2022-02-01 11:39:45 +01:00

106 lines
2.3 KiB

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import QtWebEngine 1.9
import shared 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.status 1.0
import shared.popups 1.0
import utils 1.0
// TODO: replace with StatusPopupMenu
PopupMenu {
id: browserSettingsMenu
property bool isIncognito: false
signal addNewTab()
signal goIncognito(bool checked)
signal zoomIn()
signal zoomOut()
signal changeZoomFactor()
signal launchFindBar()
signal toggleCompatibilityMode(bool checked)
signal launchBrowserSettings()
closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent
Action {
//% "New Tab"
text: qsTrId("new-tab")
shortcut: StandardKey.AddTab
onTriggered: addNewTab()
Action {
id: offTheRecordEnabled
// TODO show an indicator on the browser or tab?
text: checked ?
//% "Exit Incognito mode"
qsTrId("exit-incognito-mode") :
//% "Go Incognito"
checkable: true
checked: isIncognito
onToggled: goIncognito(checked)
Separator {}
// TODO find a way to put both in one button
Action {
//% "Zoom In"
text: qsTrId("zoom-in")
shortcut: StandardKey.ZoomIn
onTriggered: zoomIn()
Action {
//% "Zoom Out"
text: qsTrId("zoom-out")
shortcut: StandardKey.ZoomOut
onTriggered: zoomOut()
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+0"
onTriggered: changeZoomFactor()
Separator {}
Action {
//% "Find"
text: qsTrId("find")
shortcut: StandardKey.Find
onTriggered: launchFindBar()
Action {
//% "Compatibility mode"
text: qsTrId("compatibility-mode")
checkable: true
checked: true
onToggled: toggleCompatibilityMode(checked)
Action {
//% "Developer Tools"
text: qsTrId("developer-tools")
shortcut: "F12"
onTriggered: {
localAccountSensitiveSettings.devToolsEnabled = !localAccountSensitiveSettings.devToolsEnabled
Separator {}
Action {
//% "Settings"
text: qsTrId("settings")
shortcut: "Ctrl+,"
onTriggered: launchBrowserSettings()