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synced 2025-02-02 09:46:38 +00:00
- TLDR: we were scaling twice, resulting in ginourmous pixel values The long story: - since Qt treats the various scale factors in a multiplicative way (see https://www.qt.io/blog/2016/01/26/high-dpi-support-in-qt-5-6 for explanation) and there's no way to get the screen's baseline scale factor programatically, we also have to export `QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS` to something that's not equal to `0` or `1` to force the monitor scale factor to `100%` and then compensate for it when exporting our own scale value using `QT_SCALE_FACTOR` - make the UI slider values go in `25%` steps, allowing for more fine grained control; with `100%` we fallback to the Qt's native handling of highdpi - raised the maximum to `300%` since on highres displays, one wouldn't be able to go over the implicit maximum of `200%` (due to the internal scaling being 2x) - scale our main window's minimum width/height so that we don't overflow the monitor's available space - modernize the `ConfirmAppRestartModal` to use `StatusDialog` - use the new `Utils.restartApplication()` when changing the UI language as well - remove some dead code In the (very) long term, we should take a different approach of scaling our app independently of Qt, just taking the monitor `Screen.devicePixelRatio` into account, similar to what other apps like Telegram do Fixes #13484
430 lines
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430 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import Qt.labs.platform 1.1
import Qt.labs.settings 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtQml 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.15
import utils 1.0
import shared 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.popups 1.0
import mainui 1.0
import AppLayouts.Onboarding 1.0
import StatusQ 0.1 // Force import StatusQ plugin to load all StatusQ resources
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
StatusWindow {
property bool appIsReady: false
Universal.theme: Universal.System
id: applicationWindow
objectName: "mainWindow"
minimumWidth: 1200 / Screen.devicePixelRatio
minimumHeight: 680 / Screen.devicePixelRatio
color: Style.current.background
title: {
// Set application settings
Qt.application.name = "Status Desktop"
Qt.application.displayName = qsTr("Status Desktop")
Qt.application.organization = "Status"
Qt.application.domain = "status.im"
Qt.application.version = aboutModule.getCurrentVersion()
return Qt.application.displayName
visible: true
function restoreAppState() {
let geometry = localAppSettings.geometry;
let visibility = localAppSettings.visibility;
if (visibility !== Window.Windowed &&
visibility !== Window.Maximized &&
visibility !== Window.FullScreen) {
visibility = Window.Windowed;
if (geometry === undefined ||
// If the monitor setup of the user changed, it's possible that the old geometry now falls out of the monitor range
// In this case, we reset to the basic geometry
geometry.x > Screen.desktopAvailableWidth ||
geometry.y > Screen.desktopAvailableHeight ||
geometry.width > Screen.desktopAvailableWidth ||
geometry.height > Screen.desktopAvailableHeight)
let screen = Qt.application.screens[0];
geometry = Qt.rect(0,
Math.min(Screen.desktopAvailableWidth - 125, 1400),
Math.min(Screen.desktopAvailableHeight - 125, 840));
geometry.x = (screen.width - geometry.width) / 2;
geometry.y = (screen.height - geometry.height) / 2;
applicationWindow.visibility = visibility;
if (visibility === Window.Windowed) {
applicationWindow.x = geometry.x;
applicationWindow.y = geometry.y;
applicationWindow.width = Math.max(geometry.width, applicationWindow.minimumWidth)
applicationWindow.height = Math.max(geometry.height, applicationWindow.minimumHeight)
function storeAppState() {
if (!applicationWindow.appIsReady)
localAppSettings.visibility = applicationWindow.visibility;
if (applicationWindow.visibility === Window.Windowed) {
localAppSettings.geometry = Qt.rect(applicationWindow.x, applicationWindow.y,
applicationWindow.width, applicationWindow.height);
onXChanged: Qt.callLater(storeAppState)
onYChanged: Qt.callLater(storeAppState)
onWidthChanged: Qt.callLater(storeAppState)
onHeightChanged: Qt.callLater(storeAppState)
QtObject {
id: d
property int previousApplicationState: -1
property var mockedKeycardControllerWindow
function runMockedKeycardControllerWindow() {
if (localAppSettings.testEnvironment) {
if (!!d.mockedKeycardControllerWindow) {
console.info("running mocked keycard lib controller window")
var c = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/imports/shared/panels/MockedKeycardLibControllerWindow.qml");
if (c.status === Component.Ready) {
d.mockedKeycardControllerWindow = c.createObject(applicationWindow, {
"relatedModule": startupOnboarding.visible?
startupModule :
if (d.mockedKeycardControllerWindow) {
Action {
shortcut: StandardKey.FullScreen
onTriggered: {
if (applicationWindow.visibility === Window.FullScreen) {
} else {
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+M"
onTriggered: {
if (applicationWindow.visibility === Window.Minimized) {
} else {
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+W"
enabled: loader.item && !!loader.item.appLayout && loader.item.appLayout.appView ? loader.item.appLayout.appView.currentIndex === Constants.appViewStackIndex.browser
: true
onTriggered: {
applicationWindow.visible = false;
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+Q"
onTriggered: {
//TODO remove direct backend access
Connections {
id: windowsOsNotificationsConnection
enabled: Qt.platform.os === Constants.windows
target: Qt.platform.os === Constants.windows && typeof mainModule !== "undefined" ? mainModule : null
function onDisplayWindowsOsNotification(title, message) {
systemTray.showMessage(title, message)
//TODO remove direct backend access
Connections {
target: startupModule
function onStartUpUIRaised() {
applicationWindow.appIsReady = true;
function onAppStateChanged(state) {
if(state === Constants.appState.startup) {
// we're here only in case of error when we're returning from the app loading state
loader.sourceComponent = undefined
appLoadingAnimation.active = false
startupOnboarding.visible = true
else if(state === Constants.appState.appLoading) {
loader.sourceComponent = undefined
appLoadingAnimation.active = false
appLoadingAnimation.active = true
startupOnboarding.visible = false
else if(state === Constants.appState.main) {
// We set main module to the Global singleton once user is logged in and we move to the main app.
appLoadingAnimation.active = localAppSettings && localAppSettings.fakeLoadingScreenEnabled
appLoadingAnimation.runningProgressAnimation = localAppSettings && localAppSettings.fakeLoadingScreenEnabled
if (!appLoadingAnimation.runningProgressAnimation) {
Global.userProfile = userProfile
Global.appIsReady = true
loader.sourceComponent = app
if(localAccountSensitiveSettings.recentEmojis === "") {
localAccountSensitiveSettings.recentEmojis = [];
if (localAccountSensitiveSettings.hiddenCommunityWelcomeBanners === "") {
localAccountSensitiveSettings.hiddenCommunityWelcomeBanners = [];
if (localAccountSensitiveSettings.hiddenCommunityBackUpBanners === "") {
localAccountSensitiveSettings.hiddenCommunityBackUpBanners = [];
startupOnboarding.visible = false
Style.changeTheme(localAppSettings.theme, systemPalette.isCurrentSystemThemeDark())
} else if(state === Constants.appState.appEncryptionProcess) {
loader.sourceComponent = undefined
appLoadingAnimation.active = true
appLoadingAnimation.item.splashScreenText = qsTr("Database re-encryption in progress. Please do NOT close the app.\nThis may take up to 30 minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience.\n\n This process is a one time thing and is necessary for the proper functioning of the application.")
startupOnboarding.visible = false
//! Workaround for custom QQuickWindow
Connections {
target: applicationWindow
function onClosing(close) {
if (Qt.platform.os === Constants.mac) {
loader.sourceComponent = undefined
close.accepted = true
} else {
if (loader.sourceComponent != app) {
else if (loader.sourceComponent == app) {
if (localAccountSensitiveSettings.quitOnClose) {
} else {
applicationWindow.visible = false;
// On MacOS, explicitely restore the window on activating
Connections {
target: Qt.application
enabled: Qt.platform.os === Constants.mac
function onStateChanged() {
if (Qt.application.state == d.previousApplicationState
&& Qt.application.state == Qt.ApplicationActive) {
applicationWindow.visible = true
d.previousApplicationState = Qt.application.state
//TODO remove direct backend access
Connections {
target: singleInstance
function onSecondInstanceDetected() {
console.log("User attempted to run the second instance of the application")
// activating this instance to give user visual feedback
// The easiest way to get current system theme (is it light or dark) without using
// OS native methods is to check lightness (0 - 1.0) of the window color.
// If it's too high (0.85+) means light theme is an active.
SystemPalette {
id: systemPalette
function isCurrentSystemThemeDark() {
return window.hslLightness < 0.85
function changeThemeFromOutside() {
Style.changeTheme(startupOnboarding.visible ? Universal.System : localAppSettings.theme,
Component.onCompleted: {
Global.applicationWindow = this;
Style.changeTheme(Universal.System, systemPalette.isCurrentSystemThemeDark());
signal navigateTo(string path)
function makeStatusAppActive() {
SystemTrayIcon {
id: systemTray
visible: true
icon.source: {
if (production) {
if (Qt.platform.os == Constants.mac)
return "imports/assets/icons/status-logo-round-rect.svg"
return "imports/assets/icons/status-logo-circle.svg"
} else {
if (Qt.platform.os == Constants.mac)
return "imports/assets/icons/status-logo-dev-round-rect.svg"
return "imports/assets/icons/status-logo-dev-circle.svg"
onMessageClicked: {
if (Qt.platform.os === Constants.windows) {
menu: Menu {
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Open Status")
onTriggered: {
MenuSeparator {
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Quit")
onTriggered: Qt.quit()
onActivated: {
if (reason !== SystemTrayIcon.Context) {
Loader {
id: loader
anchors.fill: parent
asynchronous: true
opacity: active ? 1.0 : 0.0
visible: (opacity > 0.0001)
Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 120 }}
Component {
id: app
AppMain {
sysPalette: systemPalette
visible: !appLoadingAnimation.active
Loader {
id: appLoadingAnimation
objectName: "loadingAnimationLoader"
property bool runningProgressAnimation: false
anchors.fill: parent
active: false
sourceComponent: DidYouKnowSplashScreen {
objectName: "splashScreen"
NumberAnimation on progress { from: 0.0; to: 1; duration: 30000; running: runningProgressAnimation }
onProgressChanged: {
if (progress === 1) {
appLoadingAnimation.active = false
OnboardingLayout {
id: startupOnboarding
objectName: "startupOnboardingLayout"
anchors.fill: parent
MacTrafficLights { // FIXME should be a direct part of StatusAppNavBar
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.margins: 13
visible: Qt.platform.os === Constants.mac && !applicationWindow.isFullScreen
onClose: {
if (loader.sourceComponent != app) {
if (localAccountSensitiveSettings.quitOnClose) {
applicationWindow.visible = false;
onMinimised: {
onMaximized: {