mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 14:16:43 +00:00
- This commit temporarily disables the MaxAmount button in the `SwapInputPanel` and `SendModal` components. - The MaxAmount button will be reintroduced with the correct behavior in issue #15709 for the 2.31 release. closes: #15710
293 lines
11 KiB
293 lines
11 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Shapes 1.15
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import AppLayouts.Wallet 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.adaptors 1.0
import shared.popups.send.views 1.0
import utils 1.0
import shared.stores 1.0
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
Control {
id: root
// input API
required property CurrenciesStore currencyStore
required property var flatNetworksModel
required property var processedAssetsModel
property var plainTokensBySymbolModel // optional all tokens model, no balances
property int selectedNetworkChainId: -1
property string selectedAccountAddress
property string nonInteractiveTokensKey
property string tokenKey
onTokenKeyChanged: Qt.callLater(reevaluateSelectedId)
property string tokenAmount
onTokenAmountChanged: Qt.callLater(d.updateInputText)
property int swapSide: SwapInputPanel.SwapSide.Pay
property bool fiatInputInteractive
property bool mainInputLoading
property bool bottomTextLoading
property bool interactive: true
function reevaluateSelectedId() {
d.selectedHolding = SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(holdingSelector.model, "tokensKey", holdingSelector.currentTokensKey)
// output API
readonly property string selectedHoldingId: holdingSelector.currentTokensKey
readonly property double value: amountToSendInput.cryptoValueToSendFloat
readonly property string rawValue: amountToSendInput.cryptoValueToSend
readonly property int rawValueMultiplierIndex: amountToSendInput.multiplierIndex
readonly property bool valueValid: amountToSendInput.inputNumberValid
readonly property bool amountEnteredGreaterThanBalance: value > maxSendButton.maxSafeValue
// visual properties
property int swapExchangeButtonWidth: 44
property string caption: swapSide === SwapInputPanel.SwapSide.Pay ? qsTr("Pay") : qsTr("Receive")
function forceActiveFocus() {
enum SwapSide {
Pay = 0,
Receive = 1
padding: Style.current.padding
// by design
implicitWidth: 492
implicitHeight: 131
QtObject {
id: d
property var selectedHolding: SQUtils.ModelUtils.getByKey(holdingSelector.model, "tokensKey", holdingSelector.currentTokensKey)
readonly property bool isSelectedHoldingValidAsset: !!selectedHolding
readonly property double maxFiatBalance: isSelectedHoldingValidAsset && !!selectedHolding.currencyBalance ? selectedHolding.currencyBalance : 0
readonly property double maxCryptoBalance: isSelectedHoldingValidAsset && !!selectedHolding.currentBalance ? selectedHolding.currentBalance : 0
readonly property double maxInputBalance: amountToSendInput.inputIsFiat ? maxFiatBalance : maxCryptoBalance
readonly property string inputSymbol: amountToSendInput.inputIsFiat ? root.currencyStore.currentCurrency
: (!!selectedHolding ? selectedHolding.symbol : "")
readonly property var adaptor: TokenSelectorViewAdaptor {
assetsModel: root.processedAssetsModel
plainTokensBySymbolModel: root.plainTokensBySymbolModel
flatNetworksModel: root.flatNetworksModel
currentCurrency: root.currencyStore.currentCurrency
showAllTokens: true
enabledChainIds: root.selectedNetworkChainId !== -1 ? [root.selectedNetworkChainId] : []
accountAddress: root.selectedAccountAddress
searchString: holdingSelector.searchString
function updateInputText() {
if (!tokenAmount) {
let amountToSet = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString(tokenAmount).toFixed().replace('.', LocaleUtils.userInputLocale.decimalPoint)
/* When deleting characters after a decimal point
eg: 0.000001 being deleted we have 0.00000 and it should not be updated to 0
and thats why we compare with toFixed()
also when deleting a numbers last digit, we should not update the text to 0
instead it should remain empty as entered by the user*/
if (SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString(amountToSendInput.input.text).toFixed() !== amountToSet &&
!(amountToSet === "0" && !amountToSendInput.input.text)) {
amountToSendInput.input.text = amountToSet
/* TODO: remove after https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/issues/15604 is
implemented as this is hack to set token values correctly when model is reset */
Connections {
target: holdingSelector.model
function onRowsInserted() {
if(!!tokenKey) {
background: Shape {
id: shape
property int radius: Style.current.radius
property int leftTopRadius: radius
property int rightTopRadius: radius
property int leftBottomRadius: radius
property int rightBottomRadius: radius
readonly property int cutoutGap: 4
scale: swapSide === SwapInputPanel.SwapSide.Pay ? -1 : 1
ShapePath {
id: path
fillColor: Theme.palette.indirectColor3
strokeColor: amountToSendInput.input.input.edit.activeFocus ? Theme.palette.directColor7 : Theme.palette.directColor8
strokeWidth: 1
capStyle: ShapePath.RoundCap
startX: shape.leftTopRadius
startY: 0
PathLine {
x: shape.width/2 - root.swapExchangeButtonWidth/2 - (shape.cutoutGap/2 + path.strokeWidth)
y: 0
PathArc { // the cutout
relativeX: root.swapExchangeButtonWidth + (shape.cutoutGap + path.strokeWidth*2)
direction: PathArc.Counterclockwise
radiusX: root.swapExchangeButtonWidth/2 + path.strokeWidth
radiusY: root.swapExchangeButtonWidth/2 - path.strokeWidth/2
PathLine {
x: shape.width - shape.rightTopRadius
y: 0
PathArc {
x: shape.width
y: shape.rightTopRadius
radiusX: shape.rightTopRadius
radiusY: shape.rightTopRadius
PathLine {
x: shape.width
y: shape.height - shape.rightBottomRadius
PathArc {
x: shape.width - shape.rightBottomRadius
y: shape.height
radiusX: shape.rightBottomRadius
radiusY: shape.rightBottomRadius
PathLine {
x: shape.leftBottomRadius
y: shape.height
PathArc {
x: 0
y: shape.height - shape.leftBottomRadius
radiusX: shape.leftBottomRadius
radiusY: shape.leftBottomRadius
PathLine {
x: 0
y: shape.leftTopRadius
PathArc {
x: shape.leftTopRadius
y: 0
radiusX: shape.leftTopRadius
radiusY: shape.leftTopRadius
contentItem: RowLayout {
spacing: 20
ColumnLayout {
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width*.66
Layout.fillHeight: true
AmountToSend {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: amountToSendInput
objectName: "amountToSendInput"
caption: root.caption
interactive: root.interactive
selectedHolding: d.selectedHolding // FIXME shouldn't be necesary to pass the whole object
fiatInputInteractive: root.fiatInputInteractive
input.input.edit.color: !input.valid ? Theme.palette.dangerColor1 : maxSendButton.hovered ? Theme.palette.baseColor1
: Theme.palette.directColor1
multiplierIndex: d.selectedHolding && d.selectedHolding.decimals ? d.selectedHolding.decimals : 0
maxInputBalance: (root.swapSide === SwapInputPanel.SwapSide.Receive || !d.isSelectedHoldingValidAsset) ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
: maxSendButton.maxSafeValue
currentCurrency: root.currencyStore.currentCurrency
formatCurrencyAmount: root.currencyStore.formatCurrencyAmount
mainInputLoading: root.mainInputLoading
bottomTextLoading: root.bottomTextLoading
ColumnLayout {
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width*.33
Item { Layout.fillHeight: true }
TokenSelector {
id: holdingSelector
objectName: "holdingSelector"
Layout.rightMargin: d.isSelectedHoldingValidAsset ? -root.padding : 0
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
model: d.adaptor.outputAssetsModel
nonInteractiveDelegateKey: root.nonInteractiveTokensKey
onActivated: if (root.interactive) amountToSendInput.input.forceActiveFocus()
Item { Layout.fillHeight: !maxSendButton.visible }
MaxSendButton {
id: maxSendButton
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width
objectName: "maxTagButton"
readonly property double maxSafeValue: WalletUtils.calculateMaxSafeSendAmount(
d.maxInputBalance, d.inputSymbol)
readonly property string maxSafeValueAsString: maxSafeValue.toLocaleString(
LocaleUtils.userInputLocale, 'f', -128)
markAsInvalid: (!amountToSendInput.input.valid && !!amountToSendInput.input.text)
|| d.maxInputBalance === 0
d.maxInputBalance === 0 ? LocaleUtils.userInputLocale.zeroDigit
: root.currencyStore.formatCurrencyAmount(
maxSafeValue, d.inputSymbol,
{ noSymbol: !amountToSendInput.inputIsFiat })
visible: d.isSelectedHoldingValidAsset && root.swapSide === SwapInputPanel.SwapSide.Pay
// FIXME: This should be enabled after #15709 is resolved
enabled: false
onClicked: {
if (maxSafeValue)
amountToSendInput.input.text = maxSafeValueAsString