
381 lines
13 KiB

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import utils 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0
Popup {
enum Category {
id: popup
property var gifSelected: function () {}
property var searchGif: Backpressure.debounce(searchBox, 500, function (query) {
// Not Refactored Yet
property var toggleCategory: function(newCategory) {
previousCategory = currentCategory
currentCategory = newCategory
searchBox.text = ""
// Not Refactored Yet
// if (currentCategory === StatusGifPopup.Category.Trending) {
// RootStore.chatsModelInst.gif.getTrendings()
// } else if(currentCategory === StatusGifPopup.Category.Favorite) {
// RootStore.chatsModelInst.gif.getFavorites()
// } else if(currentCategory === StatusGifPopup.Category.Recent) {
// RootStore.chatsModelInst.gif.getRecents()
// }
property var toggleFavorite: function(item) {
// RootStore.chatsModelInst.gif.toggleFavorite(, currentCategory === StatusGifPopup.Category.Favorite)
property alias searchString: searchBox.text
property int currentCategory: StatusGifPopup.Category.Trending
property int previousCategory: StatusGifPopup.Category.Trending
modal: false
width: 360
closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent
background: Rectangle {
radius: Style.current.radius
color: Style.current.background
border.color: Style.current.border
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: DropShadow{
verticalOffset: 3
radius: 8
samples: 15
fast: true
cached: true
color: "#22000000"
onOpened: {
searchBox.text = ""
if (RootStore.isTenorWarningAccepted) {
// RootStore.chatsModelInst.gif.getTrendings()
} else {
onClosed: {
popup.currentCategory = StatusGifPopup.Category.Trending
popup.previousCategory = StatusGifPopup.Category.Trending
if (confirmationPopup.opened) {
contentItem: ColumnLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 0
Item {
property int headerMargin: 8
id: gifHeader
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: searchBox.height + gifHeader.headerMargin
SearchBox {
id: searchBox
placeholderText: qsTr("Search Tenor")
enabled: RootStore.isTenorWarningAccepted
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: gifHeader.headerMargin
anchors.topMargin: gifHeader.headerMargin
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: gifHeader.headerMargin
Keys.onReleased: {
if (searchBox.text === "") {
if (popup.currentCategory !== StatusGifPopup.Category.Search) {
popup.previousCategory = popup.currentCategory
popup.currentCategory = StatusGifPopup.Category.Search
Qt.callLater(searchGif, searchBox.text);
StatusFlatRoundButton {
id: clearBtn
implicitWidth: 14
implicitHeight: 14
anchors.right: searchBox.right
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.verticalCenter: searchBox.verticalCenter "clear"
visible: searchBox.text !== ""
icon.width: 14
icon.height: 14
type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Tertiary
color: "transparent"
onClicked: toggleCategory(previousCategory)
StyledText {
id: headerText
text: {
if (currentCategory === StatusGifPopup.Category.Trending) {
return qsTr("TRENDING")
} else if(currentCategory === StatusGifPopup.Category.Favorite) {
return qsTr("FAVORITES")
} else if(currentCategory === StatusGifPopup.Category.Recent) {
return qsTr("RECENT")
return ""
visible: searchBox.text === ""
color: Style.current.secondaryText
font.pixelSize: 13
topPadding: gifHeader.headerMargin
leftPadding: gifHeader.headerMargin
Loader {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.rightMargin: Style.current.smallPadding / 2
Layout.leftMargin: Style.current.smallPadding / 2
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft
Layout.preferredHeight: {
const headerTextHeight = searchBox.text === "" ? headerText.height : 0
return 400 - gifHeader.height - headerTextHeight
// Not Refactored Yet
sourceComponent: empty
// sourceComponent: RootStore.chatsModelInst.gif.columnA.rowCount() == 0 ? empty : gifItems
Row {
id: categorySelector
Layout.fillWidth: true
leftPadding: Style.current.smallPadding / 2
rightPadding: Style.current.smallPadding / 2
spacing: 0
StatusTabBarIconButton { "flash"
highlighted: StatusGifPopup.Category.Trending === popup.currentCategory
onClicked: {
enabled: RootStore.isTenorWarningAccepted
StatusTabBarIconButton { "time"
highlighted: StatusGifPopup.Category.Recent === popup.currentCategory
onClicked: {
enabled: RootStore.isTenorWarningAccepted
StatusTabBarIconButton { "favourite"
highlighted: StatusGifPopup.Category.Favorite === popup.currentCategory
onClicked: {
enabled: RootStore.isTenorWarningAccepted
Popup {
id: confirmationPopup
modal: false
anchors.centerIn: parent
height: 290
width: 280
closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose
background: Rectangle {
radius: Style.current.radius
color: Style.current.background
border.color: Style.current.border
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: DropShadow{
verticalOffset: 3
radius: 8
samples: 15
fast: true
cached: true
color: "#22000000"
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 12
SVGImage {
id: gifImage
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
source: Style.svg(`gif-${}`)
StyledText {
id: title
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: qsTr("Enable Tenor GIFs?")
font.weight: Font.Medium
font.pixelSize: Style.current.primaryTextFontSize
StyledText {
id: headline
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: qsTr("Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor.")
width: parent.width
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
font.pixelSize: 13
color: Style.current.secondaryText
StatusButton {
id: removeBtn
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: qsTr("Enable")
onClicked: {
// Not Refactored Yet
// RootStore.chatsModelInst.gif.getTrendings()
Component {
id: empty
Rectangle {
height: parent.height
width: parent.width
color: Style.current.background
StyledText {
id: emptyText
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: {
if(currentCategory === StatusGifPopup.Category.Favorite) {
return qsTr("Favorite GIFs will appear here")
} else if(currentCategory === StatusGifPopup.Category.Recent) {
return qsTr("Recent GIFs will appear here")
return qsTr("Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry.")
font.pixelSize: 15
color: Style.current.secondaryText
StatusButton {
id: retryBtn emptyText.bottom
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: qsTr("Retry")
visible: currentCategory === StatusGifPopup.Category.Trending || currentCategory === StatusGifPopup.Category.Search
onClicked: {
if (searchBox.text === "") {
// Not Refactored Yet
// RootStore.chatsModelInst.gif.getTrendings()
Component {
id: gifItems
ScrollView {
id: scrollView
property ScrollBar vScrollBar: ScrollBar.vertical
clip: true
topPadding: Style.current.smallPadding
leftPadding: Style.current.smallPadding
rightPadding: Style.current.smallPadding
ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn
ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
Row {
id: gifs
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
spacing: Style.current.halfPadding
property string lastHoveredId
StatusGifColumn {
// Not Refactored Yet
// gifList.model: RootStore.chatsModelInst.gif.columnA
gifWidth: (popup.width / 3) - Style.current.padding
gifSelected: popup.gifSelected
toggleFavorite: popup.toggleFavorite
lastHoveredId: gifs.lastHoveredId
onGifHovered: {
gifs.lastHoveredId = id
StatusGifColumn {
// Not Refactored Yet
// gifList.model: RootStore.chatsModelInst.gif.columnB
gifWidth: (popup.width / 3) - Style.current.padding
gifSelected: popup.gifSelected
toggleFavorite: popup.toggleFavorite
lastHoveredId: gifs.lastHoveredId
onGifHovered: {
gifs.lastHoveredId = id
StatusGifColumn {
// Not Refactored Yet
// gifList.model: RootStore.chatsModelInst.gif.columnC
gifWidth: (popup.width / 3) - Style.current.padding
gifSelected: popup.gifSelected
toggleFavorite: popup.toggleFavorite
lastHoveredId: gifs.lastHoveredId
onGifHovered: {
gifs.lastHoveredId = id
Designer {