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synced 2025-01-11 23:05:17 +00:00
Fixes #2663
230 lines
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230 lines
9.8 KiB
import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQml.Models 2.13
import "../../../../shared"
import "../../../../shared/status"
import "../../../../imports"
import "./ChatComponents"
import "../components"
import "./MessageComponents"
Popup {
enum Filter {
property int currentFilter: ActivityCenter.Filter.All
id: activityCenter
modal: true
Overlay.modal: Rectangle {
color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside
parent: Overlay.overlay
width: 560
height: chatColumnLayout.height - (chatTopBarContent.height * 2) // TODO get screen size
background: Rectangle {
color: Style.current.background
radius: Style.current.radius
y: chatTopBarContent.height
x: applicationWindow.width - activityCenter.width - Style.current.halfPadding
onOpened: {
popupOpened = true
onClosed: {
popupOpened = false
padding: 0
ActivityCenterTopBar {
id: activityCenterTopBar
ScrollView {
id: scrollView
anchors.top: activityCenterTopBar.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 13
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
width: parent.width
clip: true
ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
Column {
id: notificationsContainer
width: parent.width
spacing: 0
property Component profilePopupComponent: ProfilePopup {
id: profilePopup
onClosed: destroy()
// TODO remove this once it is handled by the activity center
Repeater {
id: contactList
model: profileModel.contacts.contactRequests
delegate: ContactRequest {
visible: activityCenter.currentFilter === ActivityCenter.Filter.All || activityCenter.currentFilter === ActivityCenter.Filter.ContactRequests
name: Utils.removeStatusEns(model.name)
address: model.address
localNickname: model.localNickname
identicon: model.thumbnailImage || model.identicon
// TODO set to transparent bg if the notif is read
color: Utils.setColorAlpha(Style.current.blue, 0.1)
radius: 0
profileClick: function (showFooter, userName, fromAuthor, identicon, textParam, nickName) {
var popup = profilePopupComponent.createObject(contactList);
popup.openPopup(showFooter, userName, fromAuthor, identicon, textParam, nickName);
onBlockContactActionTriggered: {
blockContactConfirmationDialog.contactName = name
blockContactConfirmationDialog.contactAddress = address
Repeater {
model: notifDelegateList
DelegateModelGeneralized {
id: notifDelegateList
lessThan: [
function(left, right) { return left.timestamp > right.timestamp }
model: chatsModel.activityNotificationList
delegate: Item {
id: notificationDelegate
width: parent.width
height: notifLoader.active ? childrenRect.height : 0
property int idx: DelegateModel.itemsIndex
Loader {
id: notifLoader
anchors.top: parent.top
active: !!sourceComponent
width: parent.width
sourceComponent: {
switch (model.notificationType) {
// TODO add to constants (mention)
case 3: return messageNotificationComponent
default: return null
Component {
id: messageNotificationComponent
Rectangle {
visible: activityCenter.currentFilter === ActivityCenter.Filter.All || activityCenter.currentFilter === ActivityCenter.Filter.Mentions
width: parent.width
height: childrenRect.height + Style.current.smallPadding
color: model.read ? Style.current.transparent : Utils.setColorAlpha(Style.current.blue, 0.1)
Message {
id: notificationMessage
anchors.right: undefined
fromAuthor: model.message.fromAuthor
chatId: model.message.chatId
userName: model.message.userName
alias: model.message.alias
localName: model.message.localName
message: model.message.message
plainText: model.message.plainText
identicon: model.message.identicon
isCurrentUser: model.message.isCurrentUser
timestamp: model.message.timestamp
sticker: model.message.sticker
contentType: model.message.contentType
outgoingStatus: model.message.outgoingStatus
responseTo: model.message.responseTo
imageClick: imagePopup.openPopup.bind(imagePopup)
messageId: model.message.messageId
linkUrls: model.message.linkUrls
communityId: model.message.communityId
hasMention: model.message.hasMention
stickerPackId: model.message.stickerPackId
pinnedBy: model.message.pinnedBy
pinnedMessage: model.message.isPinned
activityCenterMessage: true
prevMessageIndex: {
if (notificationDelegate.idx === 0) {
return 0
// This is used in order to have access to the previous message and determine the timestamp
// we can't rely on the index because the sequence of messages is not ordered on the nim side
if (notificationDelegate.idx < notifDelegateList.items.count - 1) {
return notifDelegateList.items.get(notificationDelegate.idx - 1).model.index
return -1;
prevMsgTimestamp: notificationDelegate.idx === 0 ? "" : chatsModel.activityNotificationList.getNotificationData(prevMessageIndex, "timestamp")
StatusIconButton {
id: markReadBtn
icon.name: "double-check"
iconColor: Style.current.primary
icon.width: 24
icon.height: 24
width: 32
height: 32
onClicked: chatsModel.activityNotificationList.markActivityCenterNotificationRead(model.id)
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 12
anchors.verticalCenter: notificationMessage.verticalCenter
z: 52
StatusToolTip {
visible: markReadBtn.hovered
text: qsTr("Mark as Read")
orientation: "left"
x: - width - Style.current.padding
y: markReadBtn.height / 2 - height / 2 + 4
ActivityChannelBadge {
name: model.name
chatId: model.chatId
anchors.top: notificationMessage.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 61 // TODO find a way to align with the text of the message
Item {
visible: chatsModel.activityNotificationList.hasMoreToShow
width: parent.width
height: visible ? showMoreBtn.height + showMoreBtn.anchors.topMargin : 0
StatusButton {
id: showMoreBtn
text: qsTr("Show more")
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding
onClicked: chatsModel.activityNotificationList.loadMoreNotifications()