
56 lines
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include env_cli_vars
## Added a constant here cause it's easier to check the app how it behaves
## on other platform if we just change the value here
const IS_MACOS* = defined(macosx)
# For future supporting fingerprints on other platforms
# This is changed during compilation by reading the VERSION file
const DESKTOP_VERSION {.strdefine.} = "0.0.0"
const STATUSGO_VERSION* {.strdefine.} = "0.0.0"
# This is changed during compilation by executing git command
const GIT_COMMIT* {.strdefine.} = ""
const APP_VERSION* = if defined(production): DESKTOP_VERSION else: fmt("{GIT_COMMIT}")
const sep* = when defined(windows): "\\" else: "/"
# The following variables are set:
# - via CL arguments, if they are provided
# - otherwise via env variables, if they are provided
# - otherwise the default values are used
baseDir = absolutePath(expandTilde(desktopConfig.dataDir))
OPENURI* = desktopConfig.uri
DATADIR* = baseDir & sep
STATUSGODIR* = joinPath(baseDir, "data") & sep
ROOTKEYSTOREDIR* = joinPath(baseDir, "data", "keystore")
TMPDIR* = joinPath(baseDir, "tmp") & sep
LOGDIR* = joinPath(baseDir, "logs") & sep
KEYCARDPAIRINGDATAFILE* = joinPath(baseDir, "data", "keycard/pairings.json")
DEFAULT_TORRENT_CONFIG_DATADIR* = joinPath(baseDir, "data", "archivedata")
DEFAULT_TORRENT_CONFIG_TORRENTDIR* = joinPath(baseDir, "data", "torrents")
# runtime variables
TEST_MODE_ENABLED* = desktopConfig.testMode
WALLET_ENABLED* = desktopConfig.enableWallet
GANACHE_NETWORK_RPC_URL* = desktopConfig.genacheNetworkRpcUrl
TORRENT_CONFIG_PORT* = desktopConfig.defaultTorentConfigPort
WAKU_V2_PORT* = desktopConfig.defaultWakuV2Port
STATUS_PORT* = desktopConfig.statusPort
LOG_LEVEL* = desktopConfig.logLevel
# build variables
POKT_TOKEN_RESOLVED* = desktopConfig.poktToken
INFURA_TOKEN_RESOLVED* = desktopConfig.infuraToken
INFURA_TOKEN_SECRET_RESOLVED* = desktopConfig.infuraTokenSecret
ALCHEMY_ETHEREUM_MAINNET_TOKEN_RESOLVED* = desktopConfig.alchemyEthereumMainnetToken
ALCHEMY_ETHEREUM_GOERLI_TOKEN_RESOLVED* = desktopConfig.alchemyEthereumGoerliToken
ALCHEMY_ARBITRUM_MAINNET_TOKEN_RESOLVED* = desktopConfig.alchemyArbitrumMainnetToken
ALCHEMY_ARBITRUM_GOERLI_TOKEN_RESOLVED* = desktopConfig.alchemyArbitrumGoerliToken
ALCHEMY_OPTIMISM_MAINNET_TOKEN_RESOLVED* = desktopConfig.alchemyOptimismMainnetToken
ALCHEMY_OPTIMISM_GOERLI_TOKEN_RESOLVED* = desktopConfig.alchemyOptimismGoerliToken
OPENSEA_API_KEY_RESOLVED* = desktopConfig.openseaApiKey