
203 lines
6.1 KiB

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import utils 1.0
import shared 1.0
import shared.panels 1.0
import shared.controls 1.0
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
StatusModal {
id: root
property var privacyStore
signal passwordChanged()
width: 480
height: 510
closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose
header.title: qsTr("Change password")
onOpened: root.reset()
function lengthValidator(text) {
return text.length >= 6 ? "" : qsTr("At least 6 characters")
function reset() {
currentPasswordInput.state = "init"
passwordInput.state = "init"
confirmPasswordInput.state = "init"
function onChangePasswordResponse(success) {
if (success) {
submitBtn.enabled = false;
} else {
currentPasswordInput.state = "incorrect"
submitBtn.loading = false;
Connections {
target: root.privacyStore.privacyModule
onPasswordChanged: onChangePasswordResponse(success)
contentItem: ColumnLayout {
id: contentItem
anchors.fill: parent
anchors {
topMargin: Style.current.xlPadding + root.topPadding
leftMargin: Style.current.xlPadding
rightMargin: Style.current.xlPadding
bottomMargin: Style.current.xlPadding + root.bottomPadding
spacing: Style.current.padding
// TODO replace with StatusInput as soon as it supports password
Input {
id: currentPasswordInput
readonly property bool ready: state == "typing" && validationError == ""
anchors.left: undefined
anchors.right: undefined
Layout.fillWidth: true
label: qsTr("Current password")
textField.echoMode: TextInput.Password
keepHeight: true
placeholderText: ""
state: "init"
onTextChanged: if (text != "" && state != "typing") state = "typing"
onStateChanged: if (state == "init") resetInternal()
states: [
State {
name: "init"
State {
name: "typing"
PropertyChanges { target: currentPasswordInput; validationError: root.lengthValidator(text) }
State {
name: "incorrect"
PropertyChanges { target: currentPasswordInput; validationError: qsTr("Incorrect password") }
// TODO replace with StatusInput as soon as it supports password
Input {
id: passwordInput
readonly property bool ready: state == "typing" && validationError == ""
anchors.left: undefined
anchors.right: undefined
Layout.fillWidth: true
label: qsTr("New password")
textField.echoMode: TextInput.Password
keepHeight: true
placeholderText: ""
state: "init"
onTextChanged: if (text != "" && state != "typing") state = "typing"
onStateChanged: if (state == "init") resetInternal()
states: [
State {
name: "init"
State {
name: "typing"
PropertyChanges { target: passwordInput; validationError: root.lengthValidator(text) }
// TODO replace with StatusInput as soon as it supports password
Input {
id: confirmPasswordInput
readonly property bool ready: state == "typing" && validationError == ""
anchors.left: undefined
anchors.right: undefined
Layout.fillWidth: true
label: qsTr("Confirm new password")
textField.echoMode: TextInput.Password
keepHeight: true
placeholderText: ""
state: "init"
onTextChanged: if (text != "" && state != "typing") state = "typing"
onStateChanged: if (state == "init") resetInternal()
states: [
State {
name: "init"
State {
name: "typing"
PropertyChanges {
target: confirmPasswordInput;
validationError: confirmPasswordInput.text != passwordInput.text ? qsTr("Password does not match") : ""
Item {
Layout.fillHeight: true
StyledText {
text: qsTr("Your password protects your keys. You need it to unlock Status and transact.")
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
Layout.preferredWidth: 340
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
color: Style.current.secondaryText
font.pixelSize: Style.current.tertiaryTextFontSize
rightButtons: [
StatusButton {
id: submitBtn
text: qsTr("Change password")
enabled: !submitBtn.loading && currentPasswordInput.ready &&
passwordInput.ready && confirmPasswordInput.ready
property Timer sim: Timer {
id: pause
interval: 20
onTriggered: {
root.privacyStore.changePassword(currentPasswordInput.text, passwordInput.text)
onClicked: {
submitBtn.loading = true;
//changePassword operation blocks the UI so loading = true; will never
//have any affect until changePassword is done. Getting around it with a
//small pause (timer) in order to get the desired behavior