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synced 2025-03-03 16:00:50 +00:00
Iterates #16043 * fix(admin): improve admin panel loading by putting sections in loaders * fix(admin): speed up members tab by using nim model and real search * fix(admin): speed up airdrop panel * fix(admin): mint panel and airdrop panel interactions and previous btn * fix(admin): speed up overview page * fix(admin): speed up permissions page
154 lines
5.7 KiB
154 lines
5.7 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import AppLayouts.Communities.controls 1.0
import AppLayouts.Communities.layouts 1.0
import AppLayouts.Communities.views 1.0
import AppLayouts.Communities.helpers 1.0
import utils 1.0
StackView {
id: root
// id, name, image, color, owner properties expected
required property var communityDetails
// User profiles
required property bool isOwner
required property bool isTokenMasterOwner
required property bool isAdmin
readonly property bool isPrivilegedTokenOwnerProfile: root.isOwner || root.isTokenMasterOwner
// Owner and TMaster token related properties:
readonly property bool arePrivilegedTokensDeployed: root.isOwnerTokenDeployed && root.isTMasterTokenDeployed
property bool isOwnerTokenDeployed: false
property bool isTMasterTokenDeployed: false
// Token models:
required property var assetsModel
required property var collectiblesModel
required property var membersModel
required property var accountsModel
required property string enabledChainIds
property int viewWidth: 560 // by design
property string previousPageName: depth > 1 ? qsTr("Airdrops") : ""
signal airdropClicked(var airdropTokens, var addresses, string feeAccountAddress)
signal navigateToMintTokenSettings(bool isAssetType)
signal registerAirdropFeeSubscriber(var feeSubscriber)
signal enableNetwork(int chainId)
function navigateBack() {
function selectToken(key, amount, type) {
if (depth > 1)
root.push(newAirdropView, StackView.Immediate)
d.selectToken(key, amount, type)
function addAddresses(addresses) {
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property bool isAdminOnly: root.isAdmin && !root.isPrivilegedTokenOwnerProfile
property AirdropFeesSubscriber aidropFeeSubscriber: null
signal selectToken(string key, string amount, int type)
signal addAddresses(var addresses)
initialItem: SettingsPage {
implicitWidth: 0
title: qsTr("Airdrops")
buttons: [
StatusButton {
objectName: "addNewItemButton"
text: qsTr("New Airdrop")
enabled: !d.isAdminOnly && root.arePrivilegedTokensDeployed
onClicked: root.push(newAirdropView, StackView.Immediate)
contentItem: WelcomeSettingsView {
viewWidth: root.viewWidth
image: Style.png("community/airdrops8_1")
title: qsTr("Airdrop community tokens")
subtitle: qsTr("You can mint custom tokens and collectibles for your community")
checkersModel: [
qsTr("Reward individual members with custom tokens for their contribution"),
qsTr("Incentivise joining, retention, moderation and desired behaviour"),
qsTr("Require holding a token or NFT to obtain exclusive membership rights")
infoBoxVisible: d.isAdminOnly || (root.isPrivilegedTokenOwnerProfile && !root.arePrivilegedTokensDeployed)
infoBoxTitle: qsTr("Get started")
infoBoxText: d.isAdminOnly ? qsTr("Token airdropping can only be performed by admins that hodl the Community’s TokenMaster token. If you would like this permission, contact the Community founder (they will need to mint the Community Owner token before they can airdrop this to you)."):
qsTr("In order to Mint, Import and Airdrop community tokens, you first need to mint your Owner token which will give you permissions to access the token management features for your community.")
buttonText: qsTr("Mint Owner token")
buttonVisible: root.isOwner
onClicked: root.navigateToMintTokenSettings(false)
Component {
id: newAirdropView
SettingsPage {
title: qsTr("New airdrop")
contentItem: EditAirdropView {
id: view
padding: 0
communityDetails: root.communityDetails
assetsModel: root.assetsModel
collectiblesModel: root.collectiblesModel
membersModel: root.membersModel
accountsModel: root.accountsModel
totalFeeText: feesSubscriber.totalFee
feeErrorText: feesSubscriber.feesError
feesPerSelectedContract: feesSubscriber.feesPerContract
feesAvailable: !!feesSubscriber.airdropFeesResponse
enabledChainIds: root.enabledChainIds
onEnableNetwork: root.enableNetwork(chainId)
onAirdropClicked: {
root.airdropClicked(airdropTokens, addresses, feeAccountAddress)
onNavigateToMintTokenSettings: root.navigateToMintTokenSettings(isAssetType)
Component.onCompleted: {
AirdropFeesSubscriber {
id: feesSubscriber
enabled: view.visible && view.showingFees
communityId: view.communityDetails.id
contractKeysAndAmounts: view.selectedContractKeysAndAmounts
addressesToAirdrop: view.selectedAddressesToAirdrop
feeAccountAddress: view.selectedFeeAccount
Component.onCompleted: root.registerAirdropFeeSubscriber(feesSubscriber)