Alex Jbanca 9629a145da feat: Update Community Overview header based on the new design
1. Update header layout and size
2. Add OverviewSettingsPanel in storybook

feat: Update Community Overview Header based on the new design

Removing squish tests related to the community identicon in the Overview page. The identicon is removed in the new designs
2023-07-08 11:56:33 +03:00

24 lines
1.6 KiB

# User flows that could be done (intiated) from Overview page, accessile by Open community - Manage button
Feature: Community -> Manage Community -> Overview page
Given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key
And the user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00"
And the user lands on the signed in app
And the user opens the community portal section
And the user lands on the community portal section
And the user creates a community named "Test-Community", with description "My community description", intro "Community Intro" and outro "Community Outro"
And the user lands on the community named "Test-Community"
Scenario Outline: Manage community -> Overview: community admin edits the community name, description and color
When the admin renames the community to "<new_community_name>" and description to "<new_community_description>" and color to "<new_community_color>"
Then the community overview name is "<new_community_name>"
And the community overview description is "<new_community_description>"
When the admin goes back to the community
Then the user lands on the community named "<new_community_name>"
| new_community_name | new_community_description | new_community_color |
| myCommunityNamedChanged | Cool new description 123 | #ff0000 |