mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 18:25:33 +00:00
341 lines
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341 lines
11 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtWebView 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils
Item {
id: root
implicitWidth: Math.min(mainLayout.implicitWidth, 400)
implicitHeight: Math.min(mainLayout.implicitHeight, 700)
required property color backgroundColor
property bool sdkReady: state === d.sdkReadyState
// wallet_connect.Controller \see wallet_section/wallet_connect/controller.nim
required property var controller
ColumnLayout {
id: mainLayout
anchors.fill: parent
StatusBaseText {
text: qsTr("Debugging UX until design is ready")
StatusInput {
id: pairLinkInput
Layout.fillWidth: true
placeholderText: "Insert pair link"
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
StatusButton {
text: "Pair"
onClicked: {
statusText.text = "Pairing..."
enabled: pairLinkInput.text.length > 0 && d.sdkView.sdkReady
StatusButton {
text: "Auth"
onClicked: {
statusText.text = "Authenticating..."
enabled: false && pairLinkInput.text.length > 0 && d.sdkView.sdkReady
StatusButton {
text: "Accept"
onClicked: {
d.sdkView.approvePairSession(d.sessionProposal, d.supportedNamespaces)
visible: root.state === d.waitingPairState
StatusButton {
text: "Reject"
onClicked: {
visible: root.state === d.waitingPairState
ColumnLayout {
StatusBaseText {
id: statusText
text: "-"
StatusBaseText {
text: "Pairings"
visible: d.sdkView.pairingsModel.count > 0
StatusListView {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: contentHeight
Layout.maximumHeight: 200
model: d.sdkView.pairingsModel
delegate: StatusBaseText {
text: `${SQUtils.Utils.elideText(topic, 6, 6)} - ${new Date(expiry * 1000).toLocaleString()}`
color: active ? "green" : "orange"
Flickable {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: 200
Layout.maximumHeight: 400
contentWidth: detailsText.width
contentHeight: detailsText.height
StatusBaseText {
id: detailsText
text: ""
visible: text.length > 0
color: "#FF00FF"
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {}
clip: true
RowLayout {
StatusButton {
text: "Accept"
onClicked: {
root.controller.sessionRequest(JSON.stringify(d.sessionRequest), passwordInput.text)
visible: root.state === d.waitingUserResponseToSessionRequest
StatusButton {
text: "Reject"
onClicked: {
d.sdkView.rejectSessionRequest(d.sessionRequest.topic, d.sessionRequest.id, false)
visible: root.state === d.waitingUserResponseToSessionRequest
StatusInput {
id: passwordInput
text: "1234567890"
placeholderText: "Insert account password"
visible: root.state === d.waitingUserResponseToSessionRequest
ColumnLayout { /* spacer */ }
// TODO: DEBUG JS Loading in DMG
// RowLayout {
// TextField {
// id: urlInput
// Layout.fillWidth: true
// placeholderText: "Insert URL here"
// }
// Button {
// text: "Set URL"
// onClicked: {
// d.sdkView.url = urlInput.text
// }
// }
// }
// Button {
// text: "Set HTML"
// onClicked: {
// d.sdkView.loadHtml(htmlContent.text, "http://status.im")
// }
// }
// StatusInput {
// id: htmlContent
// Layout.fillWidth: true
// Layout.minimumHeight: 200
// Layout.maximumHeight: 300
// text: `<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>TODO: Test</title>\n<!--<script src="" defer></script>-->\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n console.log("@dd loaded dummy script!")\n</script>\n</head><body style='background-color: ${root.backgroundColor.toString()};'></body></html>`
// multiline: true
// minimumHeight: Layout.minimumHeight
// maximumHeight: Layout.maximumHeight
// }
// Separator
ColumnLayout {}
// TODO: use it in tests to load a dummy SDK
Loader {
id: sdkViewLoader
Layout.fillWidth: true
// Note that a too smaller height might cause the webview to generate rendering errors
Layout.preferredHeight: 10
sourceComponent: SdkViewComponent {}
component SdkViewComponent: WalletConnectSDK {
projectId: controller.projectId
onSdkInit: function(success, info) {
if (success) {
d.setStatusText("Ready to pair or auth")
root.state = d.sdkReadyState
} else {
d.setStatusText("SDK Error", "red")
root.state = ""
onPairSessionProposal: function(success, sessionProposal) {
if (success) {
d.setStatusText("Pair ID: " + sessionProposal.id + "; Topic: " + sessionProposal.params.pairingTopic)
// Expecting signal onProposeUserPair from controller
} else {
d.setStatusText("Pairing error", "red")
onPairAcceptedResult: function(success, result) {
if (success) {
d.setStatusText("Pairing OK")
root.state = d.pairedState
} else {
d.setStatusText("Pairing error", "red")
root.state = d.sdkReadyState
onPairRejectedResult: function(success, result) {
root.state = d.sdkReadyState
if (success) {
d.setStatusText("Pairing rejected")
} else {
d.setStatusText("Rejecting pairing error", "red")
onSessionRequestUserAnswerResult: function(accept, error) {
if (error) {
d.setStatusText(`Session Request ${accept ? "Accept" : "Reject"} error`, "red")
root.state = d.pairedState
if (accept) {
d.setStatusText(`Session Request accepted`)
} else {
d.setStatusText(`Session Request rejected`)
onSessionRequestEvent: function(sessionRequest) {
d.setStatusText("Approve session request")
d.setDetailsText(JSON.stringify(sessionRequest, null, 2))
d.sessionRequest = sessionRequest
root.state = d.waitingUserResponseToSessionRequest
onPairSessionProposalExpired: {
d.setStatusText(`Timeout waiting for response. Reusing URI?`, "red")
onStatusChanged: function(message) {
statusText.text = message
QtObject {
id: d
property var sessionProposal: null
property var supportedNamespaces: null
property var sessionRequest: null
property var signedData: null
readonly property string sdkReadyState: "sdk_ready"
readonly property string waitingPairState: "waiting_pairing"
readonly property string waitingUserResponseToSessionRequest: "waiting_user_response_to_session_request"
readonly property string pairedState: "paired"
property var sdkView: sdkViewLoader.item
function setStatusText(message, textColor) {
statusText.text = message
if (textColor === undefined) {
textColor = "green"
statusText.color = textColor
function setDetailsText(message) {
if (message === undefined) {
message = "undefined"
} else if (typeof message !== "string") {
message = JSON.stringify(message, null, 2)
detailsText.text = message
Connections {
target: root.controller
function onProposeUserPair(sessionProposalJson, supportedNamespacesJson) {
d.setStatusText("Waiting user accept")
d.sessionProposal = JSON.parse(sessionProposalJson)
d.supportedNamespaces = JSON.parse(supportedNamespacesJson)
d.setDetailsText(JSON.stringify(d.supportedNamespaces, null, 2))
root.state = d.waitingPairState
function onRespondSessionRequest(sessionRequestJson, signedJson, error) {
console.log("@dd respondSessionRequest", sessionRequestJson, signedJson, error)
if (error) {
d.setStatusText("Session Request error", "red")
d.sdkView.rejectSessionRequest(d.sessionRequest.topic, d.sessionRequest.id, true)
d.sessionRequest = JSON.parse(sessionRequestJson)
d.signedData = JSON.parse(signedJson)
d.sdkView.acceptSessionRequest(d.sessionRequest.topic, d.sessionRequest.id, d.signedData)
d.setStatusText("Session Request accepted")