Stefan 691de11211 fix(Wallet) network selection and unify network implementations
Major changes:

- Don't allow empty network selection. End up using the nim model
  directly instead because of individual row changes issues
  encountered with nim models
- Made the clone model a generic implementation to be used in other
places where we need to clone a model: ReceiveModal,
- Use cloned model as alternative to NetworksExtraStoreProxy in
- Added tristate support to our generic checkbox control
- UX improvements as per design
- Fix save address tests naming and zero address issue
- Various fixes

- Failed to make NetworkSelectPopup follow ground-truth: show partially
  checked as user intention until the network is selected in the
  source model. Got stuck on nim models not being stable models and
  report wrong entry change when reset. Tried sorting and only updating
  changes without reset but it didn't work.
- Moved grouped property SingleSelectionInfo to its own file from
  an inline component after finding out that it fails to load on Linux
  with error "Cannot assign to property of unknown type: "*".".
  It works on MacOS as expected

Closes: #10119
2023-04-20 19:34:24 +02:00
2023-03-08 18:45:27 +01:00

Building Storybook

For regular usage of Storybook it's enough to open status-desktop/storybook/CMakeLists.txt in QtCreator. Please do not use which is intended for WebAssembly builds. Please make sure that selected run target is Storybook.

Building Storybook with Webassembly and Qt 5.14

Configuring the environment

Install Emscripten v1.38.27

# Get the emsdk repo
git clone

#go to emsdk folder
cd emsdk

#install Emscripten v1.38.27
./emsdk install emscripten-1.38.27

#activate emscripten-1.38.27
./emsdk activate emscripten-1.38.27

#install Fastcomp backend
./emsdk install fastcomp-clang-tag-e1.38.27-64bit

#activate Fastcomp backend
./emsdk activate fastcomp-clang-tag-e1.38.27-64bit

#add emsdk tools to env variables
#this can be done by following instructions received from previous activate command
#there are two options:

#1. Configure the env variables for the current shell only:

#2. Configure the env variables using the shell startup script:
echo 'source "[path to emsdk folder]/"' >> $HOME/.zprofile

#WARNING: this will configure the environment to use the emsdk compiler
#Ex:"which clang" command will now point to the emscripten clang instead of the system clang
#to disable the env configuration comment the source command added earlier in ~/.zprofile

#check environment
#python needs to be installed. The emsdk scripts state that it should work with pyton 2 and 3
#make sure python command can be resolved
which python
em++ --version
emcc --version
#clang should point to fastcomp-clang-tag-e1.38.27-64bit
which clang
which clang++

More documentation:

Configure QtCreator (optional)

Newer versions of QtCreator won't support Qt5.14 with Webassembly. Latest version found to support Qt5.14 with WebAssembly is 4.14.2 Download:

Adding the Emscripten compilers (emcc and em++) Details here:

Adding Qt version 5.14:

Adding Qt5.14 for Webassembly kit:

Open in Qt Creator and configure it using the new kit.

Qt creator might not set the env paths correctly. In this case manually set build environment variables (Projects -> 5.14.2 kit -> Build -> Build Environment -> Batch edit). Ex:

PATH=[check echo $PATH]

Running qmake (without qt Creator)

#create build folder
mkdir buildStoryBook

#go to folder
cd buildStoryBook

#run qmake (add CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=qml_debug to qmake command for debug build)
~/Qt/5.14.2/wasm_32/bin/qmake [path to] -spec wasm-emscripten && /usr/bin/make qmake_all

#build (add -j[nb of cores] for parallel execution)

emrun StoryBook.html