mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 01:58:52 +00:00
829 lines
31 KiB
829 lines
31 KiB
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtMultimedia 5.13
import Qt.labs.qmlmodels 1.0
import utils 1.0
import shared 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.popups 1.0
import shared.status 1.0
import "./AppLayouts"
import "./AppLayouts/Wallet"
import "./AppLayouts/WalletV2"
import "./AppLayouts/Chat/popups"
import "./AppLayouts/Chat/popups/community"
import "./AppLayouts/Profile/Sections"
import "./AppLayouts/stores"
import Qt.labs.platform 1.1
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Layout 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
Item {
id: appMain
anchors.fill: parent
property alias appLayout: appLayout
// set from main.qml
property var sysPalette
// Not Refactored Yet
property var newVersionJSON: "" //JSON.parse(utilsModel.newVersion)
property bool profilePopupOpened: false
// Not Refactored Yet
// property bool networkGuarded: profileModel.network.current === Constants.networkMainnet || (profileModel.network.current === Constants.networkRopsten && localAccountSensitiveSettings.stickersEnsRopsten)
property RootStore rootStore: RootStore { }
signal openContactsPopup()
Connections {
target: Global
onOpenLinkInBrowser: {
onOpenChooseBrowserPopup: {
Global.openPopup(chooseBrowserPopupComponent, {link: link});
onOpenPopupRequested: {
const popup = popupComponent.createObject(appMain, params);
return popup;
onOpenDownloadModalRequested: {
const popup = downloadModalComponent.createObject(appMain, {newVersionAvailable: newVersionJSON.available, downloadURL: newVersionJSON.url})
return popup
function changeAppSectionBySectionId(sectionId) {
function getProfileImage(pubkey, isCurrentUser, useLargeImage) {
if (isCurrentUser || (isCurrentUser === undefined && pubkey === userProfile.pubKey)) {
return userProfile.icon
const index = appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.getContactIndexByPubkey(pubkey)
if (index === -1) {
if (localAccountSensitiveSettings.onlyShowContactsProfilePics) {
const isContact = appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.rowData(index, "isContact")
if (isContact === "false") {
return appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.rowData(index, useLargeImage ? "largeImage" : "thumbnailImage")
function getContactListObject(dataModel) {
const nbContacts = appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.rowCount()
const contacts = []
let contact
for (let i = 0; i < nbContacts; i++) {
if (appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.rowData(i, "isBlocked") === "true") {
contact = {
name: appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.rowData(i, "name"),
localNickname: appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.rowData(i, "localNickname"),
pubKey: appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.rowData(i, "pubKey"),
address: appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.rowData(i, "address"),
identicon: appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.rowData(i, "identicon"),
thumbnailImage: appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.rowData(i, "thumbnailImage"),
isUser: false,
isContact: appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list.rowData(i, "isContact") !== "false"
if (dataModel) {
return contacts
function getUserNickname(pubKey) {
// Get contact nickname
const contactList = appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.list
const contactCount = contactList.rowCount()
for (let i = 0; i < contactCount; i++) {
if (contactList.rowData(i, 'pubKey') === pubKey) {
return contactList.rowData(i, 'localNickname')
return ""
function openProfilePopup(userNameParam, fromAuthorParam, identiconParam, textParam, nicknameParam, parentPopup){
var popup = profilePopupComponent.createObject(appMain);
popup.parentPopup = parentPopup;
popup.openPopup(userProfile.pubKey !== fromAuthorParam, userNameParam, fromAuthorParam, identiconParam, textParam, nicknameParam);
profilePopupOpened = true
property Component profilePopupComponent: ProfilePopup {
id: profilePopup
store: rootStore
onClosed: {
profilePopupOpened = false
Component {
id: downloadModalComponent
DownloadModal {
onClosed: {
Audio {
id: sendMessageSound
track: "send_message.wav"
Audio {
id: notificationSound
track: "notification.wav"
ModuleWarning {
id: versionWarning
width: parent.width
visible: newVersionJSON.available
color: Style.current.green
btnWidth: 100
text: qsTr("A new version of Status (%1) is available").arg(newVersionJSON.version)
btnText: qsTr("Download")
onClick: function(){
id: appSearch
store: mainModule.appSearchModule
StatusAppLayout {
id: appLayout
width: parent.width
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: versionWarning.visible ? 32 : 0
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
appNavBar: StatusAppNavBar {
height: appMain.height
communityTypeRole: "sectionType"
communityTypeValue: Constants.appSection.community
sectionModel: mainModule.sectionsModel
property bool communityAdded: false
onAboutToUpdateFilteredRegularModel: {
communityAdded = false
filterRegularItem: function(item) {
return false
if(item.sectionType === Constants.appSection.community)
return false
communityAdded = true
return true
filterCommunityItem: function(item) {
return item.sectionType === Constants.appSection.community
regularNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.name
icon.name: model.icon
icon.source: model.image
tooltip.text: model.name
checked: model.active
badge.value: model.notificationsCount
badge.visible: model.hasNotification
badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor
badge.border.width: 2
onClicked: {
communityNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.name
icon.name: model.icon
icon.source: model.image
tooltip.text: model.name
checked: model.active
badge.value: model.notificationsCount
badge.visible: model.hasNotification
badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor
badge.border.width: 2
onClicked: {
popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu {
id: communityContextMenu
openHandler: function () {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModel.communities.setObservedCommunity(model.id)
StatusMenuItem {
//% "Invite People"
text: qsTrId("invite-people")
icon.name: "share-ios"
// Not Refactored Yet
// enabled: chatsModel.communities.observedCommunity.canManageUsers
// onTriggered: Global.openPopup(inviteFriendsToCommunityPopup, {
// community: chatsModel.communities.observedCommunity
// })
StatusMenuItem {
//% "View Community"
text: qsTrId("view-community")
icon.name: "group-chat"
// Not Refactored Yet
// onTriggered: Global.openPopup(communityProfilePopup, {
// store: appMain.rootStore,
// community: chatsModel.communities.observedCommunity
// })
StatusMenuItem {
// Not Refactored Yet
// enabled: chatsModel.communities.observedCommunity.admin
//% "Edit Community"
text: qsTrId("edit-community")
icon.name: "edit"
// Not Refactored Yet
// onTriggered: Global.openPopup(editCommunityPopup, {store: appMain.rootStore, community: chatsModel.communities.observedCommunity})
StatusMenuSeparator {}
StatusMenuItem {
//% "Leave Community"
text: qsTrId("leave-community")
icon.name: "arrow-right"
icon.width: 14
iconRotation: 180
type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger
// Not Refactored Yet
// onTriggered: chatsModel.communities.leaveCommunity(model.id)
navBarProfileButton: StatusNavBarTabButton {
id: profileButton
property bool opened: false
icon.source: appMain.rootStore.userProfileInst.icon
badge.visible: true
badge.anchors.rightMargin: 4
badge.anchors.topMargin: 25
badge.implicitHeight: 15
badge.implicitWidth: 15
badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusAppNavBar.backgroundColor
//This is still not in use. Read a comment for `currentUserStatus` in UserProfile on the nim side.
// Use this code once support for custom user status is added
case Constants.userStatus.online:
return Style.current.green;
case Constants.userStatus.doNotDisturb:
return Style.current.red;
return Style.current.midGrey;
badge.color: appMain.rootStore.userProfileInst.userStatus ? Style.current.green : Style.current.midGrey
badge.border.width: 3
onClicked: {
userStatusContextMenu.opened ?
userStatusContextMenu.close() :
UserStatusContextMenu {
id: userStatusContextMenu
y: profileButton.y - userStatusContextMenu.height
store: appMain.rootStore
appView: StackLayout {
id: appView
anchors.fill: parent
currentIndex: {
if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.chat) {
return Constants.appViewStackIndex.chat
else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.community) {
for(let i = this.children.length - 1; i >=0; i--)
var obj = this.children[i];
if(obj && obj.sectionId && obj.sectionId == mainModule.activeSection.id)
return i
// Should never be here, correct index must be returned from the for loop above
console.error("Wrong section type: ", mainModule.activeSection.sectionType,
" or section id: ", mainModule.activeSection.id)
return Constants.appViewStackIndex.community
else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.wallet) {
return Constants.appViewStackIndex.wallet
else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.walletv2) {
return Constants.appViewStackIndex.walletv2
else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.browser) {
return Constants.appViewStackIndex.browser
else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.profile) {
return Constants.appViewStackIndex.profile
else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.node) {
return Constants.appViewStackIndex.node
// We should never end up here
console.error("Unknown section type")
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
var obj = this.children[currentIndex];
if (obj.onActivated && typeof obj.onActivated === "function") {
if(obj === browserLayoutContainer && browserLayoutContainer.active == false){
browserLayoutContainer.active = true;
if(obj === walletLayoutContainer){
if(obj === walletV2LayoutContainer){
// NOTE:
// If we ever change stack layout component order we need to updade
// Constants.appViewStackIndex accordingly
ChatLayout {
id: chatLayoutContainer
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
onProfileButtonClicked: {
onOpenAppSearch: {
Component.onCompleted: {
chatCommunitySectionModule = mainModule.getChatSectionModule()
WalletLayout {
id: walletLayoutContainer
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
Component {
id: browserLayoutComponent
BrowserLayout {
globalStore: appMain.rootStore
sendTransactionModal: sendModal
Loader {
id: browserLayoutContainer
sourceComponent: browserLayoutComponent
active: false
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
// Loaders do not have access to the context, so props need to be set
// Adding a "_" to avoid a binding loop
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var _chatsModel: chatsModel.messageView
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var _walletModel: walletModel
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var _utilsModel: utilsModel
property var _web3Provider: web3Provider
ProfileLayout {
id: profileLayoutContainer
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
globalStore: appMain.rootStore
systemPalette: appMain.sysPalette
networkGuarded: appMain.networkGuarded
NodeLayout {
id: nodeLayoutContainer
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
WalletV2Layout {
id: walletV2LayoutContainer
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
model: mainModule.sectionsModel
delegate: DelegateChooser {
id: delegateChooser
role: "sectionType"
DelegateChoice {
roleValue: Constants.appSection.community
delegate: ChatLayout {
property string sectionId: model.id
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.fillHeight: true
onProfileButtonClicked: {
onOpenAppSearch: {
Component.onCompleted: {
// we cannot return QVariant if we pass another parameter in a function call
// that's why we're using it this way
chatCommunitySectionModule = mainModule.getCommunitySectionModule()
// Connections {
// target: chatsModel
// onNotificationClicked: {
// applicationWindow.makeStatusAppActive()
// switch(notificationType){
// case Constants.osNotificationType.newContactRequest:
// appView.currentIndex = Constants.appViewStackIndex.chat
// appMain.openContactsPopup()
// break
// case Constants.osNotificationType.acceptedContactRequest:
// appView.currentIndex = Constants.appViewStackIndex.chat
// break
// case Constants.osNotificationType.joinCommunityRequest:
// case Constants.osNotificationType.acceptedIntoCommunity:
// case Constants.osNotificationType.rejectedByCommunity:
// // Not Refactored - Need to check what community exactly we need to switch to.
//// appView.currentIndex = Utils.getAppSectionIndex(Constants.community)
// break
// case Constants.osNotificationType.newMessage:
// appView.currentIndex = Constants.appViewStackIndex.chat
// break
// }
// }
// }
// Connections {
// target: profileModel
// ignoreUnknownSignals: true
// enabled: removeMnemonicAfterLogin
// onInitialized: {
// mnemonicModule.remove()
// }
// }
Connections {
target: appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model
onContactRequestAdded: {
if (!localAccountSensitiveSettings.notifyOnNewRequests) {
const isContact = appMain.rootStore.contactsModuleInst.model.isAdded(address)
// Note:
// Whole this Connection object should be moved to the nim side.
// Left here only cause we don't have a way to deal with translations on the nim side.
const title = isContact ? qsTrId("contact-request-accepted") :
//% "New contact request"
const message = //% "You can now chat with %1"
isContact ? qsTrId("you-can-now-chat-with--1").arg(Utils.removeStatusEns(name)) :
//% "%1 requests to become contacts"
if (Qt.platform.os === "linux") {
// Linux Notifications are not implemented in Nim/C++ yet
return systemTray.showMessage(title, message, systemTray.icon.source, 4000)
// Not Refactored Yet
//% "Contact request accepted"
// profileModel.showOSNotification(title,
// message,
// isContact? Constants.osNotificationType.acceptedContactRequest :
// Constants.osNotificationType.newContactRequest,
// localAccountSensitiveSettings.useOSNotifications)
Component {
id: chooseBrowserPopupComponent
ChooseBrowserPopup {
onClosed: {
Component {
id: inviteFriendsToCommunityPopup
InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup {
anchors.centerIn: parent
hasAddedContacts: appMain.rootStore.allContacts.hasAddedContacts()
onClosed: {
Component {
id: communityProfilePopup
CommunityProfilePopup {
anchors.centerIn: parent
onClosed: {
Component {
id: editCommunityPopup
CreateCommunityPopup {
anchors.centerIn: parent
isEdit: true
onClosed: {
Component {
id: editChannelPopup
CreateChannelPopup {
anchors.centerIn: parent
isEdit: true
// Not Refactored
// pinnedMessagesPopupComponent: chatLayoutContainer.chatColumn.pinnedMessagesPopupComponent
onClosed: {
Component {
id: genericConfirmationDialog
ConfirmationDialog {
onClosed: {
ToastMessage {
id: toastMessage
// Add SendModal here as it is used by the Wallet as well as the Browser
Loader {
id: sendModal
active: false
function open() {
this.active = true
function closed() {
// this.sourceComponent = undefined // kill an opened instance
this.active = false
property var selectedAccount
sourceComponent: SendModal {
store: appMain.rootStore
onOpened: {
// Not Refactored Yet
// walletModel.gasView.getGasPrice()
onClosed: {
onLoaded: {
if(!!sendModal.selectedAccount) {
item.selectFromAccount.selectedAccount = sendModal.selectedAccount
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+1"
onTriggered: Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType(Constants.appSection.chat)
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+2"
onTriggered: Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType(Constants.appSection.browser)
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+3"
onTriggered: Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType(Constants.appSection.wallet)
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+4, Ctrl+,"
onTriggered: Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType(Constants.appSection.profile)
Action {
shortcut: "Ctrl+K"
onTriggered: {
if (channelPicker.opened) {
} else {
Component {
id: statusSmartIdenticonComponent
StatusSmartIdenticon {
property string imageSource: ""
image: StatusImageSettings {
width: channelPicker.imageWidth
height: channelPicker.imageHeight
source: imageSource
isIdenticon: true
icon: StatusIconSettings {
width: channelPicker.imageWidth
height: channelPicker.imageHeight
letterSize: 15
color: Theme.palette.miscColor5
StatusInputListPopup {
id: channelPicker
//% "Where do you want to go?"
title: qsTrId("where-do-you-want-to-go-")
showSearchBox: true
width: 350
x: parent.width / 2 - width / 2
y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2
// Not Refactored Yet
// modelList: chatsModel.channelView.chats
getText: function (modelData) {
return modelData.name
getImageComponent: function (parent, modelData) {
return statusSmartIdenticonComponent.createObject(parent, {
imageSource: modelData.identicon,
name: modelData.name
// Not Refactored Yet
// onClicked: function (index) {
// Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType(Constants.appSection.chat)
// chatsModel.channelView.setActiveChannelByIndex(index)
// channelPicker.close()
// }
Component.onCompleted: {
// Since https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/commit/93668ff75
// we're hiding the setting to change appearance for compact normal mode
// of the UI. For now, compact mode is the new default.
// Not Refactored Yet
// const whitelist = profileModel.getLinkPreviewWhitelist()
// try {
// const whiteListedSites = JSON.parse(whitelist)
// let settingsUpdated = false
// // Add Status links to whitelist
// whiteListedSites.push({title: "Status", address: Constants.deepLinkPrefix, imageSite: false})
// whiteListedSites.push({title: "Status", address: Constants.joinStatusLink, imageSite: false})
// let settings = localAccountSensitiveSettings.whitelistedUnfurlingSites
// if (!settings) {
// settings = {}
// }
// // Set Status links as true. We intercept thoseURLs so it is privacy-safe
// if (!settings[Constants.deepLinkPrefix] || !settings[Constants.joinStatusLink]) {
// settings[Constants.deepLinkPrefix] = true
// settings[Constants.joinStatusLink] = true
// settingsUpdated = true
// }
// const whitelistedHostnames = []
// // Add whitelisted sites in to app settings that are not already there
// whiteListedSites.forEach(site => {
// if (!settings.hasOwnProperty(site.address)) {
// settings[site.address] = false
// settingsUpdated = true
// }
// whitelistedHostnames.push(site.address)
// })
// // Remove any whitelisted sites from app settings that don't exist in the
// // whitelist from status-go
// Object.keys(settings).forEach(settingsHostname => {
// if (!whitelistedHostnames.includes(settingsHostname)) {
// delete settings[settingsHostname]
// settingsUpdated = true
// }
// })
// if (settingsUpdated) {
// localAccountSensitiveSettings.whitelistedUnfurlingSites = settings
// }
// } catch (e) {
// console.error('Could not parse the whitelist for sites', e)
// }