2020-08-06 16:03:11 +02:00

275 lines
9.2 KiB

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//% "ENS usernames"
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text: qsTr("Get a universal username")
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StyledText {
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text: qsTr("ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames.")
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text: qsTr("Customize your chat name")
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StyledText {
id: element1Subtitle
text: qsTr("An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1.").arg(profileModel.profile.username)
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StyledText {
id: element2Title
text: qsTr("Simplify your ETH address")
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StyledText {
id: element2Subtitle
text: qsTr("You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...).")
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StyledText {
id: element3Title
text: qsTr("Receive transactions in chat")
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wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
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StyledText {
id: element3Subtitle
text: qsTr("Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step.")
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text: qsTr("10 SNT to register")
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StyledText {
id: element4Subtitle
text: qsTr("Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back.")
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StyledText {
id: element5Title
text: qsTr("Already own a username?")
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anchors.right: parent.right
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
font.weight: Font.Bold
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StyledText {
id: element5Subtitle
text: qsTr("You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps.")
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anchors.topMargin: 24
anchors.right: parent.right
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StyledText {
id: poweredBy
text: qsTr("Powered by Ethereum Name Services")
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