mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 14:31:13 +00:00
- Added navigation between pages. - Added main layout and properties (some backend integration still pending). - Added holders model with mocked data. - Added mint tokens footer component. Closes #8734 and #8737
294 lines
12 KiB
294 lines
12 KiB
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import AppLayouts.Chat.layouts 1.0
import AppLayouts.Chat.views.communities 1.0
import utils 1.0
SettingsPageLayout {
id: root
property string communityId
property var tokensModel
property var communitiesStore
property var transactionStore
property int viewWidth: 560 // by design
function navigateBack() {
if (root.state === d.newCollectibleViewState) {
root.state = d.initialState
} else if (root.state === d.previewCollectibleViewState) {
root.state = d.newCollectibleViewState
} else if (root.state === d.collectibleViewState) {
root.state = d.mintedCollectibleViewState
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property string welcomeViewState: "WELCOME"
readonly property string newCollectibleViewState: "NEW_COLLECTIBLE"
readonly property string previewCollectibleViewState: "PREVIEW_COLLECTIBLE"
readonly property string mintedCollectibleViewState: "MINTED_COLLECTIBLE"
readonly property string collectibleViewState: "VIEW_COLLECTIBLE"
readonly property string welcomePageTitle: qsTr("Mint tokens")
readonly property string newCollectiblePageTitle: qsTr("Create new collectible")
readonly property string backButtonText: qsTr("Back")
readonly property string backTokensText: qsTr("Tokens")
property bool preview: false
readonly property string initialState: root.tokensModel.count > 0 ? d.mintedCollectibleViewState : d.welcomeViewState
QtObject {
id: collectibleItem
property int deployState
property url artworkSource
property string collectibleName
property string symbol
property string description
property string supplyText
property bool infiniteSupply: true
property bool transferable: true
property bool selfDestruct: true
property int chainId
property string chainName
property string chainIcon
function initialize() {
deployState = 1
artworkSource = ""
collectibleName = ""
symbol = ""
description = ""
supplyText = ""
infiniteSupply = true
transferable = true
selfDestruct = true
chainId = -1
chainName = ""
chainIcon = ""
// TO CHECK: Some backend properties are not working correctly
function loadData(model) {
deployState = model.deployState
collectibleName = model.name
description = model.description
supplyText = model.supply.toString()
infiniteSupply = model.infiniteSupply
transferable = model.transferable
chainName = communitiesStore.getChainName(model.chainId) // Backend NOT WORKING
chainIcon = communitiesStore.getChainIcon(model.chainId) // Backend NOT WORKING
artworkSource = model.tokenUri // Backend NOT WORKING
symbol = model.symbol // Backend NOT WORKING
selfDestruct = model.selfDestruct // Backend NOT WORKING
chainId = model.chainId // Backend NOT WORKING
state: d.initialState
states: [
State {
name: d.welcomeViewState
PropertyChanges {target: root; title: d.welcomePageTitle}
PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: ""}
PropertyChanges {target: root; content: welcomeView}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonVisible: true}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonText: qsTr("Create new token")}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerWidth: root.viewWidth}
State {
name: d.newCollectibleViewState
PropertyChanges {target: root; title: d.newCollectiblePageTitle}
PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: d.welcomePageTitle}
PropertyChanges {target: root; content: newCollectiblesView}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonVisible: false}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerWidth: 0}
State {
name: d.previewCollectibleViewState
PropertyChanges {target: root; title: collectibleItem.collectibleName}
PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: d.backButtonText}
PropertyChanges {target: root; content: collectibleView}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonVisible: false}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerWidth: 0}
PropertyChanges {target: d; preview: true}
State {
name: d.mintedCollectibleViewState
PropertyChanges {target: root; title: d.welcomePageTitle}
PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: ""}
PropertyChanges {target: root; content: mintedTokensView}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonVisible: true}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonText: qsTr("Create new token")}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerWidth: root.viewWidth}
PropertyChanges {target: d; preview: false}
State {
name: d.collectibleViewState
PropertyChanges {target: root; title: collectibleItem.collectibleName}
PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: d.backTokensText}
PropertyChanges {target: root; content: collectibleView}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonVisible: false}
PropertyChanges {target: root; headerWidth: 0}
PropertyChanges {target: root; footer: mintTokenFooter}
PropertyChanges {target: d; preview: false}
onHeaderButtonClicked: {
if(root.state === d.welcomeViewState || root.state === d.mintedCollectibleViewState) {
root.state = d.newCollectibleViewState
// Mint tokens possible view contents:
Component {
id: welcomeView
CommunityWelcomeSettingsView {
viewWidth: root.viewWidth
image: Style.png("community/mint2_1")
title: qsTr("Mint community tokens")
subtitle: qsTr("You can mint custom tokens and collectibles for your community")
checkersModel: [
qsTr("Reward individual members with custom tokens for their contribution"),
qsTr("Incentivise joining, retention, moderation and desired behaviour"),
qsTr("Monetise your community by selling exclusive tokens")
Component {
id: newCollectiblesView
CommunityNewCollectibleView {
anchors.fill: parent
store: root.communitiesStore
name: collectibleItem.collectibleName
artworkSource: collectibleItem.artworkSource
symbol: collectibleItem.symbol
description: collectibleItem.description
supplyText: collectibleItem.supplyText
infiniteSupply: collectibleItem.infiniteSupply
transferable: collectibleItem.transferable
selfDestruct: collectibleItem.selfDestruct
chainId: collectibleItem.chainId
chainName: collectibleItem.chainName
chainIcon: collectibleItem.chainIcon
onNameChanged: collectibleItem.collectibleName = name
onArtworkSourceChanged: collectibleItem.artworkSource = artworkSource
onSymbolChanged: collectibleItem.symbol = symbol
onDescriptionChanged: collectibleItem.description = description
onSupplyTextChanged: collectibleItem.supplyText = supplyText
onInfiniteSupplyChanged: collectibleItem.infiniteSupply = infiniteSupply
onTransferableChanged: collectibleItem.transferable = transferable
onSelfDestructChanged: collectibleItem.selfDestruct = selfDestruct
onChainIdChanged: collectibleItem.chainId = chainId
onChainNameChanged: collectibleItem.chainName = chainName
onChainIconChanged: collectibleItem.chainIcon = chainIcon
onPreviewClicked: root.state = d.previewCollectibleViewState
Component {
id: collectibleView
CommunityCollectibleView {
anchors.fill: parent
preview: d.preview
holdersModel: root.communitiesStore.holdersModel
deployState: collectibleItem.deployState
name: collectibleItem.collectibleName
artworkSource: collectibleItem.artworkSource
symbol: collectibleItem.symbol
description: collectibleItem.description
supplyText: collectibleItem.supplyText
infiniteSupply: collectibleItem.infiniteSupply
transferable: collectibleItem.transferable
selfDestruct: collectibleItem.selfDestruct
chainId: collectibleItem.chainId
chainName: collectibleItem.chainName
chainIcon: collectibleItem.chainIcon
onMintCollectible: {
root.transactionStore.currentAccount.address, /*TODO use address from SendModal*/
root.state = d.mintedCollectibleViewState
Component {
id: mintTokenFooter
MintTokensFooterPanel {
airdropEnabled: false
retailEnabled: false
remotelySelfDestructEnabled: false
burnEnabled: false
Component {
id: mintedTokensView
Item {
anchors.fill: parent
ColumnLayout {
id: backendChecker
width: parent.width
StatusBaseText {
text: qsTr("Collectibles")
font.pixelSize: Theme.primaryTextFontSize
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
// TODO: We can probably use some wallet components (i.e. CollectibleView.qml)
ListView {
Layout.preferredWidth: 560
Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height
model: root.tokensModel
delegate: StatusListItem {
width: parent.width
title: model.name + " - " + model.symbol
subTitle: model.description
titleAsideText: model.supply
label: model.deployState
onClicked: {
root.state = d.collectibleViewState