Noelia 6edfa002d2 fix(Airdrop): Airdrop item not inserted correctly
- After a rebase, signal properties were modified incorrectly.

- Also added protection to not push into the stack the same state more than ones and reset holdings model each time it is set.

Fixes #11147
2023-06-22 12:17:34 +02:00

140 lines
4.2 KiB

import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import AppLayouts.Chat.layouts 1.0
import AppLayouts.Chat.views.communities 1.0
import utils 1.0
SettingsPageLayout {
id: root
// Token models:
required property var assetsModel
required property var collectiblesModel
required property var membersModel
// JS object specifing fees for the airdrop operation, should be set to
// provide response to airdropFeesRequested signal.
// Refer CommunityNewAirdropView::airdropFees for details.
property var airdropFees: null
property int viewWidth: 560 // by design
signal airdropClicked(var airdropTokens, var addresses, var membersPubKeys)
signal airdropFeesRequested(var contractKeysAndAmounts, var addresses)
signal navigateToMintTokenSettings(bool isAssetType)
function navigateBack() {
function selectToken(key, amount, type) {
d.selectToken(key, amount, type)
function addAddresses(addresses) {
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property string welcomeViewState: "WELCOME"
readonly property string newAirdropViewState: "NEW_AIRDROP"
readonly property string welcomePageTitle: qsTr("Airdrops")
readonly property string newAirdropViewPageTitle: qsTr("New airdrop")
signal selectToken(string key, int amount, int type)
signal addAddresses(var addresses)
content: StackView {
anchors.fill: parent
initialItem: welcomeView
Component.onCompleted: stackManager.pushInitialState(d.welcomeViewState)
state: stackManager.currentState
states: [
State {
name: d.welcomeViewState
PropertyChanges {target: root; title: d.welcomePageTitle}
PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: ""}
PropertyChanges {target: root; primaryHeaderButton.visible: true}
PropertyChanges {target: root; primaryHeaderButton.text: qsTr("New Airdrop")}
State {
name: d.newAirdropViewState
PropertyChanges {target: root; title: d.newAirdropViewPageTitle}
PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: d.welcomePageTitle}
PropertyChanges {target: root; primaryHeaderButton.visible: false}
onPrimaryHeaderButtonClicked: {
if(root.state !== d.newAirdropViewState)
stackManager.push(d.newAirdropViewState, newAirdropView, null, StackView.Immediate)
StackViewStates {
id: stackManager
stackView: root.contentItem
// Mint tokens possible view contents:
Component {
id: welcomeView
CommunityWelcomeSettingsView {
viewWidth: root.viewWidth
image: Style.png("community/airdrops8_1")
title: qsTr("Airdrop community tokens")
subtitle: qsTr("You can mint custom tokens and collectibles for your community")
checkersModel: [
qsTr("Reward individual members with custom tokens for their contribution"),
qsTr("Incentivise joining, retention, moderation and desired behaviour"),
qsTr("Require holding a token or NFT to obtain exclusive membership rights")
Component {
id: newAirdropView
CommunityNewAirdropView {
id: view
assetsModel: root.assetsModel
collectiblesModel: root.collectiblesModel
membersModel: root.membersModel
Binding on airdropFees {
value: root.airdropFees
onAirdropClicked: {
root.airdropClicked(airdropTokens, addresses, membersPubKeys)
stackManager.clear(d.welcomeViewState, StackView.Immediate)
onNavigateToMintTokenSettings: root.navigateToMintTokenSettings(isAssetType)
Component.onCompleted: {