Lukáš Tinkl e58ae2c213 feat: Add external link to download extension plugin
- add a local popup with selection between "Status Connector" (external
link to Chrome Store) or "Wallet Connect" (the old flow involving
inputting the WC URI)
- simplify DAppsListPopup to use StatusDropdown to reduce code
- adjust SB and QML tests

Fixes #16111
2024-09-05 11:22:52 +02:00

127 lines
3.8 KiB

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0
SplitView {
id: root
width: 400
height: 400
Item {
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
DappsComboBox {
id: connectedDappComboBox
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
model: emptyModelCheckbox.checked ? emptyModel : smallModelCheckbox.checked ? smallModel: dappsModel
popup.visible: true
onPairDapp: console.log("onPairDapp")
ListModel {
id: emptyModel
ListModel {
id: smallModel
ListElement {
name: "SMALL Model"
url: "https://dapp.test/1"
iconUrl: ""
ListModel {
id: dappsModel
ListElement {
name: ""
url: "https://dapp.test/1"
iconUrl: ""
ListElement {
name: "Test dApp 2"
url: "https://dapp.test/2"
iconUrl: ""
ListElement {
name: ""
url: "https://dapp.test/3"
iconUrl: ""
ListElement {
name: "Test dApp 4 - very long name !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
url: "https://dapp.test/4"
iconUrl: ""
ListElement {
name: "Test dApp 5 - very long url"
url: "https://dapp.test/very_long/url/unusual"
iconUrl: ""
ListElement {
name: "Test dApp 6"
url: "https://dapp.test/6"
iconUrl: ""
ListElement {
name: "Test dApp 7"
url: "https://dapp.test/7"
iconUrl: ""
ListElement {
name: "Test dApp 8"
url: "https://dapp.test/8"
iconUrl: ""
ListElement {
name: "Test dApp 9"
url: "https://dapp.test/9"
iconUrl: ""
ListElement {
name: "Test dApp 10"
url: "https://dapp.test/10"
iconUrl: ""
ListElement {
name: "Test dApp 11"
url: "https://dapp.test/11"
iconUrl: ""
Pane {
id: controls
SplitView.preferredWidth: 300
SplitView.fillHeight: true
ColumnLayout {
RadioButton {
text: "Default model"
checked: true
RadioButton {
id: emptyModelCheckbox
text: "Empty model"
RadioButton {
id: smallModelCheckbox
text: "Small model"
// category: Controls