mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 12:08:53 +00:00
189 lines
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189 lines
6.5 KiB
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import utils 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0
import shared 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.popups 1.0
import shared.panels.chat 1.0
import shared.controls.chat 1.0
import "../controls"
import "../panels"
Item {
id: root
width: parent.width
height: childrenRect.height + dateGroupLbl.anchors.topMargin
property var store
property int previousNotificationIndex
property int previousNotificationTimestamp
property bool hideReadNotifications: false
property bool acCurrentActivityCategoryAll: false
StatusDateGroupLabel {
id: dateGroupLbl
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding
height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0
visible: text !== ""
previousMessageIndex: root.previousNotificationIndex
previousMessageTimestamp: root.previousNotificationTimestamp
messageTimestamp: model.timestamp
Rectangle {
id: groupRequestContent
property int timestamp: model.timestamp
visible: {
if (hideReadNotifications && model.read) {
return false
return acCurrentActivityCategoryAll;
width: parent.width
height: visible ? 60 : 0
anchors.top: dateGroupLbl.bottom
anchors.topMargin: dateGroupLbl.visible ? 4 : 0
color: model.read ? Style.current.transparent : Utils.setColorAlpha(Style.current.blue, 0.1)
StatusSmartIdenticon {
id: channelIdenticon
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
name: model.name
asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor5
Item {
id: nameItem
width: childrenRect.width
height: chatName.name
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
// TODO fix anchoring to center when there is no author
// anchors.top: inviteText.visible ? parent.top: undefined
// anchors.topMargin: inviteText.visible ? Style.current.halfPadding : 0
// anchors.verticalCenter: inviteText.visible ? undefined : parent.verticalCenter
anchors.left: channelIdenticon.right
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
SVGImage {
id: groupImage
width: 16
height: 16
anchors.verticalCenter: chatName.verticalCenter
anchors.left: parent.left
source: Style.svg("channel-icon-group")
ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: parent
source: parent
color: chatName.color
StyledText {
id: chatName
text: model.name
anchors.left: groupImage.right
anchors.leftMargin: 4
font.pixelSize: 15
font.weight: Font.Medium
ChatTimePanel {
anchors.verticalCenter: chatName.verticalCenter
anchors.left: chatName.right
anchors.leftMargin: 4
font.pixelSize: 10
visible: true
color: Style.current.secondaryText
//timestamp: root.timestamp
function openProfile() {
StyledTextEdit {
id: inviteText
visible: !!model.author
// Not Refactored Yet
// text: {
// if (!visible) {
// return ""
// }
// let name = root.store.chatsModelInst.userNameOrAlias(model.author)
// if (name.length > 20) {
// name = name.substring(0, 9) + "..." + name.substring(name.length - 10)
// }
// return qsTr("%1 invited you to join the group")
// .arg(`<style type="text/css">`+
// `a {`+
// `color: ${Style.current.primary};`+
// `text-decoration: none;` +
// `}`+
// `</style>`+
// `<a href="#">${name}</a>`)
// }
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
anchors.left: nameItem.left
anchors.right: buttons.left
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
clip: true
font.pixelSize: 15
font.weight: Font.Medium
readOnly: true
selectByMouse: true
textFormat: Text.RichText
onLinkActivated: groupRequestContent.openProfile()
onLinkHovered: {
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel {
id: buttons
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
onAcceptClicked: root.store.activityCenterModuleInst.acceptActivityCenterNotification(model.id)
onDeclineClicked: root.store.activityCenterModuleInst.dismissActivityCenterNotification(model.id)
onProfileClicked: groupRequestContent.openProfile()
onBlockClicked: {
// Not Refactored Yet
// const pk = model.author
// blockContactConfirmationDialog.contactName = root.store.chatsModelInst.userNameOrAlias(pk)
// blockContactConfirmationDialog.contactAddress = pk
// blockContactConfirmationDialog.open()
BlockContactConfirmationDialog {
id: blockContactConfirmationDialog
onBlockButtonClicked: {
// Not Refactored Yet
// root.store.profileModuleInst.blockContact(blockContactConfirmationDialog.contactAddress)