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synced 2025-02-10 21:56:37 +00:00
This component renders a macos like notification and can be used in the notification settings for message previews.
41 lines
1.7 KiB
41 lines
1.7 KiB
pragma Singleton
import QtQuick 2.13
QtObject {
property QtObject fontMedium: FontLoader { id: _fontMedium; source: "../fonts/InterStatus/InterStatus-Medium.otf"; }
property QtObject fontBold: FontLoader { id: _fontBold; source: "../fonts/InterStatus/InterStatus-Bold.otf"; }
property QtObject fontLight: FontLoader { id: _fontLight; source: "../fonts/InterStatus/InterStatus-Light.otf"; }
property QtObject fontRegular: FontLoader { id: _fontRegular; source: "../fonts/InterStatus/InterStatus-Regular.otf"; }
readonly property color white: "#FFFFFF"
readonly property color white2: "#FCFCFC"
readonly property color black: "#000000"
readonly property color grey: "#EEF2F5"
readonly property color lightBlue: "#ECEFFC"
readonly property color cyan: "#00FFFF"
readonly property color blue: "#4360DF"
readonly property color transparent: "#00000000"
readonly property color darkGrey: "#939BA1"
readonly property color darkerGrey: "#717171"
readonly property color evenDarkerGrey: "#4C4C4C"
readonly property color lightBlueText: "#8f9fec"
readonly property color darkBlue: "#3c55c9"
readonly property color darkBlueBtn: "#5a70dd"
readonly property color red: "#FF2D55"
readonly property color lightRed: "#FFEAEE"
readonly property color green: "#4EBC60"
readonly property color turquoise: "#007b7d"
readonly property int xlPadding: 32
readonly property int bigPadding: 24
readonly property int padding: 16
readonly property int smallPadding: 10
readonly property int radius: 8
readonly property int leftTabPrefferedSize: 340
readonly property int leftTabMinimumWidth: 300
readonly property int leftTabMaximumWidth: 500