Lukáš Tinkl fe9bb7d398 chore: Update StatusBaseButton content item layout
- introduce StatusButton storybook page with controls to play around
with the its options and variants
- StatusBaseButton: make the content item horizontally centered by
- StatusBaseButton: remove `textAlignment` and fix `textFillWidth` for
the intended usage
- fixup usage of the 2 above options which were introduced merely as a
workaround, mostly in wallet + corresponding storybook pages

Fixes #10903
2023-06-20 14:10:35 +02:00

93 lines
2.7 KiB

import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQml.Models 2.14
import utils 1.0
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Components 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups.Dialog 0.1
StatusDialog {
id: root
property string name
property string introMessage
property int accessType
property url imageSrc
property bool isInvitationPending: false
signal joined
signal cancelMembershipRequest
padding: 0
title: qsTr("Welcome to %1").arg(name)
footer: StatusDialogFooter {
rightButtons: ObjectModel {
StatusButton {
text: root.isInvitationPending ? qsTr("Cancel Membership Request")
: (root.accessType === Constants.communityChatOnRequestAccess
? qsTr("Request to join %1").arg(
: qsTr("Join %1").arg( )
type: root.isInvitationPending ? StatusBaseButton.Type.Danger
: StatusBaseButton.Type.Normal
enabled: checkBox.checked || root.isInvitationPending
onClicked: {
if (root.isInvitationPending) {
} else {
StatusScrollView {
id: scrollView
anchors.fill: parent
implicitWidth: 640 // by design
contentWidth: availableWidth
ColumnLayout {
id: columnContent
spacing: 24
width: scrollView.availableWidth
StatusRoundedImage {
id: roundImage
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
Layout.preferredHeight: 64
Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight
visible: image.status == Image.Loading || image.status == Image.Ready
image.source: root.imageSrc
StatusBaseText {
id: introText
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: root.introMessage !== "" ? root.introMessage : qsTr("Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message...").arg(
color: Theme.palette.directColor1
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
StatusCheckBox {
id: checkBox
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
visible: !root.isInvitationPending
text: qsTr("I agree with the above")