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synced 2025-02-28 22:41:09 +00:00
The transaction component's `reset` functionality was meant ot reset a form when the modal was closed. It was difficult to manage and added extra overhead for each additional transaction modal created. Instead of using reset functions, we can use Loaders to load and destroy the modal's as they are opened and closed. We do not need to keep them in memory and then also reset their functions. It creates a smaller memory footprint to destroy the object and reload on open. feat: load gas prediction prices asynchronously
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237 lines
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import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13
import "../imports"
import "../shared/status"
Item {
id: root
property var contacts
property var selectedContact
height: select.height
property int dropdownWidth: width
//% "Please select a contact"
property string validationError: qsTrId("please-select-a-contact")
property alias validationErrorAlignment: select.validationErrorAlignment
property bool isValid: false
property alias isPending: ensResolver.isPending
property bool readOnly: false
property bool isResolvedAddress: false
//% "Select a contact"
property string selectAContact: qsTrId("select-a-contact")
property string noEnsAddressMessage: qsTr("Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat.")
function resolveEns() {
if (selectedContact.ensVerified) {
root.isResolvedAddress = false
onContactsChanged: {
if (root.readOnly) {
root.selectedContact = { name: selectAContact }
onSelectedContactChanged: validate()
function validate() {
if (!selectedContact) {
return root.isValid
let isValidAddress = Utils.isValidAddress(selectedContact.address)
let isDefaultValue = selectedContact.name === selectAContact
let isValid = (selectedContact.ensVerified && isValidAddress) || isPending || isValidAddress
select.validationError = ""
if (!isValid && !isDefaultValue &&
!selectedContact.ensVerified ||
(selectedContact.ensVerified && isResolvedAddress)
) {
select.validationError = !selectedContact.ensVerified ? noEnsAddressMessage : validationError
root.isValid = isValid
return isValid
Input {
id: inpReadOnly
visible: root.readOnly
width: parent.width
text: (root.selectedContact && root.selectedContact.name) ? root.selectedContact.name : qsTr("No contact selected")
textField.leftPadding: 14
textField.topPadding: 18
textField.bottomPadding: 18
textField.verticalAlignment: TextField.AlignVCenter
textField.font.pixelSize: 15
textField.color: Style.current.secondaryText
readOnly: true
validationErrorAlignment: TextEdit.AlignRight
validationErrorTopMargin: 8
customHeight: 56
Select {
id: select
label: ""
model: root.contacts
width: parent.width
visible: !root.readOnly
menuAlignment: Select.MenuAlignment.Left
selectedItemView: Item {
anchors.fill: parent
StatusImageIdenticon {
id: iconImg
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 14
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
height: 32
width: (!!selectedContact && !!selectedContact.identicon) ? 32 : 0
visible: !!selectedContact && !!selectedContact.identicon
source: (!!selectedContact && !!selectedContact.identicon) ? selectedContact.identicon : ""
StyledText {
id: selectedTextField
text: !!selectedContact ? selectedContact.name : ""
anchors.left: iconImg.right
anchors.leftMargin: 4
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
font.pixelSize: 15
height: 22
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
zeroItemsView: Item {
height: 186
StyledText {
anchors.fill: parent
//% "You don't have any contacts yet"
text: qsTrId("you-don-t-have-any-contacts-yet")
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
font.pixelSize: 13
height: 18
color: Style.current.secondaryText
menu.delegate: menuItem
menu.width: dropdownWidth
EnsResolver {
id: ensResolver
anchors.top: select.bottom
anchors.right: select.right
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding
debounceDelay: 0
onResolved: {
root.isResolvedAddress = true
var selectedContact = root.selectedContact
selectedContact.address = resolvedAddress
root.selectedContact = selectedContact
onIsPendingChanged: {
if (isPending) {
root.selectedContact.address = ""
Component {
id: menuItem
MenuItem {
id: itemContainer
property bool isFirstItem: index === 0
property bool isLastItem: index === contacts.rowCount() - 1
width: parent.width
height: visible ? 72 : 0
StatusImageIdenticon {
id: iconImg
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.padding
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
source: identicon
Column {
anchors.left: iconImg.right
anchors.leftMargin: 12
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Text {
text: name
font.pixelSize: 15
font.family: Style.current.fontRegular.name
font.weight: Font.Medium
color: Style.current.textColor
height: 22
Row {
StyledText {
text: alias + " • "
visible: ensVerified
color: Style.current.secondaryText
font.pixelSize: 12
height: 16
StyledText {
text: address
width: 85
elide: Text.ElideMiddle
color: Style.current.secondaryText
font.pixelSize: 12
height: 16
background: Rectangle {
color: itemContainer.highlighted ? Style.current.backgroundHover : Style.current.background
radius: Style.current.radius
// cover bottom left/right corners with square corners
Rectangle {
visible: !isLastItem
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
height: parent.radius
color: parent.color
// cover top left/right corners with square corners
Rectangle {
visible: !isFirstItem
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: parent.top
height: parent.radius
color: parent.color
MouseArea {
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
anchors.fill: itemContainer
onClicked: {
root.selectedContact = { address, name, alias, isContact, identicon, ensVerified }
Designer {