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synced 2025-01-10 22:36:24 +00:00
Qml code referring to the old code base commented out, but not deleted, due to easier refactoring the rest of the app.
231 lines
8.4 KiB
231 lines
8.4 KiB
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import utils 1.0
QtObject {
id: root
property CollectiblesStore collectiblesStore: CollectiblesStore { }
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var walletModelInst: walletModel
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var walletModelV2Inst: walletV2Model
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var profileModelInst: profileModel
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var chatsModelInst: chatsModel
// This should be exposed to the UI via "walletModule", WalletModule should use
// Accounts Service which keeps the info about that (isFirstTimeAccountLogin).
// Then in the View of WalletModule we may have either QtProperty or
// Q_INVOKABLE function (proc marked as slot) depends on logic/need.
// The only need for onboardingModel here is actually to check if an account
// has been just created or an old one.
// property var onboardingModelInst: onboardingModel
property int selectedAccount: 0
function getSavedAddressErrorText(savedAddresses, error) {
switch (error) {
case savedAddresses.Error.CreateSavedAddressError:
return qsTr("Error creating new saved address, please try again later.");
case savedAddresses.Error.DeleteSavedAddressError:
return qsTr("Error deleting saved address, please try again later.");
case savedAddresses.Error.ReadSavedAddressesError:
return qsTr("Error getting saved addresses, please try again later.");
case savedAddresses.Error.UpdateSavedAddressError:
return qsTr("Error updating saved address, please try again later.");
default: return "";
function copyText(text) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// root.chatsModelInst.copyToClipboard(text);
function changeSelectedAccount(newIndex) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// if (newIndex > root.walletModelV2Inst.accountsView.accounts) {
// return;
// }
// root.selectedAccount = newIndex;
// root.walletModelV2Inst.setCurrentAccountByIndex(newIndex);
function afterAddAccount() {
// Not Refactored Yet
// changeSelectedAccount(walletModelInst.accountsView.accounts.rowCount() - 1);
function getCollectionMaxValue(traitType, value, maxValue, collectionIndex) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// if(maxValue !== "")
// return parseInt(value) + qsTr(" of ") + maxValue;
// else
// return parseInt(value) + qsTr(" of ") +
// walletModelV2Inst.collectiblesView.collections.getCollectionTraitMaxValue(collectionIndex, traitType).toString();
property bool seedPhraseInserted: false
property bool isSeedCountValid: false
property bool loadingAccounts: false
function seedPhraseNotFound(text) {
// Read above, same story, `validateMnemonic` is method of AccountService
// in wallet section we need to deal with it via walletModule, not anything
// related to onboarding.
// var seedValidationError = root.onboardingModelInst.validateMnemonic(text);
// var regex = new RegExp('word [a-z]+ not found in the dictionary', 'i');
// return regex.test(seedValidationError);
return ""
function validateAddAccountPopup(text, model, keyOrSeedValid, accountNameValid) {
if (root.isSeedCountValid && !root.seedPhraseNotFound(text)) {
var validCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) {
if (!!model.itemAtIndex(i) && model.itemAtIndex(i).nameInputValid) {
return (root.isSeedCountValid && !root.seedPhraseNotFound(text)) ? (validCount === model.count) :
(keyOrSeedValid && accountNameValid);
function validateTextInput(text) {
root.seedPhraseInserted = text.includes(" ");
var errorMessage;
root.isSeedCountValid = (!!text && (text.match(/(\w+)/g).length === 12));
if (text === "") {
errorMessage = qsTr("You need to enter a valid private key or seed phrase");
} else {
if (!root.seedPhraseInserted) {
errorMessage = !Utils.isPrivateKey(text) ?
qsTrId("enter-a-valid-private-key-(64-characters-hexadecimal-string)") : "";
} else {
if (!root.isSeedCountValid) {
errorMessage = qsTrId("enter-a-valid-mnemonic");
} else if (root.seedPhraseNotFound(text)) {
errorMessage = qsTrId("custom-seed-phrase") + '. ' + qsTrId("custom-seed-phrase-text-1");
} else {
errorMessage = "";
return errorMessage;
function addAccount(text, model, keyOrSeedValid, accountNameInput) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// root.loadingAccounts = true;
// if (!root.validateAddAccountPopup(text, model, keyOrSeedValid, accountNameInput.nameInputValid)) {
// Global.playErrorSound();
// root.loadingAccounts = false;
// } else {
// //TODO account color to be verified with design
// var result;
// if (root.isSeedCountValid && !root.seedPhraseNotFound(text)) {
// for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) {
// //TODO add authorization process when Authorization moadl is ready
// if (!!model.itemAtIndex(i)) {
// result = root.walletModelInst.accountsView.addAccountsFromSeed(model.itemAtIndex(i).accountAddress, "qwqwqw", model.itemAtIndex(i).accountName, "")
// }
// }
// } else {
// result = root.walletModelInst.accountsView.addAccountsFromPrivateKey(text, "qwqwqw", accountNameInput.text, "");
// }
// root.loadingAccounts = false;
// if (result) {
// let resultJson = JSON.parse(result);
// if (!Utils.isInvalidPasswordMessage(resultJson.error)) {
// accountError.text = resultJson.error;
// accountError.open();
// }
// Global.playErrorSound();
// return;
// }
// }
property MessageDialog accountError: MessageDialog {
id: accountError
title: qsTr("Adding the account failed")
icon: StandardIcon.Critical
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok
function deleteAccount(address) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// walletModelInst.accountsView.deleteAccount(address);
property ListModel exampleWalletModel: ListModel {
id: exampleWalletModel
ListElement {
name: "Status account"
address: "0xcfc9f08bbcbcb80760e8cb9a3c1232d19662fc6f"
isFavorite: false
ListElement {
name: "Test account 1"
address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba"
isFavorite: false
ListElement {
name: "Status account 2"
address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba"
isFavorite: true
ListElement {
name: "Status account"
address: "0xcfc9f08bbcbcb80760e8cb9a3c1232d19662fc6f"
isFavorite: false
ListElement {
name: "Test account 1"
address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba"
isFavorite: false
ListElement {
name: "Status account 2"
address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba"
isFavorite: true
ListElement {
name: "Status account"
address: "0xcfc9f08bbcbcb80760e8cb9a3c1232d19662fc6f"
isFavorite: false
ListElement {
name: "Test account 1"
address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba"
isFavorite: false
ListElement {
name: "Status account 2"
address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba"
isFavorite: true
ListElement {
name: "Status account"
address: "0xcfc9f08bbcbcb80760e8cb9a3c1232d19662fc6f"
isFavorite: false
ListElement {
name: "Test account 1"
address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba"
isFavorite: false
ListElement {
name: "Status account 2"
address: "0x2Ef1...E0Ba"
isFavorite: true