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synced 2025-03-01 23:11:09 +00:00
The enforcing of the derivation path editing rules is done in a structured way by handling all the changes on the array of `Element` stored in d.elements and then recomposing the HTML string to be displayed after every change. Main limitation is the workaround in `onTextChanged` that regenerates the text in order to dismiss foreign characters introduced by pasting which I couldn't find a way to disable without disabling also the ability to copy content to clipboard. Highlights: - Implement DerivationPathInput control that intercepts the modifiable keyboard events in order to edit the visible TextEdit.text while respecting the requirements of the derivation path editing - Implement a JS Controller that handles the logic of the decomposing and recomposing the derivation path string - Add anew StatusQ with the TextEdit basic look and feel to be used in DerivationPathInput control without duplicating the style - Allow passing modifiable events that are not generating characters in order to allow copy to clipboard - Disable add account when control is in error state - Limit to maximum 5 elements in the derivation path Testing: - Integrate the control with StoryBook for a quick preview of the control - Add unit tests for the Controller basic functionality and regression for the main control Item - Removed forcing x64 architecture on apple arm64 hardware from the storybook build configuration Note: initially the implementation was suppose to be simple parse the derivation path string edit elements and format it. However, I could not find a quick way fix the circular dependency issue between editing the text and reformatting it. The solution was to use a one way from the structured data to the formatted string which complicates the implementation logic. Closes: #9890
389 lines
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389 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups 0.1
import utils 1.0
import AppLayouts.Wallet.addaccount.panels 1.0
SplitView {
Pane {
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
ColumnLayout {
id: controlLayout
anchors.fill: parent
DerivationPathInput {
id: devTxtEdit
initialDerivationPath: initialBasePath + (initialBasePath.split("'").length > 4 ? "/0" : "/0'")
initialBasePath: stdBaseListView.currentIndex >= 0
? standardBasePathModel.get(stdBaseListView.currentIndex).derivationPath
: "m/44'/60'/0'/0"
levelsLimit: levelsLimitSpinBox.value
onEditingFinished: { lastEvent.text = "Editing finished" }
input.rightComponent: StatusIcon {
icon: "chevron-down"
color: Theme.palette.baseColor1
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: {
derivationPathSelection.popup(0, devTxtEdit.height + Style.current.halfPadding)
StatusMenu {
id: derivationPathSelection
ColumnLayout {
StatusBaseText {
text: "Test Popup"
Layout.margins: 10
StatusBaseText {
text: "Some more content here"
Layout.margins: 10
// Vertical separator
ColumnLayout {}
RowLayout {
Label {
text: "Levels limit"
SpinBox {
id: levelsLimitSpinBox
from: 0
to: 20
value: 0
RowLayout {
Layout.preferredHeight: customDerivationPathInput.height * 1.5
Label {
text: "Custom path:"
TextInput {
id: customDerivationPathInput
Layout.minimumWidth: 100
RowLayout {
Layout.preferredHeight: customDerivationPathBaseInput.height * 1.5
Label {
text: "Custom base:"
TextInput {
id: customDerivationPathBaseInput
Layout.minimumWidth: 100
Button {
text: "Set custom derivation path"
hoverEnabled: true
highlighted: hovered
onClicked: {
devTxtEdit.resetDerivationPath(customDerivationPathBaseInput.text, customDerivationPathInput.text)
Label {
text: devTxtEdit.errorMessage
visible: devTxtEdit.errorMessage.length > 0
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.pixelSize: 22
font.italic: true
color: "red"
RowLayout {
Label { text: "Output: " }
Label { id: base; text: devTxtEdit.derivationPath }
RowLayout {
Label { text: "Last event: " }
Label { id: lastEvent; text: "" }
Border {
target: customDerivationPathInput
Border {
target: customDerivationPathBaseInput
Border {
target: devTxtEdit
Border {
target: devTxtEdit
radius: 0
border.color: "#22FF0000"
Pane {
SplitView.minimumWidth: 300
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.minimumHeight: 300
ListView {
id: stdBaseListView
anchors.fill: parent
model: standardBasePathModel
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
const newBasePath = standardBasePathModel.get(currentIndex).derivationPath
devTxtEdit.resetDerivationPath(newBasePath, newBasePath + (newBasePath.split("'").length > 3 ? "/0" : "/0'"))
delegate: ItemDelegate {
width: stdBaseListView.width
implicitHeight: delegateRowLayout.implicitHeight
highlighted: ListView.isCurrentItem
RowLayout {
id: delegateRowLayout
anchors.fill: parent
Column {
Layout.margins: 5
spacing: 3
Label {
text: name
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
Layout.fillWidth: true
Label {
text: derivationPath
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
Layout.fillWidth: true
Border {
anchors.fill: delegateRowLayout
anchors.margins: 1
z: delegateRowLayout.z - 1
onClicked: stdBaseListView.currentIndex = index
ListModel {
id: standardBasePathModel
ListElement {
name: "Custom"
derivationPath: "m/44'"
ListElement {
name: "Ethereum"
derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Ethereum Classic"
derivationPath: "m/44'/61'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Ethereum Testnet (Ropsten)"
derivationPath: "m/44'/1'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Ethereum (Ledger)"
derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/0'"
ListElement {
name: "Ethereum Classic (Ledger)"
derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/160720'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Ethereum Classic (Ledger, Vintage MEW)"
derivationPath: "m/44'/60'/160720'/0'"
ListElement {
name: "Ethereum (Ledger Live)"
derivationPath: "m/44'/60'"
ListElement {
name: "Ethereum Classic (Ledger Live)"
derivationPath: "m/44'/61'"
ListElement {
name: "Ethereum (KeepKey)"
derivationPath: "m/44'/60'"
ListElement {
name: "Ethereum Classic (KeepKey)"
derivationPath: "m/44'/61'"
ListElement {
name: "RSK Mainnet"
derivationPath: "m/44'/137'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Expanse"
derivationPath: "m/44'/40'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Ubiq"
derivationPath: "m/44'/108'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Ellaism"
derivationPath: "m/44'/163'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "EtherGem"
derivationPath: "m/44'/1987'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Callisto"
derivationPath: "m/44'/820'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Ethereum Social"
derivationPath: "m/44'/1128'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Musicoin"
derivationPath: "m/44'/184'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "EOS Classic"
derivationPath: "m/44'/2018'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Akroma"
derivationPath: "m/44'/200625'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Ether Social Network"
derivationPath: "m/44'/31102'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "PIRL"
derivationPath: "m/44'/164'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "GoChain"
derivationPath: "m/44'/6060'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Ether-1"
derivationPath: "m/44'/1313114'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Atheios"
derivationPath: "m/44'/1620'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "TomoChain"
derivationPath: "m/44'/889'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Mix Blockchain"
derivationPath: "m/44'/76'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "Iolite"
derivationPath: "m/44'/1171337'/0'/0"
ListElement {
name: "ThunderCore"
derivationPath: "m/44'/1001'/0'/0"
component Border: Rectangle {
property Item target: null
Component.onCompleted: setTargetAsParent()
onTargetChanged: setTargetAsParent()
function setTargetAsParent() {
if(!!target) {
parent = target
x: !!target ? -radius : 0
y: !!target ? -radius : 0
width: !!target ? target.width+2*radius : 0
height: !!target ? target.height+2*radius : 0
z: !!target ? target.z - 1 : 0
color: "transparent"
border.color: "black"
border.width: 1
radius: 5