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synced 2025-03-03 07:50:49 +00:00
233 lines
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233 lines
8.7 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
import "../controls"
import utils 1.0
ColumnLayout {
id: root
readonly property alias input: topAmountToSendInput
readonly property bool inputNumberValid: !!input.text && !isNaN(d.parsedInput) && input.valid
readonly property int minSendCryptoDecimals:
!inputIsFiat ? LocaleUtils.fractionalPartLength(d.inputNumber) : 0
readonly property int minReceiveCryptoDecimals:
!inputIsFiat ? minSendCryptoDecimals + 1 : 0
readonly property int minSendFiatDecimals:
inputIsFiat ? LocaleUtils.fractionalPartLength(d.inputNumber) : 0
readonly property int minReceiveFiatDecimals:
inputIsFiat ? minSendFiatDecimals + 1 : 0
property var selectedHolding // Crypto asset symbol like ETH
property string currentCurrency // Fiat currency symbol like USD
property int multiplierIndex // How divisible the token is, 18 for ETH
property double maxInputBalance
property bool isBridgeTx: false
property bool interactive: false
property bool inputIsFiat: false
property string caption: isBridgeTx ? qsTr("Amount to bridge") : qsTr("Amount to send")
property bool fiatInputInteractive: true
// Crypto value to send expressed in base units (like wei for ETH),
// as a string representing integer decimal
readonly property alias cryptoValueToSend: d.cryptoValueRawToSend
readonly property alias cryptoValueToSendFloat: d.cryptoValueToSend
property var formatCurrencyAmount:
(amount, symbol, options = null, locale = null) => {}
property bool mainInputLoading
property bool bottomTextLoading
signal reCalculateSuggestedRoute()
QtObject {
id: d
property double cryptoValueToSend
property double fiatValueToSend
Binding on cryptoValueToSend {
value: {
if(!root.selectedHolding || !root.selectedHolding.marketDetails || !root.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice) {
return 0
return root.inputIsFiat ? d.fiatValueToSend/root.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice.amount
: d.inputNumber
delayed: true
Binding on fiatValueToSend {
value: {
if(!root.selectedHolding || !root.selectedHolding.marketDetails || !root.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice) {
return 0
return root.inputIsFiat ? d.inputNumber
: d.cryptoValueToSend * root.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice.amount
delayed: true
readonly property string selectedSymbol: !!root.selectedHolding && !!root.selectedHolding.symbol ? root.selectedHolding.symbol: ""
readonly property string cryptoValueRawToSend: {
return SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromNumber(
d.cryptoValueToSend, root.multiplierIndex).toString()
// Crypto value should be represented by 0 and fiat with 0.00
readonly property string zeroString: {
let decimals = root.inputIsFiat ? 2 : 0
LocaleUtils.numberToLocaleString(0, decimals, topAmountToSendInput.locale)
readonly property double parsedInput:
readonly property double inputNumber:
// we should still calculate if value entered is greater than max safe value
!!input.text && !isNaN(d.parsedInput) && d.parsedInput >= 0 ? d.parsedInput : 0
readonly property Timer waitTimer: Timer {
interval: 1000
onTriggered: reCalculateSuggestedRoute()
onMaxInputBalanceChanged: {
onSelectedHoldingChanged: {
StatusBaseText {
text: root.caption
font.pixelSize: 13
lineHeight: 18
lineHeightMode: Text.FixedHeight
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: topItem
AmountInputWithCursor {
id: topAmountToSendInput
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.maximumWidth: 250
Layout.preferredWidth: !!text ? input.edit.paintedWidth + 2
: textMetrics.advanceWidth
placeholderText: d.zeroString
input.edit.color: input.valid ? Theme.palette.directColor1
: Theme.palette.dangerColor1
input.edit.readOnly: !root.interactive
validationMode: StatusInput.ValidationMode.Always
validators: [
StatusValidator {
errorMessage: ""
validate: (text) => {
const num = LocaleUtils.numberFromLocaleString(topAmountToSendInput.text,
if (isNaN(num) || num <= 0 || num > root.maxInputBalance) {
return false
if(!root.selectedHolding || !root.selectedHolding.marketDetails || !root.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice) {
return false
const cryptoValueToSend = root.inputIsFiat ? num / root.selectedHolding.marketDetails.currencyPrice.amount : num
const cryptoValueToSendRaw = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromNumber(cryptoValueToSend, root.multiplierIndex).toString()
return cryptoValueToSendRaw >= 1
TextMetrics {
id: textMetrics
text: topAmountToSendInput.placeholderText
font: topAmountToSendInput.placeholderFont
Keys.onReleased: {
const amount = LocaleUtils.numberFromLocaleString(
if (!isNaN(amount))
visible: !root.mainInputLoading
LoadingComponent {
objectName: "topAmountToSendInputLoadingComponent"
Layout.preferredWidth: topAmountToSendInput.width
Layout.preferredHeight: topAmountToSendInput.height
visible: root.mainInputLoading
StatusBaseText {
Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width
id: bottomItem
objectName: "bottomItemText"
readonly property double bottomAmountToSend: inputIsFiat ? d.cryptoValueToSend
: d.fiatValueToSend
readonly property string bottomAmountSymbol: inputIsFiat ? d.selectedSymbol
: root.currentCurrency
elide: Text.ElideMiddle
text: root.formatCurrencyAmount(bottomAmountToSend, bottomAmountSymbol)
font.pixelSize: 13
color: Theme.palette.directColor5
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: enabled ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : undefined
enabled: root.fiatInputInteractive && !!root.selectedHolding
onClicked: {
if(!!topAmountToSendInput.text) {
topAmountToSendInput.text = root.formatCurrencyAmount(
{ noSymbol: true, rawAmount: true },
root.inputIsFiat = !root.inputIsFiat
visible: !root.bottomTextLoading
LoadingComponent {
objectName: "bottomItemTextLoadingComponent"
Layout.preferredWidth: bottomItem.width
Layout.preferredHeight: bottomItem.height
visible: root.bottomTextLoading