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synced 2025-02-05 03:04:03 +00:00
Fixes #6220 Fixes the issue with the mutual contact icon showing when just added. It also does a huge cleanup of the codebase to remove isContact and replace it with either isAdded, when we care only about if we added, or isMutualContact if we want the contact to be mutual Also fixes an issue with the MessageContextMenu not reflecting the added state correctly.
533 lines
18 KiB
533 lines
18 KiB
import QtQuick 2.13
import utils 1.0
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as StatusQUtils
QtObject {
id: root
property var contactsStore
property bool openCreateChat: false
property string createChatInitMessage: ""
property var createChatFileUrls: []
property bool createChatStartSendTransactionProcess: false
property bool createChatStartReceiveTransactionProcess: false
property string createChatStickerHashId: ""
property string createChatStickerPackId: ""
property var contactsModel: root.contactsStore.myContactsModel
// Important:
// Each `ChatLayout` has its own chatCommunitySectionModule
// (on the backend chat and community sections share the same module since they are actually the same)
property var chatCommunitySectionModule
// Since qml component doesn't follow encaptulation from the backend side, we're introducing
// a method which will return appropriate chat content module for selected chat/channel
function currentChatContentModule(){
// When we decide to have the same struct as it's on the backend we will remove this function.
// So far this is a way to deal with refactord backend from the current qml structure.
return chatCommunitySectionModule.getChatContentModule()
// Contact requests related part
property var contactRequestsModel: chatCommunitySectionModule.contactRequestsModel
property var loadingHistoryMessagesInProgress: chatCommunitySectionModule.loadingHistoryMessagesInProgress
property var advancedModule: profileSectionModule.advancedModule
function setActiveCommunity(communityId) {
function setObservedCommunity(communityId) {
function getMySectionId() {
return chatCommunitySectionModule.getMySectionId()
function acceptContactRequest(pubKey) {
function acceptAllContactRequests() {
function dismissContactRequest(pubKey) {
function dismissAllContactRequests() {
function blockContact(pubKey) {
function interpretMessage(msg) {
if (msg.startsWith("/shrug")) {
return msg.replace("/shrug", "") + " ¯\\\\\\_(ツ)\\_/¯"
if (msg.startsWith("/tableflip")) {
return msg.replace("/tableflip", "") + " (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"
return msg
function sendMessage(event, text, replyMessageId, fileUrls) {
var chatContentModule = currentChatContentModule()
if (fileUrls.length > 0){
let msg = globalUtils.plainText(StatusQUtils.Emoji.deparse(text))
if (msg.length > 0) {
msg = interpretMessage(msg)
Utils.isOnlyEmoji(msg) ? Constants.messageContentType.emojiType : Constants.messageContentType.messageType,
if (event)
event.accepted = true
return true
return false
property var messageStore: MessageStore { }
property var emojiReactionsModel
property var globalUtilsInst: globalUtils
property var mainModuleInst: mainModule
property var activityCenterModuleInst: activityCenterModule
property var activityCenterList: activityCenterModuleInst.model
property var communitiesModuleInst: communitiesModule
property var communitiesList: communitiesModuleInst.model
property var userProfileInst: userProfile
property var accounts: walletSectionAccounts.model
property var currentAccount: walletSectionCurrent
property string currentCurrency: walletSection.currentCurrency
property string signingPhrase: walletSection.signingPhrase
property string channelEmoji: chatCommunitySectionModule && chatCommunitySectionModule.emoji ? chatCommunitySectionModule.emoji : ""
property ListModel addToGroupContacts: ListModel {}
property var walletSectionTransactionsInst: walletSectionTransactions
property bool isCommunityHistoryArchiveSupportEnabled: advancedModule? advancedModule.isCommunityHistoryArchiveSupportEnabled : false
property string communityTags: communitiesModule.tags
property var stickersModuleInst: stickersModule
property var stickersStore: StickersStore {
stickersModule: stickersModuleInst
// Not Refactored Yet
// property var activeCommunity: chatsModelInst.communities.activeCommunity
function getBadgeDetails(sectionId, chatId) {
try {
const jsonObj = root.activityCenterModuleInst.getDetails(sectionId, chatId)
let obj = JSON.parse(jsonObj)
return obj
catch (e) {
return {
sType: "",
sName: "",
sImage: "",
sColor: "",
cName: "",
cImage: "",
cColor: "",
cEmoji: ""
function sendSticker(channelId, hash, replyTo, pack) {
stickersModuleInst.send(channelId, hash, replyTo, pack)
function copyToClipboard(text) {
function copyImageToClipboardByUrl(content) {
function downloadImageByUrl(url, path) {
globalUtilsInst.downloadImageByUrl(url, path)
function isCurrentUser(pubkey) {
return userProfileInst.pubKey === pubkey
function displayName(name, pubkey) {
return isCurrentUser(pubkey) ? qsTr("You") : name
function getCommunity(communityId) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// try {
// const communityJson = chatsModelInst.communities.list.getCommunityByIdJson(communityId);
// if (!communityJson) {
// return null;
// }
// let community = JSON.parse(communityJson);
// if (community) {
// community.nbMembers = community.members.length;
// }
// return community
// } catch (e) {
// console.error("Error parsing community", e);
// }
return null;
// Not Refactored Yet
property var activeCommunityChatsModel: "" //chatsModelInst.communities.activeCommunity.chats
function createCommunity(args = {
name: "",
description: "",
introMessage: "",
outroMessage: "",
color: "",
tags: "",
image: {
src: "",
AX: 0,
AY: 0,
BX: 0,
BY: 0,
options: {
historyArchiveSupportEnabled: false,
checkedMembership: false,
pinMessagesAllowedForMembers: false
}) {
return communitiesModuleInst.createCommunity(
args.name, args.description, args.introMessage, args.outroMessage,
args.options.checkedMembership, args.color, args.tags,
args.image.src, args.image.AX, args.image.AY, args.image.BX, args.image.BY,
args.options.historyArchiveSupportEnabled, args.options.pinMessagesAllowedForMembers);
function importCommunity(communityKey) {
function createCommunityCategory(categoryName, channels) {
chatCommunitySectionModule.createCommunityCategory(categoryName, channels)
function editCommunityCategory(categoryId, categoryName, channels) {
chatCommunitySectionModule.editCommunityCategory(categoryId, categoryName, channels);
function deleteCommunityCategory(categoryId) {
function prepareEditCategoryModel(categoryId) {
function leaveCommunity() {
function removeUserFromCommunity(pubKey) {
function banUserFromCommunity(pubKey) {
function createCommunityChannel(channelName, channelDescription, channelEmoji, channelColor,
categoryId) {
chatCommunitySectionModule.createCommunityChannel(channelName, channelDescription,
channelEmoji, channelColor, categoryId);
function editCommunityChannel(chatId, newName, newDescription, newEmoji, newColor,
newCategory, channelPosition) {
function acceptRequestToJoinCommunity(requestId) {
function declineRequestToJoinCommunity(requestId) {
function userNameOrAlias(pk) {
// Not Refactored Yet
// return chatsModelInst.userNameOrAlias(pk);
function generateAlias(pk) {
return globalUtils.generateAlias(pk);
function plainText(text) {
return globalUtils.plainText(text)
function removeCommunityChat(chatId) {
function reorderCommunityCategories(categoryId, to) {
chatCommunitySectionModule.reorderCommunityCategories(categoryId, to)
function reorderCommunityChat(categoryId, chatId, to) {
chatCommunitySectionModule.reorderCommunityChat(categoryId, chatId, to)
function joinCommunity(id, ensName) {
return communitiesModuleInst.joinCommunity(id, ensName)
function requestToJoinCommunity(id, ensName) {
return communitiesModuleInst.requestToJoinCommunity(id, ensName)
function userCanJoin(id) {
return communitiesModuleInst.userCanJoin(id)
function isUserMemberOfCommunity(id) {
return communitiesModuleInst.isUserMemberOfCommunity(id)
function isCommunityRequestPending(id) {
return communitiesModuleInst.isCommunityRequestPending(id)
function getSectionNameById(id) {
return communitiesList.getSectionNameById(id)
function getSectionByIdJson(id) {
return communitiesList.getSectionByIdJson(id)
function getLinkTitleAndCb(link) {
const result = {
title: "Status",
callback: null
// Link to send a direct message
let index = link.indexOf("/u/")
if (index === -1) {
// Try /p/ as well
index = link.indexOf("/p/")
if (index > -1) {
const pk = link.substring(index + 3)
result.title = qsTr("Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1")
.arg(isChatKey(pk) ? globalUtils.generateAlias(pk) : ("@" + removeStatusEns(pk)))
result.callback = function () {
if (isChatKey(pk)) {
chatCommunitySectionModule.createOneToOneChat("", pk, "")
} else {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModel.channelView.joinWithENS(pk);
return result
// Community
index = link.lastIndexOf("/c/")
if (index > -1) {
const communityId = link.substring(index + 3)
const communityName = getSectionNameById(communityId)
if (!communityName) {
// Unknown community, fetch the info if possible
result.communityId = communityId
result.fetching = true
return result
result.title = qsTr("Join the %1 community").arg(communityName)
result.communityId = communityId
result.callback = function () {
const isUserMemberOfCommunity = isUserMemberOfCommunity(communityId)
if (isUserMemberOfCommunity) {
const userCanJoin = userCanJoin(communityId)
// TODO find what to do when you can't join
if (userCanJoin) {
joinCommunity(communityId, userProfileInst.ensName)
return result
// Group chat
index = link.lastIndexOf("/g/")
if (index > -1) {
let indexAdminPk = link.lastIndexOf("a=")
let indexChatName = link.lastIndexOf("a1=")
let indexChatId = link.lastIndexOf("a2=")
const pubKey = link.substring(indexAdminPk + 2, indexChatName - 1)
const chatName = link.substring(indexChatName + 3, indexChatId - 1)
const chatId = link.substring(indexChatId + 3, link.length)
result.title = qsTr("Join the %1 group chat").arg(chatName)
result.callback = function () {
// Not Refactored Yet
// chatsModel.groups.joinGroupChatFromInvitation(chatName, chatId, pubKey);
return result
// Not Refactored Yet (when we get to this we will most likely remove it, since other approach will be used)
// // Public chat
// // This needs to be the last check because it is as VERY loose check
// index = link.lastIndexOf("/")
// if (index > -1) {
// const chatId = link.substring(index + 1)
// result.title = qsTr("Join the %1 public channel").arg(chatId)
// result.callback = function () {
// chatsModel.channelView.joinPublicChat(chatId);
// }
// return result
// }
return result
function getLinkDataForStatusLinks(link) {
if (!link.includes(Constants.deepLinkPrefix) && !link.includes(Constants.joinStatusLink)) {
const result = getLinkTitleAndCb(link)
return {
site: "https://join.status.im",
title: result.title,
communityId: result.communityId,
fetching: result.fetching,
thumbnailUrl: Style.png("status"),
contentType: "",
height: 0,
width: 0,
callback: result.callback
function getPubkey() {
return userProfile.getPubKey()
function getFiatValue(balance, cryptoSymbo, fiatSymbol) {
return profileSectionModule.ensUsernamesModule.getFiatValue(balance, cryptoSymbo, fiatSymbol)
function acceptRequestTransaction(transactionHash, messageId, signature) {
return currentChatContentModule().inputAreaModule.acceptRequestTransaction(transactionHash, messageId, signature)
function acceptAddressRequest(messageId, address) {
currentChatContentModule().inputAreaModule.acceptAddressRequest(messageId, address)
function declineAddressRequest(messageId) {
function declineRequest(messageId) {
function getGasEthValue(gweiValue, gasLimit) {
return profileSectionModule.ensUsernamesModule.getGasEthValue(gweiValue, gasLimit)
function estimateGas(from_addr, to, assetSymbol, value, chainId, data) {
return walletSectionTransactions.estimateGas(from_addr, to, assetSymbol, value === "" ? "0.00" : value, chainId, data)
function transfer(from, to, address, tokenSymbol, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice, tipLimit, overallLimit, password, chainId, uuid, eip1559Enabled) {
return walletSectionTransactions.transfer(
from, to, address, tokenSymbol, amount, gasLimit,
gasPrice, tipLimit, overallLimit, password, chainId, uuid,
function getAccountNameByAddress(address) {
return walletSectionAccounts.getAccountNameByAddress(address)
function getAccountIconColorByAddress(address) {
return walletSectionAccounts.getAccountIconColorByAddress(address)
function getAccountAssetsByAddress(address) {
return walletSectionAccounts.getAccountAssetsByAddress()
function suggestedFees(chainId) {
return JSON.parse(walletSectionTransactions.suggestedFees(chainId))
function suggestedRoutes(account, amount, token) {
return JSON.parse(walletSectionTransactions.suggestedRoutes(account, amount, token)).networks