Lukáš Tinkl a3c9012f4a feat: [UI - Swap] Create swap input component
- new panel created: `SwapInputPanel`
- some cleanups to the needed stores
- created a SB page demonstrating the use of 2 panels and the
- created QML tests

Fixes #14781
2024-06-06 11:13:18 +02:00

85 lines
2.6 KiB

import QtQuick 2.13
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import utils 1.0
StatusListItem {
id: root
objectName: "tokenBalancePerChainDelegate"
signal tokenSelected(var selectedToken)
signal tokenHovered(var selectedToken, bool hovered)
property var formatCurrentCurrencyAmount: function(balance){}
property var formatCurrencyAmountFromBigInt: function(balance, symbol, decimals){}
property var balancesModel
QtObject {
id: d
function selectToken() {
root.tokenSelected({name, symbol, balances, decimals})
Connections {
target: root.sensor
function onContainsMouseChanged() {
root.tokenHovered({name, symbol, balances, decimals},
title: name
titleAsideText: symbol ?? ""
statusListItemTitleAside.font.pixelSize: 15
statusListItemTitleAside.width: statusListItemTitleArea.width - statusListItemTitle.width
statusListItemTitleAside.elide: Text.ElideRight
label: {
let balance = !!model && !!model.currentCurrencyBalance ? model.currentCurrencyBalance : 0
return root.formatCurrentCurrencyAmount(balance)
// Community assets have a dedicated image streamed from status-go !!model && !!model.image
? model.image
: Constants.tokenIcon(symbol)
asset.isImage: true
asset.width: 32
asset.height: 32
statusListItemLabel.anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -12
statusListItemLabel.color: Theme.palette.directColor1
statusListItemInlineTagsSlot.spacing: 0
tagsModel: root.balancesModel
tagsDelegate: expandedItem
tagsScrollBarVisible: false
radius: sensor.containsMouse || highlighted ? 0 : 8
color: sensor.containsMouse || highlighted ? Theme.palette.statusListItem.highlightColor : "transparent"
onClicked: d.selectToken()
Component {
id: expandedItem
StatusListItemTag {
height: 16
leftPadding: 0
title: root.formatCurrencyAmountFromBigInt(balance, symbol, decimals)
titleText.font.pixelSize: 12
closeButtonVisible: false
bgColor: "transparent"
asset.width: 16
asset.height: 16
asset.isImage: true Style.svg("tiny/%1".arg(model.iconUrl))
tagClickable: true
onTagClicked: d.selectToken()