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synced 2025-02-10 13:46:35 +00:00
- add the sort combobox to assets/collectibles main wallet view pages - preserve the current view settings - add the possibility to navigate/drill down into wallet settings (sub)subsection - some other minor changes/fixes Note: currently assets can't be sorted by "1W change" and collectibles by "Date added" due to missing backend for these Fixes #12517 Fixes #12518
97 lines
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97 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import AppLayouts.Wallet.panels 1.0
import utils 1.0
import Storybook 1.0
import Models 1.0
SplitView {
id: root
Logs { id: logs }
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
ManageCollectiblesModel {
id: collectiblesModel
StatusScrollView { // wrapped in a ScrollView on purpose; to simulate SettingsContentBase.qml
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
Component.onCompleted: forceActiveFocus()
ManageCollectiblesPanel {
id: showcasePanel
width: 500
baseModel: ctrlEmptyModel.checked ? null : collectiblesModel
LogsAndControlsPanel {
id: logsAndControlsPanel
SplitView.minimumWidth: 150
SplitView.preferredWidth: 250
logsView.logText: logs.logText
ColumnLayout {
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "Dirty: %1".arg(showcasePanel.dirty ? "true" : "false")
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "Has saved settings: %1".arg(showcasePanel.hasSettings ? "true" : "false")
Button {
text: "Save"
onClicked: showcasePanel.saveSettings()
Button {
enabled: showcasePanel.dirty
text: "Revert"
onClicked: showcasePanel.revert()
Button {
enabled: false
text: "Random data (TODO)"
onClicked: {
Button {
enabled: showcasePanel.hasSettings
text: "Clear settings"
onClicked: showcasePanel.clearSettings()
Switch {
id: ctrlEmptyModel
text: "Empty model"
// category: Panels
// https://www.figma.com/file/idUoxN7OIW2Jpp3PMJ1Rl8/%E2%9A%99%EF%B8%8F-Settings-%7C-Desktop?type=design&node-id=19341-250476&mode=design&t=jR53lJ7aDzVHE4hZ-0
// https://www.figma.com/file/idUoxN7OIW2Jpp3PMJ1Rl8/%E2%9A%99%EF%B8%8F-Settings-%7C-Desktop?type=design&node-id=19655-204534&mode=design&t=jR53lJ7aDzVHE4hZ-0
// https://www.figma.com/file/idUoxN7OIW2Jpp3PMJ1Rl8/%E2%9A%99%EF%B8%8F-Settings-%7C-Desktop?type=design&node-id=19622-173583&mode=design&t=jR53lJ7aDzVHE4hZ-0
// https://www.figma.com/file/idUoxN7OIW2Jpp3PMJ1Rl8/%E2%9A%99%EF%B8%8F-Settings-%7C-Desktop?type=design&node-id=19622-179146&mode=design&t=jR53lJ7aDzVHE4hZ-0