
78 lines
3.9 KiB

import random
import string
import allure
import pytest
from allure_commons._allure import step
from . import marks
import constants
import driver
from constants.wallet import WalletAccountSettings, DerivationPath
from gui.components.signing_phrase_popup import SigningPhrasePopup
from gui.components.authenticate_popup import AuthenticatePopup
from gui.main_window import MainWindow
from gui.screens.settings_wallet import WalletSettingsView
pytestmark = marks
'Account view interactions: Delete generated account')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('user_account', [constants.user.user_with_random_attributes_1])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('account_name, color, emoji, emoji_unicode',
pytest.param(''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters +
string.digits, k=15)), '#2a4af5', 'sunglasses',
def test_delete_generated_account_from_wallet_settings(
main_screen: MainWindow, user_account, account_name: str, color: str, emoji: str, emoji_unicode: str):
with step('Open add account pop up from wallet settings'):
add_account_popup = \
with step('Add a new generated account from wallet settings screen'):
with step('Open account details view for the generated account'):
account_index = 1
acc_view = WalletSettingsView().open_account_in_settings(account_name, account_index)
with step('Verify details view for the generated account'):
assert acc_view.get_account_name_value() == account_name, \
f"Generated account name is incorrect, current name is {acc_view.get_account_name_value()}, expected {account_name}"
assert acc_view.get_account_address_value() is not None, \
f"Generated account address is not present"
assert acc_view.get_account_origin_value() == WalletAccountSettings.STATUS_ACCOUNT_ORIGIN.value, \
f"Status account origin label is incorrect"
assert acc_view.get_account_derivation_path_value() == DerivationPath.GENERATED_ACCOUNT_DERIVATION_PATH_1.value, \
f"Status account derivation path must be {DerivationPath.GENERATED_ACCOUNT_DERIVATION_PATH_1.value}"
assert acc_view.get_account_storage_value() == WalletAccountSettings.STORED_ON_DEVICE.value, \
f"Status account storage should be {WalletAccountSettings.STORED_ON_DEVICE.value}"
with step('Delete generated account'):
delete_confirmation_popup = acc_view.click_remove_account_button()
with step('Verify toast message notification when removing account'):
messages = main_screen.wait_for_notification()
assert f'"{account_name}" successfully removed' in messages, \
f"Toast message about account removal is not correct or not present. Current list of messages: {messages}"
with step('Verify the removed account is not displayed in accounts list on main wallet screen'):
wallet = main_screen.left_panel.open_wallet()
assert driver.waitFor(
lambda: account_name not in [ for account in wallet.left_panel.accounts], 10000), \
f'Account with {account_name} is still displayed even it should not be'