mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 02:58:55 +00:00
Major changes: - Don't allow empty network selection. End up using the nim model directly instead because of individual row changes issues encountered with nim models - Made the clone model a generic implementation to be used in other places where we need to clone a model: ReceiveModal, AddEditSavedAddressPopup - Use cloned model as alternative to NetworksExtraStoreProxy in ReceiveModal - Added tristate support to our generic checkbox control - UX improvements as per design - Fix save address tests naming and zero address issue - Various fixes Notes: - Failed to make NetworkSelectPopup follow ground-truth: show partially checked as user intention until the network is selected in the source model. Got stuck on nim models not being stable models and report wrong entry change when reset. Tried sorting and only updating changes without reset but it didn't work. - Moved grouped property SingleSelectionInfo to its own file from an inline component after finding out that it fails to load on Linux with error "Cannot assign to property of unknown type: "*".". It works on MacOS as expected Closes: #10119
291 lines
8.9 KiB
291 lines
8.9 KiB
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
import utils 1.0
import "../../../Wallet/controls"
import shared.panels 1.0
StatusScrollView {
id: root
property int viewWidth: 560 // by design
// Collectible properties
readonly property alias name: nameInput.text
readonly property alias symbol: symbolInput.text
readonly property alias description: descriptionInput.text
readonly property alias infiniteSupply: unlimitedSupplyChecker.checked
readonly property alias notTransferable: transferableChecker.checked
readonly property alias selfDestruct: selfDestructChecker.checked
readonly property int supplyAmount: supplyInput.text ? parseInt(supplyInput.text) : 0
property url artworkSource
property int chainId
property string chainName
property string chainIcon
// Network related properties:
property var layer1Networks
property var layer2Networks
property var testNetworks
property var enabledNetworks
property var allNetworks
// Account related properties:
// Account expected roles: address, name, color, emoji
property var accounts
readonly property string accountAddress: accountsComboBox.address
readonly property string accountName: accountsComboBox.control.displayText
signal chooseArtWork
signal previewClicked
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property bool isFullyFilled: root.artworkSource.toString().length > 0
&& !!root.name
&& !!root.symbol
&& !!root.description
&& (root.infiniteSupply || (!root.infiniteSupply && root.supplyAmount > 0))
readonly property int imageSelectorRectWidth: 280
contentWidth: mainLayout.width
contentHeight: mainLayout.height
padding: 0
ColumnLayout {
id: mainLayout
width: root.viewWidth
spacing: Style.current.padding
StatusImageSelector {
Layout.preferredHeight: d.imageSelectorRectWidth + headerHeight
Layout.preferredWidth: d.imageSelectorRectWidth + buttonsInsideOffset
labelText: qsTr("Artwork")
uploadText: qsTr("Drag and Drop or Upload Artwork")
additionalText: qsTr("Images only")
acceptedImageExtensions: Constants.acceptedDragNDropImageExtensions
file: root.artworkSource
onFileSelected: root.artworkSource = file
CustomStatusInput {
id: nameInput
label: qsTr("Name")
charLimit: 30
placeholderText: qsTr("Name")
errorText: qsTr("Collectible name")
CustomStatusInput {
id: descriptionInput
label: qsTr("Description")
charLimit: 280
placeholderText: qsTr("Describe your collectible")
input.multiline: true
input.verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignTop
input.placeholder.verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignTop
minimumHeight: 108
maximumHeight: minimumHeight
errorText: qsTr("Collectible description")
CustomStatusInput {
id: symbolInput
label: qsTr("Token symbol")
charLimit: 7
placeholderText: qsTr("Letter token abbreviation e.g. ABC")
errorText: qsTr("Token symbol")
validator.regularExpression: Constants.regularExpressions.asciiPrintable
CustomLabelDescriptionComponent {
Layout.topMargin: Style.current.padding
label: qsTr("Select account")
description: qsTr("The account on which this token will be minted")
StatusEmojiAndColorComboBox {
id: accountsComboBox
readonly property string address: ModelUtils.get(root.accounts, currentIndex, "address")
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: root.accounts
type: StatusComboBox.Type.Secondary
size: StatusComboBox.Size.Small
implicitHeight: 44
defaultAssetName: "filled-account"
CustomNetworkFilterRowComponent {
label: qsTr("Select network")
description: qsTr("The network on which this token will be minted")
CustomSwitchRowComponent {
id: unlimitedSupplyChecker
label: qsTr("Unlimited supply")
description: qsTr("Enable to allow the minting of additional collectibles in the future. Disable to specify a finite supply")
checked: true
StatusInput {
id: supplyInput
visible: !unlimitedSupplyChecker.checked
label: qsTr("Total finite supply")
placeholderText: "1"
validators: StatusIntValidator{bottom: 1; top: 999999999;}
CustomSwitchRowComponent {
id: transferableChecker
label: checked ? qsTr("Not transferable (Soulbound)") : qsTr("Transferable")
description: qsTr("If enabled, the token is locked to the first address it is sent to and can never be transferred to another address. Useful for tokens that represent Admin permissions")
checked: true
CustomSwitchRowComponent {
id: selfDestructChecker
label: qsTr("Remote self-destruct")
description: qsTr("Enable to allow you to destroy tokens remotely. Useful for revoking permissions from individuals")
checked: true
StatusButton {
Layout.preferredHeight: 44
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.topMargin: Style.current.padding
Layout.bottomMargin: Style.current.padding
text: qsTr("Preview")
enabled: d.isFullyFilled
onClicked: root.previewClicked()
// Inline components definition:
component CustomStatusInput: StatusInput {
id: customInput
property string errorText
property alias validator: regexValidator
Layout.fillWidth: true
validators: [
StatusMinLengthValidator {
minLength: 1
errorMessage: Utils.getErrorMessage(customInput.errors,
StatusRegularExpressionValidator {
id: regexValidator
regularExpression: Constants.regularExpressions.ascii
errorMessage: Constants.errorMessages.asciiRegExp
component CustomLabelDescriptionComponent: ColumnLayout {
id: labelDescComponent
property string label
property string description
Layout.fillWidth: true
StatusBaseText {
text: labelDescComponent.label
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
font.pixelSize: Theme.primaryTextFontSize
StatusBaseText {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
text: labelDescComponent.description
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
font.pixelSize: Theme.primaryTextFontSize
lineHeight: 1.2
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
component CustomSwitchRowComponent: RowLayout {
id: rowComponent
property string label
property string description
property alias checked: switch_.checked
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.topMargin: Style.current.padding
spacing: 64
CustomLabelDescriptionComponent {
label: rowComponent.label
description: rowComponent.description
StatusSwitch {
id: switch_
component CustomNetworkFilterRowComponent: RowLayout {
id: networkComponent
property string label
property string description
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.topMargin: Style.current.padding
spacing: 32
CustomLabelDescriptionComponent {
label: networkComponent.label
description: networkComponent.description
NetworkFilter {
Layout.preferredWidth: 160
allNetworks: root.allNetworks
layer1Networks: root.layer1Networks
layer2Networks: root.layer2Networks
testNetworks: root.testNetworks
enabledNetworks: root.enabledNetworks
isChainVisible: false
multiSelection: false
onToggleNetwork: (network) => {
root.chainId = network.chainId
root.chainName = network.chainName
root.chainIcon = network.iconUrl