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synced 2025-03-04 00:11:12 +00:00
186 lines
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186 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import AppLayouts.Profile.views 1.0
import mainui 1.0
import utils 1.0
import Storybook 1.0
import Models 1.0
SplitView {
id: root
Logs { id: logs }
orientation: Qt.Vertical
Popups {
popupParent: root
rootStore: QtObject {}
ListModel {
id: emptyModel
ListModel {
id: communitiesModel
id: "0x0001",
name: "I am 0wner!1!!",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
introMessage: "Welcome to ze club",
outroMessage: "Sad to see you go",
joined: true,
spectated: false,
memberRole: Constants.memberRole.owner,
isControlNode: true,
image: ModelsData.icons.dribble,
color: "yellow",
muted: false,
members: [ { pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" } ]
id: "0x0002",
name: "Test community 2",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat.",
introMessage: "Welcome to ze club",
outroMessage: "Sad to see you go",
joined: true,
spectated: false,
memberRole: Constants.memberRole.none,
isControlNode: false,
image: ModelsData.icons.status,
color: "peach",
muted: false,
members: [ { pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" }, { pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" }, { pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" } ]
id: "0x0003",
name: "Free to join",
introMessage: "Welcome to ze club",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat.",
outroMessage: "Sad to see you go",
joined: false,
spectated: true,
memberRole: Constants.memberRole.none,
isControlNode: false,
image: ModelsData.icons.coinbase,
color: "red",
muted: false,
members: [ { pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" } ]
id: "0x0004",
name: "Muted community",
introMessage: "Welcome to ze club",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
outroMessage: "Sad to see you go",
joined: true,
spectated: false,
memberRole: Constants.memberRole.none,
isControlNode: false,
image: "",
color: "whitesmoke",
muted: true,
members: []
id: "0x0005",
name: "Admin test community",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
introMessage: "Welcome to ze club",
outroMessage: "Sad to see you go",
joined: true,
spectated: false,
memberRole: Constants.memberRole.admin,
isControlNode: false,
image: ModelsData.icons.socks,
color: "green",
muted: false,
members: [{ pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" }, { pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" }, { pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" }, { pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" }]
id: "0x0006",
name: "Pending request here",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
introMessage: "Welcome to ze club",
outroMessage: "Sad to see you go",
joined: false,
spectated: true,
memberRole: Constants.memberRole.none,
isControlNode: false,
image: ModelsData.icons.spotify,
color: "pink",
muted: false,
members: [{ pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" }]
id: "0x0007",
name: "Token Master Club",
description: "Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi",
introMessage: "Welcome to ze club",
outroMessage: "Sad to see you go",
joined: true,
spectated: false,
memberRole: Constants.memberRole.tokenMaster,
image: ModelsData.icons.cryptPunks,
color: "lightslategrey",
muted: false,
members: [{ pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" }, { pubKey: "0xdeadbeef" }]
CommunitiesView {
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.preferredHeight: 400
contentWidth: 664
profileSectionStore: QtObject {
property var communitiesProfileModule: QtObject {
function setCommunityMuted(communityId, mutedType) {
logs.logEvent("profileSectionStore::communitiesProfileModule::setCommunityMuted", ["communityId", "mutedType"], arguments)
function leaveCommunity(communityId) {
logs.logEvent("profileSectionStore::communitiesProfileModule::leaveCommunity", ["communityId"], arguments)
property var communitiesList: ctrlEmptyView.checked ? emptyModel : communitiesModel
rootStore: QtObject {
function isCommunityRequestPending(communityId) {
return communityId === "0x0006"
function cancelPendingRequest(communityId) {
logs.logEvent("rootStore::cancelPendingRequest", ["communityId"], arguments)
function setActiveCommunity(communityId) {
logs.logEvent("rootStore::setActiveCommunity", ["communityId"], arguments)
LogsAndControlsPanel {
id: logsAndControlsPanel
SplitView.minimumHeight: 100
SplitView.preferredHeight: 200
logsView.logText: logs.logText
Switch {
id: ctrlEmptyView
text: "No communities"
// category: Views
// https://www.figma.com/file/idUoxN7OIW2Jpp3PMJ1Rl8/%E2%9A%99%EF%B8%8F-Settings-%7C-Desktop?type=design&node-id=16089-387522&t=HRT9BmZXnl7Lt55Q-0