107 lines
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107 lines
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import QtQml 2.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
* Basic building block for storing temporary state in the "Profile Showcase"
* functionality. Allows to store on the UI side the temporary position and
* visibility level. Can store temporary state for Communities, Accounts,
* Collectibles and Assets.
WritableProxyModel {
id: root
/* Provides the list of objects representing the current state in the
* in the following format:
* [ {
* key: <string or integer>
* position: <integer>
* visibility: <integer>
* }
* ]
* The entries with visibility 0 (hidden) are not included in the list.
function currentState() {
const visible = d.getVisibleEntries()
const minPos = Math.min(...visible.map(e => e.position))
return visible.map(e => { e.position -= minPos; return e })
/* Sets the visibility of the given item. If the element was hidden, it is
* positioned last.
function setVisibility(key, visibility) {
const sourceIdx = d.indexByKey(key)
const oldVisibility = d.getVisibility(sourceIdx)
if (oldVisibility === visibility)
// hiding, changing visibility level
if (visibility === 0 || (visibility > 0 && oldVisibility > 0)) {
set(sourceIdx, { visibility: visibility })
// unhiding
const positions = d.getVisibleEntries().map(e => e.position)
const position = Math.max(-1, ...positions) + 1
set(sourceIdx, { visibility, position })
/* Sets the position of the item. The "to" parameter is expected to be
* a target index in the list and must be in range [0; count - 1].
function changePosition(key, to) {
const visible = d.getVisibleEntries()
visible.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position)
const idx = visible.findIndex(item => item.key === key)
if (idx === -1) {
console.warn(`Entry with key ${key} not found`)
const count = visible.length
if (to < 0 || to >= count) {
console.warn(`Destination position out of range: ${to}`)
// swap
[visible[idx], visible[to]] = [visible[to], visible[idx]]
visible.forEach((e, i) => {
if (e.position === i)
const idx = d.indexByKey(e.key)
set(idx, { position: i })
readonly property QtObject d_: QtObject {
id: d
function indexByKey(key) {
return ModelUtils.indexOf(root, "key", key)
function getVisibleEntries() {
const roles = ["key", "position", "visibility"]
const keysAndPos = ModelUtils.modelToArray(root, roles)
return keysAndPos.filter(p => p.visibility)
function getVisibility(idx) {
return ModelUtils.get(root, idx, "visibility") || 0