", "BRLN", "DAI", "EDO", "FUEL", "IOST", "MDA",
"NMR", "POWR", "renZEC", "SNX", "SUSD", "UNI", "XPA", "ABT", "aMKR",
"aWBTC", "BTM", "DATA", "EKG", "FUN", "KDO", "MET", "NPXS", "PPP",
"REP", "SOCKS", "TAAS", "UPP", "XRL", "aBUSD", "AMPL", "aYFI", "BTU",
"DAT", "EKO", "FXC", "KIN", "MFG", "OGN", "PPT", "REQ", "SPANK",
"TAUD", "USDC", "XUC", "ABYSS", "ANT", "aZRX", "CDAI", "DCN", "ELF",
"GDC", "KNC", "MGO", "OMG", "PT", "RHOC", "SPIKE", "TCAD", "USDS",
"Kudos", "MKR", "OST", "QKC", "RLC", "SPN", "TGBP", "USDT", "ZSC",
"aENJ", "aREN", "BAM", "Centra", "DGD", "ENG", "GNO", "LEND", "MLN",
"OTN", "QRL", "ROL", "STORJ", "TKN", "VERI", "AE", "aREP", "BAND",
"CFI", "DGX", "ENJ", "GNT", "LINK", "MOC", "PAXG", "QSP", "R",
"STORM", "TKX", "VIB", "aETH", "aSNX", "BAT", "CK", "DLT", "EOS",
"GRID", "LISK", "MOD", "PAX", "RAE", "SAI", "ST", "TNT", "WABI"
function icon(symbol) {
if (pngs.indexOf(symbol) !== -1)
return Style.png("tokens/" + symbol)
return Style.png("tokens/DEFAULT-TOKEN")
name: "iconSource"
expression: !!model.icon ? model.icon : icon(model.symbol)
collectiblesModel: rootStore.collectiblesModel
channelsModel: rootStore.chatCommunitySectionModule.model
communityDetails: QtObject {
readonly property var _activeSection:
readonly property string name: _activeSection.name
readonly property string image: _activeSection.image
readonly property string color: _activeSection.color
permissionsStore.createPermission(holdings, permissionType,
isPrivate, channels)
key, holdings, permissionType, channels, isPrivate)
onPreviousPageNameChanged: root.backButtonName = previousPageName
CommunityMintTokensSettingsPanel {
communityId: root.community.id
communitiesStore: root.communityStore
transactionStore: root.transactionStore
tokensModel: root.community.communityTokens
onPreviousPageNameChanged: root.backButtonName = previousPageName
onCurrentIndexChanged: root.backButtonName = centerPanelContentLoader.item.children[d.currentIndex].previousPageName
onSettingsMenuModelChanged: d.currentIndex = 0
QtObject {
id: d
property int currentIndex: 0
MessageDialog {
id: errorDialog
title: qsTr("Error editing the community")
icon: StandardIcon.Critical
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
Component {
id: transferOwnershipPopup
TransferOwnershipPopup {
anchors.centerIn: parent
store: root.rootStore