313 lines
11 KiB

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13
import "../../../../imports"
import "../../../../shared"
import "../../../../shared/status"
ScrollView {
height: parent.height
width: parent.width
contentHeight: advancedContainer.height + 100
clip: true
Item {
id: advancedContainer
width: profileContainer.profileContentWidth
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
height: generalColumn.height
Column {
id: generalColumn
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: topMargin
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
StatusSettingsLineButton {
//% "Network"
text: qsTrId("network")
currentValue: utilsModel.getNetworkName()
onClicked: networksModal.open()
StatusSettingsLineButton {
//% "Fleet"
text: qsTrId("fleet")
currentValue: profileModel.fleets.fleet
onClicked: fleetModal.open()
StatusSettingsLineButton {
//% "Minimize on close"
text: qsTrId("minimize-on-close")
isSwitch: true
switchChecked: !appSettings.quitOnClose
onClicked: function (checked) {
appSettings.quitOnClose = !checked
Item {
id: spacer1
height: Style.current.bigPadding
width: parent.width
Separator {
anchors.topMargin: Style.current.bigPadding
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: -Style.current.padding
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: -Style.current.padding
StatusSectionHeadline {
//% "Experimental features"
text: qsTrId("experimental-features")
topPadding: Style.current.bigPadding
bottomPadding: Style.current.padding
StatusSettingsLineButton {
//% "Wallet"
text: qsTrId("wallet")
isSwitch: true
switchChecked: appSettings.isWalletEnabled
onClicked: {
if (!appSettings.isWalletEnabled) {
confirmationPopup.settingsProp = "isWalletEnabled"
} else {
appSettings.isWalletEnabled = false
StatusSettingsLineButton {
text: qsTr("Wallet v2 - do not use, under active development")
isSwitch: true
switchChecked: appSettings.isWalletV2Enabled
onClicked: {
if (!appSettings.isWalletV2Enabled) {
confirmationPopup.settingsProp = "isWalletV2Enabled"
} else {
appSettings.isWalletV2Enabled = false
StatusSettingsLineButton {
//% "Dapp Browser"
text: qsTrId("dapp-browser")
isSwitch: true
switchChecked: appSettings.isBrowserEnabled
onClicked: {
if (!appSettings.isBrowserEnabled) {
confirmationPopup.settingsProp = "isBrowserEnabled"
} else {
appSettings.isBrowserEnabled = false
StatusSettingsLineButton {
//% "Communities"
text: qsTrId("communities")
isSwitch: true
switchChecked: appSettings.communitiesEnabled
onClicked: {
if (!appSettings.communitiesEnabled) {
confirmationPopup.settingsProp = "communitiesEnabled"
} else {
appSettings.communitiesEnabled = false
StatusSettingsLineButton {
//% "Activity Center"
text: qsTrId("activity-center")
isSwitch: true
switchChecked: appSettings.isActivityCenterEnabled
onClicked: {
if (!appSettings.isActivityCenterEnabled) {
confirmationPopup.settingsProp = "isActivityCenterEnabled"
} else {
appSettings.isActivityCenterEnabled = false
StatusSettingsLineButton {
//% "Node Management"
text: qsTrId("node-management")
isSwitch: true
switchChecked: appSettings.nodeManagementEnabled
onClicked: {
if (!appSettings.nodeManagementEnabled) {
confirmationPopup.settingsProp = "nodeManagementEnabled"
} else {
appSettings.nodeManagementEnabled = false
StatusSettingsLineButton {
id: onlineUsers
//% "Online users"
text: qsTrId("online-users")
isSwitch: true
switchChecked: appSettings.showOnlineUsers
onClicked: {
appSettings.showOnlineUsers = !appSettings.showOnlineUsers
StatusSettingsLineButton {
//% "GIF Widget"
text: qsTrId("gif-widget")
isSwitch: true
switchChecked: appSettings.isGifWidgetEnabled
onClicked: {
appSettings.isGifWidgetEnabled = !appSettings.isGifWidgetEnabled
StatusSectionHeadline {
//% "Bloom filter level"
text: qsTrId("bloom-filter-level")
topPadding: Style.current.bigPadding
bottomPadding: Style.current.padding
Row {
spacing: 11
Component {
id: bloomConfirmationDialogComponent
ConfirmationDialog {
property string mode: "normal"
id: confirmDialog
//% "Warning!"
header.title: qsTrId("close-app-title")
//% "The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled"
confirmationText: qsTrId("the-account-will-be-logged-out--when-you-login-again--the-selected-mode-will-be-enabled")
onConfirmButtonClicked: {
onClosed: {
case "light": btnBloomLight.click(); break;
case "normal": btnBloomNormal.click(); break;
case "full": btnBloomFull.click(); break;
ButtonGroup {
id: bloomGroup
BloomSelectorButton {
id: btnBloomLight
buttonGroup: bloomGroup
checkedByDefault: nodeModel.bloomLevel == "light"
//% "Light Node"
btnText: qsTrId("light-node")
onToggled: {
if (nodeModel.bloomLevel != "light") {
openPopup(bloomConfirmationDialogComponent, {mode: "light"})
} else {
BloomSelectorButton {
id: btnBloomNormal
buttonGroup: bloomGroup
checkedByDefault: nodeModel.bloomLevel == "normal"
//% "Normal"
btnText: qsTrId("normal")
onToggled: {
if (nodeModel.bloomLevel != "normal") {
openPopup(bloomConfirmationDialogComponent, {mode: "normal"})
} else {
BloomSelectorButton {
id: btnBloomFull
buttonGroup: bloomGroup
checkedByDefault: nodeModel.bloomLevel == "full"
//% "Full Node"
btnText: qsTrId("full-node")
onToggled: {
if (nodeModel.bloomLevel != "full") {
openPopup(bloomConfirmationDialogComponent, {mode: "full"})
} else {
StatusSettingsLineButton {
text: qsTr("Stickers/ENS on ropsten")
visible: profileModel.network.current === Constants.networkRopsten
isSwitch: true
switchChecked: appSettings.stickersEnsRopsten
onClicked: {
appSettings.stickersEnsRopsten = !appSettings.stickersEnsRopsten
NetworksModal {
id: networksModal
FleetsModal {
id: fleetModal
ConfirmationDialog {
id: confirmationPopup
property string settingsProp: ""
showCancelButton: true
//% "This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk."
confirmationText: (settingsProp === "isWalletV2Enabled" ? qsTr("<b>--DO NOT USE - UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT--</b>\n") : "") +
//% "I understand"
confirmButtonLabel: qsTrId("i-understand")
onConfirmButtonClicked: {
appSettings[settingsProp] = true
settingsProp = ""
onCancelButtonClicked: {
Designer {