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# * \file test.feature
# *
# * \test Status Desktop - Community
# * \date July 2022
# **
# *****************************************************************************/
Feature: Status Desktop community
As an admin user I want to create a community and do some action in the community
The following scenarios cover basic flows of a community
The feature start sequence is the following (setup on its own `bdd_hooks`):
** given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key
** when user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00"
** and the user lands on the signed in app
Given the user opens the community portal section
And the user lands on the community portal section
And the user creates a community named "myCommunity", with description "My community description", intro "Community Intro" and outro "Community Outro"
And the user lands on the community named "myCommunity"
# TODO: Scenario broken since in the action of creating a channel `mainWindow_CommunityColumnView_CommunityColumnView` object is not ready.
Scenario Outline: The admin creates a community channel
When the admin creates a community channel named "<community_channel_name>", with description "<community_channel_description>", with the method "<method>"
Then the channel named "<community_channel_name>" is open
| community_channel_name | community_channel_description | method |
| test-channel | Community channel description tested 1 | bottom_menu |
| test-channel2 | Community channel description tested 2 | right_click_menu |
Scenario Outline: The admin edits a community channel
Given the admin creates a community channel named "<community_channel_name>", with description "<community_channel_description>", with the method "bottom_menu"
And the channel named "<community_channel_name>" is open
When the admin edits the current community channel to the name "<new_community_channel_name>"
Then the channel named "<new_community_channel_name>" is open
| community_channel_name | community_channel_description | new_community_channel_name |
| test-channel | Community channel description tested 1 | new-test-channel |
# TODO: Weak. Sometimes passes sometimes fails (standalone or as part of the sequence). To analyze.
Scenario: The admin deletes a community channel
Given the admin creates a community channel named "test-channel2", with description "My description", with the method "bottom_menu"
And the channel named "test-channel2" is open
And the channel count is 2
When the admin deletes current channel
Then the channel count is 1
# TODO: Weak. Sometimes passes sometimes fails (standalone or as part of the sequence). To analyze.
Scenario Outline: The admin creates a community category
Given the admin creates a community channel named "<channel_name>", with description "Some description", with the method "<method>"
When the admin creates a community category named "<category_name>", with channels "<channel_name>" and with the method "<method>"
Then the category named "<category_name>" contains channels "<channel_name>"
| channel_name | category_name | method |
| test-channel-1 | test-category-1 | bottom_menu |
| test-channel-2 | test-category-2 | right_click_menu |
# TODO: It works standalone. There is an issue with the background sequence. Community Portal is not clicked sometimes.
Scenario: The admin edits a community category
Given the admin creates a community channel named "test-channel", with description "My description", with the method "bottom_menu"
And the admin creates a community category named "test-category", with channels "test-channel" and with the method "bottom_menu"
And the category named "test-category" contains channels "test-channel"
When the admin renames the category "test-category" to "new-test-category" and toggles the channels "test-channel, general"
Then the category named "new-test-category" contains channels "general"
And the category named "test-category" is missing
# TODO: It works standalone. There is an issue with the background sequence. Community Portal is not clicked sometimes.
Scenario: The admin deletes a community category
Given the admin creates a community channel named "test-channel", with description "My description", with the method "bottom_menu"
And the admin creates a community category named "test-category", with channels "test-channel" and with the method "bottom_menu"
And the category named "test-category" contains channels "test-channel"
When the admin deletes category named "test-category"
Then the category named "test-category" is missing
Scenario Outline: The admin edits a community name, description and color separately
When the admin changes the community name to "<new_community_name>"
Then the community overview name is "<new_community_name>"
When the admin goes back to the community
And the admin changes the community description to "<new_community_description>"
Then the community overview description is "<new_community_description>"
When the admin goes back to the community
And the admin changes the community color to "<new_community_color>"
Then the community overview color is "<new_community_color>"
| new_community_name | new_community_description | new_community_color |
| myCommunityNamedChanged | Cool new description 123 | #ff0000 |
Scenario Outline: The admin edits a community name, description and color
When the admin renames the community to "<new_community_name>" and description to "<new_community_description>" and color to "<new_community_color>"
Then the community overview name is "<new_community_name>"
And the community overview description is "<new_community_description>"
And the community overview color is "<new_community_color>"
When the admin goes back to the community
Then the user lands on the community named "<new_community_name>"
| new_community_name | new_community_description | new_community_color |
| myCommunityNamedChanged | Cool new description 123 | #ff0000 |
Scenario Outline: The admin changes the emoji of a channel
When the admin changes the current community channel emoji to "<new_emoji_description>"
Then the community channel has emoji "<new_emoji>"
| new_emoji_description | new_emoji |
| thumbs up | 👍 |
# TODO: This scenario must be in a different feature since it does not accomplishe the start/en sequence and / or background
# Add new test case that contains scenarios related to create/delete and navigate throw communities and usage of navbar.
#Scenario: User leaves community
# When the user opens app settings screen
# And the user opens the communities settings
# And the user leaves the community
# Then the count of communities in navbar is 0