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synced 2025-03-04 00:11:12 +00:00
- clear search on close (AssetSelectorCompact) - sectionProperty removed - highlighting fixed in TokenSelectorPanel - setCustom renamed to setSelection - test data moved into Component object
103 lines
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103 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
Two-tabs panel holding searchable lists of assets (single level) and
collectibles (two levels).
TabBar (assets, collectibles)
StackLayout (current index bound to tab bar's current index)
Assets List (assets part)
StackView (collectibles part)
Collectibles List (top level - groups by collection/community)
Collectibles List (nested level, on demand)
Control {
id: root
enum Tabs {
Assets = 0,
Collectibles = 1
/** Expected model structure: see SearchableAssetsPanel::model **/
property alias assetsModel: searchableAssetsPanel.model
/** Expected model structure: see SearchableCollectiblesPanel::model **/
property alias collectiblesModel: searchableCollectiblesPanel.model
// Index of the current tab, indexes correspond to the Tabs enum values.
property alias currentTab: tabBar.currentIndex
signal assetSelected(string key)
signal collectionSelected(string key)
signal collectibleSelected(string key)
property string highlightedKey: ""
contentItem: ColumnLayout {
StatusTabBar {
id: tabBar
objectName: "tokensTabBar"
Layout.fillWidth: true
visible: !!root.assetsModel && !!root.collectiblesModel
currentIndex: !!root.collectiblesModel && !root.assetsModel
? TokenSelectorPanel.Tabs.Collectibles
: TokenSelectorPanel.Tabs.Assets
StatusTabButton {
objectName: "assetsTab"
text: qsTr("Assets")
width: implicitWidth
visible: !!root.assetsModel
StatusTabButton {
objectName: "collectiblesTab"
text: qsTr("Collectibles")
width: implicitWidth
visible: !!root.collectiblesModel
SearchableAssetsPanel {
id: searchableAssetsPanel
visible: tabBar.currentIndex === TokenSelectorPanel.Tabs.Assets
&& !!root.assetsModel
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
highlightedKey: root.highlightedKey
onSelected: root.assetSelected(key)
SearchableCollectiblesPanel {
id: searchableCollectiblesPanel
visible: tabBar.currentIndex === TokenSelectorPanel.Tabs.Collectibles
&& !!root.collectiblesModel
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
highlightedKey: root.highlightedKey
onCollectibleSelected: root.collectibleSelected(key)
onCollectionSelected: root.collectionSelected(key)