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synced 2025-03-02 23:41:18 +00:00
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218 lines
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import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import utils 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0 as SharedControls
import shared.stores 1.0
import shared.popups.send 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet 1.0
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils
import "../controls"
import "../views"
Item {
id: root
property var savedAddressesModel
property var myAccountsModel
property var recentRecipientsModel
readonly property bool recentRecipientsTabVisible: recipientTypeTabBar.currentIndex === 2 // Recent tab
// This should only pass a `key` role to identify the object but not necessary to pass the complete object structure
// TODO issue: #15492
signal recipientSelected(var recipient, int type)
signal recentRecipientsTabSelected
enum Type {
StatusTabBar {
id: recipientTypeTabBar
objectName: "recipientTypeTabBar"
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: parent.left
width: parent.width
StatusTabButton {
width: implicitWidth
objectName: "savedAddressesTab"
text: qsTr("Saved")
StatusTabButton {
width: implicitWidth
objectName: "myAccountsTab"
text: qsTr("My Accounts")
StatusTabButton {
width: implicitWidth
objectName: "recentAddressesTab"
text: qsTr("Recent")
// To-do adapt to new design and make block white/black once the list items etc support new color scheme
Rectangle {
anchors.top: recipientTypeTabBar.bottom
anchors.topMargin: -5
height: parent.height - recipientTypeTabBar.height
width: parent.width
color: Theme.palette.indirectColor1
radius: 8
StackLayout {
currentIndex: recipientTypeTabBar.currentIndex
anchors.fill: parent
StatusListView {
id: savedAddresses
objectName: "savedAddressesList"
model: root.savedAddressesModel
header: savedAddresses.count > 0 ? search : nothingInList
headerPositioning: ListView.OverlayHeader
delegate: SavedAddressListItem {
implicitWidth: ListView.view.width
modelData: model
visible: !savedAddresses.headerItem.text || name.toLowerCase().includes(savedAddresses.headerItem.text)
// This should only pass a `key` role to identify the saved addresses object but not necessary to pass the complete object structure
// TODO issue: #15492
onClicked: recipientSelected(modelData, Helpers.RecipientAddressObjectType.SavedAddress)
Component {
id: search
SearchBoxWithRightIcon {
width: parent.width
placeholderText: qsTr("Search for saved address")
z: 2
Component {
id: nothingInList
StatusBaseText {
width: savedAddresses.width
height: visible ? 56 : 0
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
text: qsTr("No Saved Address")
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
StatusListView {
id: myAccounts
objectName: "myAccountsList"
delegate: SharedControls.WalletAccountListItem {
required property var model
implicitWidth: ListView.view.width
name: model.name
address: model.address
emoji: model.emoji
walletColor: Utils.getColorForId(model.colorId)
currencyBalance: model.currencyBalance
walletType: model.walletType
migratedToKeycard: model.migratedToKeycard ?? false
accountBalance: model.accountBalance ?? null
chainShortNames: model.colorizedChainShortNames ?? ""
// This should only pass a `key` role to identify the accounts object but not necessary to pass the complete object structure
// TODO issue: #15492
onClicked: recipientSelected({name: model.name,
address: model.address,
color: model.color,
colorId: model.colorId,
emoji: model.emoji,
walletType: model.walletType,
currencyBalance: model.currencyBalance,
preferredSharingChainIds: model.preferredSharingChainIds,
migratedToKeycard: model.migratedToKeycard
model: root.myAccountsModel
StatusListView {
id: recents
objectName: "recentReceiversList"
header: StatusBaseText {
height: visible ? 56 : 0
width: recents.width
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
text: qsTr("No Recents")
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
visible: recents.count <= 0
delegate: StatusListItem {
id: listItem
property var entry: activityEntry
property bool isIncoming: entry.txType === Constants.TransactionType.Receive
implicitWidth: ListView.view.width
height: visible ? 64 : 0
title: isIncoming ? StatusQUtils.Utils.elideText(entry.sender,6,4) : StatusQUtils.Utils.elideText(entry.recipient,6,4)
subTitle: LocaleUtils.getTimeDifference(new Date(parseInt(entry.timestamp) * 1000), new Date())
statusListItemTitle.elide: Text.ElideMiddle
statusListItemTitle.wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
radius: 0
color: sensor.containsMouse || highlighted ? Theme.palette.baseColor2 : "transparent"
statusListItemComponentsSlot.spacing: 5
components: [
StatusIcon {
id: transferIcon
height: 15
width: 15
color: listItem.isIncoming ? Style.current.success : Style.current.danger
icon: listItem.isIncoming ? "arrow-down" : "arrow-up"
rotation: 45
StatusTextWithLoadingState {
font.pixelSize: 15
customColor: Theme.palette.directColor1
text: LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(entry.amountCurrency)
// This should only pass a `key` role to identify the recent activity object but not necessary to pass the complete object structure
// TODO issue: #15492
onClicked: recipientSelected(entry, Helpers.RecipientAddressObjectType.RecentsAddress)
model: root.recentRecipientsModel
onVisibleChanged: {
if (visible) {