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synced 2025-01-24 05:21:58 +00:00
- implement the eligibility check in C++, returning the highest possible role the user would be allowed to join under - enable/disable the "Share" button based on the above permissions check - remove all the locally placed components, access teh popup only via Global/Popups - calculate the `accessType` internally based on the permissions present - update the eligibility as the async check for permissions is finished - fix the permissions panel background color - partially revert the share/finish/cancel buttons behavior; it must be one button due to StatusStackModal limitations - fix some other minor UI issues or differences to current Figma designs - adjust SB, add the possibility to play around with different permission models Fixes #14100
170 lines
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170 lines
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import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import utils 1.0
import shared.controls.chat.menuItems 1.0
StatusListView {
id: root
property var rootStore
signal inviteFriends(var communityData)
signal closeCommunityClicked(string communityId)
signal leaveCommunityClicked(string community, string communityId, string outroMessage)
signal setCommunityMutedClicked(string communityId, int mutedType)
signal setActiveCommunityClicked(string communityId)
signal showCommunityMembershipSetupDialog(string communityId, string name,
string introMessage, string imageSrc, int accessType)
signal cancelMembershipRequest(string communityId)
interactive: false
implicitHeight: contentItem.childrenRect.height
spacing: 0
delegate: StatusListItem {
id: listItem
width: ListView.view.width
title: model.name
statusListItemTitle.font.pixelSize: 17
statusListItemTitle.font.bold: true
statusListItemIcon.anchors.verticalCenter: undefined
statusListItemIcon.anchors.top: statusListItemTitleArea.top
subTitle: model.description
tertiaryTitle: qsTr("%n member(s)", "", model.members.count)
statusListItemTertiaryTitle.font.weight: Font.Medium
asset.name: model.image
asset.isLetterIdenticon: !model.image
asset.bgColor: model.color || Theme.palette.primaryColor1
asset.width: 40
asset.height: 40
onClicked: setActiveCommunityClicked(model.id)
readonly property bool isSpectator: model.spectated && !model.joined
readonly property bool isOwner: model.memberRole === Constants.memberRole.owner
readonly property bool isAdmin: model.memberRole === Constants.memberRole.admin
readonly property bool isTokenMaster: model.memberRole === Constants.memberRole.tokenMaster
property bool isInvitationPending: root.rootStore.isMyCommunityRequestPending(model.id)
components: [
StatusFlatButton {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
size: StatusBaseButton.Size.Small
icon.name: "notification-muted"
icon.color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
visible: model.muted
onClicked: root.setCommunityMutedClicked(model.id, Constants.MutingVariations.Unmuted)
StatusFlatButton {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
size: StatusBaseButton.Size.Small
text: listItem.isInvitationPending ? qsTr("Membership Request Sent") : qsTr("View & Join Community")
visible: listItem.isSpectator
onClicked: root.showCommunityMembershipSetupDialog(
model.id, model.name, model.introMessage, model.image, model.access)
StatusFlatButton {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
size: StatusBaseButton.Size.Small
icon.name: "more"
icon.color: Theme.palette.directColor1
highlighted: moreMenu.opened
onClicked: moreMenu.popup(-moreMenu.width + width, height + 4)
StatusMenu {
id: moreMenu
StatusAction {
text: qsTr("Community Admin")
icon.name: "settings"
enabled: listItem.isOwner || listItem.isAdmin || listItem.isTokenMaster
onTriggered: {
StatusAction {
text: qsTr("Unmute Community")
enabled: model.muted
icon.name: "notification"
onTriggered: {
root.setCommunityMutedClicked(model.id, Constants.MutingVariations.Unmuted)
MuteChatMenuItem {
enabled: (model.joined || (listItem.isSpectator && !listItem.isInvitationPending)) && !model.muted
title: qsTr("Mute Community")
onMuteTriggered: {
root.setCommunityMutedClicked(model.id, interval)
StatusAction {
text: qsTr("Invite People")
icon.name: "invite-users"
onTriggered: {
objectName: "invitePeople"
StatusAction {
text: qsTr("Edit Shared Addresses")
icon.name: "wallet"
enabled: {
if (listItem.isOwner)
return false
if (listItem.isSpectator && !listItem.isInvitationPending)
return false
return true
onTriggered: {
StatusMenuSeparator {
visible: leaveMenuItem.enabled
StatusAction {
id: leaveMenuItem
objectName: "CommunitiesListPanel_leaveCommunityPopupButton"
text: {
if (listItem.isInvitationPending)
return qsTr("Cancel Membership Request")
return listItem.isSpectator ? qsTr("Close Community") : qsTr("Leave Community")
icon.name: {
if (listItem.isInvitationPending)
return "arrow-left"
return listItem.isSpectator ? "close-circle" : "arrow-left"
type: StatusAction.Type.Danger
enabled: !listItem.isOwner
onTriggered: {
if (listItem.isInvitationPending) {
listItem.isInvitationPending = root.rootStore.isMyCommunityRequestPending(model.id)
} else if (listItem.isSpectator)
root.leaveCommunityClicked(model.name, model.id, model.outroMessage)