Lukáš Tinkl bc5da78180 fix(Onboarding): Incorrect Navigation Flow for 'Use existing phrase' Option
- changes the order of the "Create profile on empty Keycard" flow to
match Figma (seedphrase -> create pin -> add key pair)
- fixup tests to match the order

Fixes #17216
2025-02-10 17:20:56 +01:00

140 lines
4.1 KiB

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
StatusTextField {
id: root
required property bool valid
required property var seedSuggestions // [{seedWord:string}, ...]
placeholderText: qsTr("Enter word")
leftPadding: Theme.padding
rightPadding: Theme.padding + clearIcon.width + d.contentSpacing
topPadding: Theme.smallPadding
bottomPadding: Theme.smallPadding
background: Rectangle {
radius: Theme.radius
color: {
if (root.activeFocus || d.isEmpty)
return Theme.palette.baseColor2
if (root.valid)
return Theme.palette.successColor2
return Theme.palette.dangerColor3
border.width: root.activeFocus ? 1 : 0
border.color: {
if (root.activeFocus || d.isEmpty)
return Theme.palette.primaryColor1
if (root.valid)
return Theme.palette.successColor1
return Theme.palette.dangerColor1
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property int contentSpacing: 4
readonly property int delegateHeight: 33
readonly property bool isEmpty: root.text === ""
Keys.onPressed: {
switch (event.key) {
case Qt.Key_Tab:
case Qt.Key_Return:
case Qt.Key_Enter: {
if (root.text === "") {
event.accepted = true
if (filteredModel.count > 0) {
event.accepted = true
root.text = filteredModel.get(suggestionsList.currentIndex).seedWord
case Qt.Key_Space: {
event.accepted = !event.text.match(/^[a-zA-Z]$/)
Keys.forwardTo: [suggestionsList]
StatusDropdown {
x: 0
y: parent.height + d.contentSpacing
width: parent.width
contentHeight: ((suggestionsList.count <= 5) ? suggestionsList.count : 5) * d.delegateHeight // max 5 delegates
visible: filteredModel.count > 0 && root.cursorVisible && !d.isEmpty && !root.valid
verticalPadding: Theme.halfPadding
horizontalPadding: 0
contentItem: StatusListView {
id: suggestionsList
currentIndex: 0
model: SortFilterProxyModel {
id: filteredModel
sourceModel: root.seedSuggestions
filters: RegExpFilter {
pattern: `^${root.text}`
caseSensitivity: Qt.CaseInsensitive
sorters: StringSorter {
roleName: "seedWord"
delegate: StatusItemDelegate {
width: ListView.view.width
height: d.delegateHeight
text: model.seedWord
font.pixelSize: Theme.additionalTextSize
highlightColor: Theme.palette.primaryColor1
highlighted: hovered || index === suggestionsList.currentIndex
onClicked: {
root.text = text
onCountChanged: currentIndex = 0
StatusIcon {
id: clearIcon
width: 20
height: 20
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: Theme.padding
visible: !d.isEmpty && root.activeFocus
icon: "clear"
color: Theme.palette.directColor9
HoverHandler {
id: hhandler
cursorShape: hovered ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : undefined
TapHandler {
onSingleTapped: root.clear()
StatusToolTip {
text: qsTr("Clear")
visible: hhandler.hovered && clearIcon.visible