mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 06:51:08 +00:00
829 lines
39 KiB
829 lines
39 KiB
pragma Singleton
import QtQuick 2.13
import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
QtObject {
readonly property QtObject appState: QtObject {
readonly property int startup: 0
readonly property int appLoading: 1
readonly property int main: 2
readonly property QtObject startupFlow: QtObject {
readonly property string general: "General"
readonly property string firstRunNewUserNewKeys: "FirstRunNewUserNewKeys"
readonly property string firstRunNewUserNewKeycardKeys: "FirstRunNewUserNewKeycardKeys"
readonly property string firstRunNewUserImportSeedPhrase: "FirstRunNewUserImportSeedPhrase"
readonly property string firstRunNewUserImportSeedPhraseIntoKeycard: "FirstRunNewUserImportSeedPhraseIntoKeycard"
readonly property string firstRunOldUserSyncCode: "FirstRunOldUserSyncCode"
readonly property string firstRunOldUserKeycardImport: "FirstRunOldUserKeycardImport"
readonly property string firstRunOldUserImportSeedPhrase: "FirstRunOldUserImportSeedPhrase"
readonly property string appLogin: "AppLogin"
readonly property string lostKeycardReplacement: "LostKeycardReplacement"
readonly property string lostKeycardConvertToRegularAccount: "LostKeycardConvertToRegularAccount"
readonly property QtObject startupState: QtObject {
readonly property string noState: "NoState"
readonly property string allowNotifications: "AllowNotifications"
readonly property string welcome: "Welcome"
readonly property string welcomeNewStatusUser: "WelcomeNewStatusUser"
readonly property string welcomeOldStatusUser: "WelcomeOldStatusUser"
readonly property string recoverOldUser: "RecoverOldUser"
readonly property string userProfileCreate: "UserProfileCreate"
readonly property string userProfileChatKey: "UserProfileChatKey"
readonly property string userProfileCreateSameChatKey: "UserProfileCreateSameChatKey"
readonly property string userProfileCreatePassword: "UserProfileCreatePassword"
readonly property string userProfileConfirmPassword: "UserProfileConfirmPassword"
readonly property string userProfileImportSeedPhrase: "UserProfileImportSeedPhrase"
readonly property string userProfileEnterSeedPhrase: "UserProfileEnterSeedPhrase"
readonly property string userProfileWrongSeedPhrase: "UserProfileWrongSeedPhrase"
readonly property string biometrics: "Biometrics"
readonly property string keycardPluginReader: "KeycardPluginReader"
readonly property string keycardInsertKeycard: "KeycardInsertKeycard"
readonly property string keycardInsertedKeycard: "KeycardInsertedKeycard"
readonly property string keycardReadingKeycard: "KeycardReadingKeycard"
readonly property string keycardRecognizedKeycard: "KeycardRecognizedKeycard"
readonly property string keycardWrongKeycard: "KeycardWrongKeycard"
readonly property string keycardCreatePin: "KeycardCreatePin"
readonly property string keycardRepeatPin: "KeycardRepeatPin"
readonly property string keycardPinSet: "KeycardPinSet"
readonly property string keycardEnterPin: "KeycardEnterPin"
readonly property string keycardWrongPin: "KeycardWrongPin"
readonly property string keycardEnterPuk: "KeycardEnterPuk"
readonly property string keycardWrongPuk: "KeycardWrongPuk"
readonly property string keycardDisplaySeedPhrase: "KeycardDisplaySeedPhrase"
readonly property string keycardEnterSeedPhraseWords: "KeycardEnterSeedPhraseWords"
readonly property string keycardNotEmpty: "KeycardNotEmpty"
readonly property string keycardNotKeycard: "KeycardNotKeycard"
readonly property string keycardEmpty: "KeycardEmpty"
readonly property string keycardLocked: "KeycardLocked"
readonly property string keycardRecover: "KeycardRecover"
readonly property string keycardMaxPairingSlotsReached: "KeycardMaxPairingSlotsReached"
readonly property string keycardMaxPinRetriesReached: "KeycardMaxPinRetriesReached"
readonly property string keycardMaxPukRetriesReached: "KeycardMaxPukRetriesReached"
readonly property string login: "Login"
readonly property string loginPlugin: "LoginPlugin"
readonly property string loginKeycardInsertKeycard: "LoginKeycardInsertKeycard"
readonly property string loginKeycardInsertedKeycard: "LoginKeycardInsertedKeycard"
readonly property string loginKeycardReadingKeycard: "LoginKeycardReadingKeycard"
readonly property string loginKeycardRecognizedKeycard: "LoginKeycardRecognizedKeycard"
readonly property string loginKeycardEnterPin: "LoginKeycardEnterPin"
readonly property string loginKeycardEnterPassword: "LoginKeycardEnterPassword"
readonly property string loginKeycardPinVerified: "LoginKeycardPinVerified"
readonly property string loginKeycardWrongKeycard: "LoginKeycardWrongKeycard"
readonly property string loginKeycardWrongPin: "LoginKeycardWrongPin"
readonly property string loginKeycardMaxPinRetriesReached: "LoginKeycardMaxPinRetriesReached"
readonly property string loginKeycardMaxPukRetriesReached: "LoginKeycardMaxPukRetriesReached"
readonly property string loginKeycardMaxPairingSlotsReached: "LoginKeycardMaxPairingSlotsReached"
readonly property string loginKeycardEmpty: "LoginKeycardEmpty"
readonly property string loginNotKeycard: "LoginNotKeycard"
readonly property string loginKeycardConvertedToRegularAccount: "LoginKeycardConvertedToRegularAccount"
readonly property string profileFetching: "ProfileFetching"
readonly property string profileFetchingSuccess: "ProfileFetchingSuccess"
readonly property string profileFetchingTimeout: "ProfileFetchingTimeout"
readonly property string profileFetchingAnnouncement: "ProfileFetchingAnnouncement"
readonly property string lostKeycardOptions: "LostKeycardOptions"
readonly property QtObject predefinedKeycardData: QtObject {
readonly property int wronglyInsertedCard: 1
readonly property int hideKeyPair: 2
readonly property int wrongSeedPhrase: 4
readonly property int wrongPassword: 8
readonly property int offerPukForUnlock: 16
readonly property int disableSeedPhraseForUnlock: 32
readonly property int useGeneralMessageForLockedState: 64
readonly property int maxPUKReached: 128
readonly property int copyFromAKeycardPartDone: 256
readonly property QtObject keycardSharedFlow: QtObject {
readonly property string general: "General"
readonly property string factoryReset: "FactoryReset"
readonly property string setupNewKeycard: "SetupNewKeycard"
readonly property string setupNewKeycardNewSeedPhrase: "SetupNewKeycardNewSeedPhrase"
readonly property string setupNewKeycardOldSeedPhrase: "SetupNewKeycardOldSeedPhrase"
readonly property string importFromKeycard: "ImportFromKeycard"
readonly property string authentication: "Authentication"
readonly property string unlockKeycard: "UnlockKeycard"
readonly property string displayKeycardContent: "DisplayKeycardContent"
readonly property string renameKeycard: "RenameKeycard"
readonly property string changeKeycardPin: "ChangeKeycardPin"
readonly property string changeKeycardPuk: "ChangeKeycardPuk"
readonly property string changePairingCode: "ChangePairingCode"
readonly property string createCopyOfAKeycard: "CreateCopyOfAKeycard"
readonly property QtObject keycardSharedState: QtObject {
readonly property string noState: "NoState"
readonly property string pluginReader: "PluginReader"
readonly property string readingKeycard: "ReadingKeycard"
readonly property string insertKeycard: "InsertKeycard"
readonly property string keycardInserted: "KeycardInserted"
readonly property string createPin: "CreatePin"
readonly property string repeatPin: "RepeatPin"
readonly property string pinSet: "PinSet"
readonly property string pinVerified: "PinVerified"
readonly property string enterPin: "EnterPin"
readonly property string wrongPin: "WrongPin"
readonly property string enterPuk: "EnterPuk"
readonly property string wrongPuk: "WrongPuk"
readonly property string wrongKeychainPin: "WrongKeychainPin"
readonly property string maxPinRetriesReached: "MaxPinRetriesReached"
readonly property string maxPukRetriesReached: "MaxPukRetriesReached"
readonly property string maxPairingSlotsReached: "MaxPairingSlotsReached"
readonly property string factoryResetConfirmation: "FactoryResetConfirmation"
readonly property string factoryResetConfirmationDisplayMetadata: "FactoryResetConfirmationDisplayMetadata"
readonly property string factoryResetSuccess: "FactoryResetSuccess"
readonly property string keycardEmptyMetadata: "KeycardEmptyMetadata"
readonly property string keycardMetadataDisplay: "KeycardMetadataDisplay"
readonly property string keycardEmpty: "KeycardEmpty"
readonly property string keycardNotEmpty: "KeycardNotEmpty"
readonly property string keycardAlreadyUnlocked: "KeycardAlreadyUnlocked"
readonly property string notKeycard: "NotKeycard"
readonly property string unlockKeycardOptions: "UnlockKeycardOptions"
readonly property string unlockingKeycard: "UnlockingKeycard"
readonly property string unlockKeycardFailure: "UnlockKeycardFailure"
readonly property string unlockKeycardSuccess: "UnlockKeycardSuccess"
readonly property string wrongKeycard: "WrongKeycard"
readonly property string recognizedKeycard: "RecognizedKeycard"
readonly property string selectExistingKeyPair: "SelectExistingKeyPair"
readonly property string enterSeedPhrase: "EnterSeedPhrase"
readonly property string wrongSeedPhrase: "WrongSeedPhrase"
readonly property string seedPhraseAlreadyInUse: "SeedPhraseAlreadyInUse"
readonly property string seedPhraseDisplay: "SeedPhraseDisplay"
readonly property string seedPhraseEnterWords: "SeedPhraseEnterWords"
readonly property string keyPairMigrateSuccess: "KeyPairMigrateSuccess"
readonly property string keyPairMigrateFailure: "KeyPairMigrateFailure"
readonly property string migratingKeyPair: "MigratingKeyPair"
readonly property string enterPassword: "EnterPassword"
readonly property string wrongPassword: "WrongPassword"
readonly property string biometricsPasswordFailed: "BiometricsPasswordFailed"
readonly property string biometricsPinFailed: "BiometricsPinFailed"
readonly property string biometricsPinInvalid: "BiometricsPinInvalid"
readonly property string biometricsReadyToSign: "BiometricsReadyToSign"
readonly property string enterBiometricsPassword: "EnterBiometricsPassword"
readonly property string wrongBiometricsPassword: "WrongBiometricsPassword"
readonly property string enterKeycardName: "EnterKeycardName"
readonly property string renamingKeycard: "RenamingKeycard"
readonly property string keycardRenameSuccess: "KeycardRenameSuccess"
readonly property string keycardRenameFailure: "KeycardRenameFailure"
readonly property string changingKeycardPin: "ChangingKeycardPin"
readonly property string changingKeycardPinSuccess: "ChangingKeycardPinSuccess"
readonly property string changingKeycardPinFailure: "ChangingKeycardPinFailure"
readonly property string createPuk: "CreatePuk"
readonly property string repeatPuk: "RepeatPuk"
readonly property string changingKeycardPuk: "ChangingKeycardPuk"
readonly property string changingKeycardPukSuccess: "ChangingKeycardPukSuccess"
readonly property string changingKeycardPukFailure: "ChangingKeycardPukFailure"
readonly property string createPairingCode: "CreatePairingCode"
readonly property string changingKeycardPairingCode: "ChangingKeycardPairingCode"
readonly property string changingKeycardPairingCodeSuccess: "ChangingKeycardPairingCodeSuccess"
readonly property string changingKeycardPairingCodeFailure: "ChangingKeycardPairingCodeFailure"
readonly property string removeKeycard: "RemoveKeycard"
readonly property string sameKeycard: "SameKeycard"
readonly property string copyToKeycard: "CopyToKeycard"
readonly property string copyingKeycard: "CopyingKeycard"
readonly property string copyingKeycardFailure: "CopyingKeycardFailure"
readonly property string copyingKeycardSuccess: "CopyingKeycardSuccess"
readonly property string manageKeycardAccounts: "ManageKeycardAccounts"
readonly property string creatingAccountNewSeedPhrase: "CreatingAccountNewSeedPhrase"
readonly property string creatingAccountNewSeedPhraseSuccess: "CreatingAccountNewSeedPhraseSuccess"
readonly property string creatingAccountNewSeedPhraseFailure: "CreatingAccountNewSeedPhraseFailure"
readonly property string creatingAccountOldSeedPhrase: "CreatingAccountOldSeedPhrase"
readonly property string creatingAccountOldSeedPhraseSuccess: "CreatingAccountOldSeedPhraseSuccess"
readonly property string creatingAccountOldSeedPhraseFailure: "CreatingAccountOldSeedPhraseFailure"
readonly property string importingFromKeycard: "ImportingFromKeycard"
readonly property string importingFromKeycardSuccess: "ImportingFromKeycardSuccess"
readonly property string importingFromKeycardFailure: "ImportingFromKeycardFailure"
readonly property QtObject keycardAnimations: QtObject {
readonly property QtObject cardInsert: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/card_insert/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 16
readonly property int duration: 1000
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject cardInserted: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/card_inserted/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 29
readonly property int duration: 1000
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject cardRemoved: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/card_removed/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 29
readonly property int duration: 1000
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject warning: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/warning/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 55
readonly property int duration: 3000
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject processing: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/warning/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 18
readonly property int endImgIndex: 47
readonly property int duration: 1500
readonly property int loops: -1
readonly property QtObject strongError: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/strong_error/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 18
readonly property int endImgIndex: 29
readonly property int duration: 1300
readonly property int loops: -1
readonly property QtObject success: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/success/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 29
readonly property int duration: 1300
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject strongSuccess: QtObject {
readonly property string pattern: "keycard/strong_success/img-%1"
readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0
readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0
readonly property int endImgIndex: 20
readonly property int duration: 1300
readonly property int loops: 1
readonly property QtObject keychain: QtObject {
readonly property QtObject errorType: QtObject {
readonly property string authentication: "authentication"
readonly property string keychain: "keychain"
readonly property QtObject storedValue: QtObject {
readonly property string store: "store"
readonly property string notNow: "notNow"
readonly property string never: "never"
readonly property int chatSectionLeftColumnWidth: 304
readonly property QtObject appSection: QtObject {
readonly property int chat: 0
readonly property int community: 1
readonly property int wallet: 2
readonly property int browser: 3
readonly property int profile: 4
readonly property int node: 5
readonly property int communitiesPortal: 6
readonly property QtObject appViewStackIndex: QtObject {
readonly property int chat: 0
readonly property int community: 7 // any stack layout children with the index 7 or higher is community
readonly property int communitiesPortal: 1
readonly property int wallet: 2
readonly property int browser: 3
readonly property int profile: 4
readonly property int node: 5
readonly property QtObject settingsSubsection: QtObject {
property int profile: 0
property int contacts: 1
property int ensUsernames: 2
property int messaging: 3
property int wallet: 4
property int appearance: 5
property int language: 6
property int notifications: 7
property int devicesSettings: 8
property int browserSettings: 9
property int advanced: 10
property int about: 11
property int communitiesSettings: 12
property int keycard: 13
property int signout: 14
property int backUpSeed: 15
readonly property QtObject currentUserStatus: QtObject{
readonly property int unknown: 0
readonly property int automatic: 1
readonly property int doNotDisturb: 2
readonly property int alwaysOnline: 3
readonly property int inactive: 4
readonly property QtObject onboarding: QtObject {
readonly property int userImageWidth: 40
readonly property int userImageHeight: 40
readonly property int titleFontSize: 17
readonly property int fontSize1: 22
readonly property int fontSize2: 17
readonly property int fontSize3: 15
readonly property int fontSize4: 12
readonly property int loginInfoHeight1: 24
readonly property int loginInfoHeight2: 44
readonly property int loginInfoHeight3: 66
readonly property int radius: 8
readonly property QtObject profileFetching: QtObject {
readonly property int timeout: 120 * 1000 //2 mins in milliseconds
readonly property int titleFontSize: 22
readonly property int entityFontSize: 15
readonly property int entityProgressFontSize: 12
readonly property string imgInProgress: "onboarding/profile_fetching_in_progress"
readonly property QtObject entity: QtObject {
readonly property string profile: "profile"
readonly property string contacts: "contacts"
readonly property string communities: "communities"
readonly property string settings: "settings"
readonly property QtObject onlineStatus: QtObject{
readonly property int inactive: 0
readonly property int online: 1
readonly property QtObject chatType: QtObject{
readonly property int category: -1
readonly property int unknown: 0
readonly property int oneToOne: 1
readonly property int publicChat: 2
readonly property int privateGroupChat: 3
readonly property int profile: 4
readonly property int communityChat: 6
readonly property QtObject messageContentType: QtObject {
readonly property int newMessagesMarker: -3
readonly property int fetchMoreMessagesButton: -2
readonly property int chatIdentifier: -1
readonly property int unknownContentType: 0
readonly property int messageType: 1
readonly property int stickerType: 2
readonly property int statusType: 3
readonly property int emojiType: 4
readonly property int transactionType: 5
readonly property int systemMessagePrivateGroupType: 6
readonly property int imageType: 7
readonly property int audioType: 8
readonly property int communityInviteType: 9
readonly property int gapType: 10
readonly property int editType: 11
readonly property int discordMessageType: 12
readonly property QtObject messageModelRoles: QtObject {
readonly property int responseToMessageWithId: 262 // ModelRole.ResponseToMessageWithId
readonly property QtObject trustStatus: QtObject {
readonly property int unknown: 0
readonly property int trusted: 1
readonly property int untrustworthy: 2
readonly property QtObject verificationStatus: QtObject {
readonly property int unverified: 0
readonly property int verifying: 1
readonly property int verified: 2
readonly property int declined: 3
readonly property int canceled: 4
readonly property int trusted: 5
readonly property int untrustworthy: 6
readonly property QtObject contactsPanelUsage: QtObject {
readonly property int unknownPosition: -1
readonly property int mutualContacts: 0
readonly property int verifiedMutualContacts: 1
readonly property int sentContactRequest: 2
readonly property int receivedContactRequest: 3
readonly property int rejectedSentContactRequest: 4
readonly property int rejectedReceivedContactRequest: 5
readonly property int blockedContacts: 6
readonly property QtObject validators: QtObject {
readonly property list<StatusValidator> displayName: [
StatusMinLengthValidator {
minLength: 5
errorMessage: qsTr("Username must be at least 5 characters")
StatusRegularExpressionValidator {
regularExpression: /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]+$/
errorMessage: qsTr("Only letters, numbers, underscores, whitespaces and hyphens allowed")
// TODO: Create `StatusMaxLengthValidator` in StatusQ
StatusValidator {
name: "maxLengthValidator"
validate: function (t) { return t.length <= 24 }
errorMessage: qsTr("24 character username limit")
StatusValidator {
name: "endsWith-ethValidator"
validate: function (t) { return !t.endsWith("-eth") }
errorMessage: qsTr("Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed")
StatusValidator {
name: "endsWith_ethValidator"
validate: function (t) { return !t.endsWith("_eth") }
errorMessage: qsTr("Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed")
StatusValidator {
name: "endsWith.ethValidator"
validate: function (t) { return !t.endsWith(".eth") }
errorMessage: qsTr("Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed")
StatusValidator {
name: "isAliasValidator"
validate: function (t) { return !globalUtils.isAlias(t) }
errorMessage: qsTr("Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username")
readonly property QtObject settingsSection: QtObject {
readonly property int itemSpacing: 10
readonly property int radius: 8
readonly property int mainHeaderFontSize: 28
readonly property int subHeaderFontSize: 15
readonly property int importantInfoFontSize: 18
readonly property int infoFontSize: 15
readonly property int infoLineHeight: 22
readonly property int infoSpacing: 5
readonly property int itemHeight: 64
readonly property int leftMargin: 64
readonly property int rightMargin: 64
readonly property int topMargin: 64
readonly property int bottomMargin: 64
readonly property QtObject notificationsBubble: QtObject {
readonly property int previewAnonymous: 0
readonly property int previewNameOnly: 1
readonly property int previewNameAndMessage: 2
readonly property QtObject notifications: QtObject {
readonly property string sendAlertsValue: "SendAlerts"
readonly property string deliverQuietlyValue: "DeliverQuietly"
readonly property string turnOffValue: "TurnOff"
readonly property QtObject exemptions: QtObject {
readonly property int community: 0
readonly property int oneToOneChat: 1
readonly property int groupChat: 2
readonly property QtObject ephemeralNotificationType: QtObject {
readonly property int normal: 0
readonly property int success: 1
readonly property QtObject translationsState: QtObject {
readonly property int alpha: 0
readonly property int beta: 1
readonly property int stable: 2
readonly property QtObject keycard: QtObject {
readonly property QtObject general: QtObject {
readonly property string purchasePage: "https://get.keycard.tech"
readonly property int onboardingHeight: 460
readonly property int loginHeight: 460
readonly property int imageWidth: 240
readonly property int imageHeight: 240
readonly property int seedPhraseWidth: 816
readonly property int seedPhraseHeight: 228
readonly property int enterSeedPhraseWordsWidth: 868
readonly property int enterSeedPhraseWordsHeight: 60
readonly property int keycardPinLength: 6
readonly property int keycardPukLength: 12
readonly property int keycardNameLength: 20
readonly property int keycardNameInputWidth: 448
readonly property int keycardPairingCodeInputWidth: 512
readonly property int keycardPukAdditionalSpacingOnEvery4Items: 4
readonly property int keycardPukAdditionalSpacing: 32
readonly property int fontSize1: 22
readonly property int fontSize2: 15
readonly property int fontSize3: 12
readonly property int seedPhraseCellWidth: 193
readonly property int seedPhraseCellHeight: 60
readonly property int seedPhraseCellNumberWidth: 24
readonly property int seedPhraseCellFontSize: 12
readonly property int buttonFontSize: 15
readonly property int pukCellWidth: 50
readonly property int pukCellHeight: 60
readonly property int popupWidth: 640
readonly property int popupHeight: 500
readonly property int popupBiggerHeight: 626
readonly property int titleHeight: 44
readonly property int messageHeight: 48
readonly property int footerButtonsHeight: 44
readonly property int loginInfoHeight1: 24
readonly property int loginInfoHeight2: 44
readonly property int loginStatusLogoWidth: 128
readonly property int loginStatusLogoHeight: 128
readonly property QtObject keyPairType: QtObject {
readonly property int unknown: -1
readonly property int profile: 0
readonly property int seedImport: 1
readonly property int privateKeyImport: 2
readonly property QtObject shared: QtObject {
readonly property int imageWidth: 240
readonly property int imageHeight: 240
readonly property QtObject socialLinkType: QtObject {
readonly property int custom: 0
readonly property int twitter: 1
readonly property int personalSite: 2
readonly property int github: 3
readonly property int youtube: 4
readonly property int discord: 5
readonly property int telegram: 6
readonly property QtObject regularExpressions: QtObject {
readonly property var alphanumericalExpanded: /^$|^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]+$/
readonly property QtObject errorMessages: QtObject {
readonly property string alphanumericalExpandedRegExp: qsTr("Only letters, numbers, underscores, whitespaces and hyphens allowed")
readonly property var socialLinkPrefixesByType: [ // NB order must match the "socialLinkType" enum above
enum DiscordImportErrorCode {
Unknown = 1,
Warning = 2,
Error = 3
readonly property int communityImported: 0
readonly property int communityImportingInProgress: 1
readonly property int communityImportingError: 2
readonly property int communityChatPublicAccess: 1
readonly property int communityChatInvitationOnlyAccess: 2
readonly property int communityChatOnRequestAccess: 3
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeOneToOne: 1
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeGroupRequest: 2
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeMention: 3
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeReply: 4
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeContactRequest: 5
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityInvitation: 6
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityRequest: 7
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityMembershipRequest: 8
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeCommunityKicked: 9
readonly property int activityCenterNotificationTypeContactVerification: 10
readonly property int activityCenterMembershipStatusPending: 1
readonly property int activityCenterMembershipStatusAccepted: 2
readonly property int activityCenterMembershipStatusDeclined: 3
readonly property int contactRequestStateNone: 0
readonly property int contactRequestStatePending: 1
readonly property int contactRequestStateAccepted: 2
readonly property int contactRequestStateDismissed: 3
readonly property int maxNbDaysToFetch: 30
readonly property int fetchRangeLast24Hours: 86400
readonly property int fetchRangeLast2Days: 172800
readonly property int fetchRangeLast3Days: 259200
readonly property int fetchRangeLast7Days: 604800
readonly property int limitLongChatText: 500
readonly property int limitLongChatTextCompactMode: 1000
readonly property int notificationPopupTTL: 5000
readonly property string lightThemeName: "light"
readonly property string darkThemeName: "dark"
readonly property int notifyAllMessages: 0
readonly property int notifyJustMentions: 1
readonly property int notifyNone: 2
readonly property string watchWalletType: "watch"
readonly property string keyWalletType: "key"
readonly property string seedWalletType: "seed"
readonly property string generatedWalletType: "generated"
readonly property string dummyText: "Dummy"
readonly property int dummyModelItems: 25
readonly property string windows: "windows"
readonly property string linux: "linux"
readonly property string mac: "osx"
// Transaction states
readonly property int addressRequested: 1
readonly property int declined: 2
readonly property int addressReceived: 3
readonly property int transactionRequested: 4
readonly property int transactionDeclined: 5
readonly property int pending: 6
readonly property int confirmed: 7
readonly property int maxTokens: 200
readonly property string zeroAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
readonly property string networkMainnet: "Mainnet"
readonly property string networkRopsten: "Ropsten"
readonly property string api_request: "api-request"
readonly property string web3SendAsyncReadOnly: "web3-send-async-read-only"
readonly property string web3DisconnectAccount: "web3-disconnect-account"
readonly property string permission_web3: "web3"
readonly property string permission_contactCode: "contact-code"
readonly property string personal_sign: "personal_sign"
readonly property string eth_sign: "eth_sign"
readonly property string eth_signTypedData: "eth_signTypedData"
readonly property string eth_signTypedData_v3: "eth_signTypedData_v3"
readonly property string eth_prod: "eth.prod"
readonly property string eth_staging: "eth.staging"
readonly property string eth_test: "eth.test"
readonly property string waku_prod: "wakuv2.prod"
readonly property string waku_test: "wakuv2.test"
readonly property string status_test: "status.test"
readonly property string status_prod: "status.prod"
readonly property int browserSearchEngineNone: 0
readonly property int browserSearchEngineGoogle: 1
readonly property int browserSearchEngineYahoo: 2
readonly property int browserSearchEngineDuckDuckGo: 3
readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerNone: 0
readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerEtherscan: 1
readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerEthplorer: 2
readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerBlockchair: 3
readonly property int repeatHeaderInterval: 2
readonly property string deepLinkPrefix: 'status-im://'
readonly property string joinStatusLink: 'join.status.im'
readonly property string communityLinkPrefix: 'https://join.status.im/c/'
readonly property string userLinkPrefix: 'https://join.status.im/u/'
readonly property string statusLinkPrefix: 'https://status.im/'
readonly property int maxUploadFiles: 5
readonly property double maxUploadFilesizeMB: 10
readonly property int maxNumberOfPins: 3
readonly property var acceptedImageExtensions: [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".svg", ".gif"]
readonly property var acceptedDragNDropImageExtensions: [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".heif", ".tif", ".tiff"]
readonly property string mentionSpanTag: `<span style="background-color: ${Style.current.mentionBgColor};"><a style="color:${Style.current.mentionColor};text-decoration:none" href='http://'>`
readonly property string ens_taken: "taken"
readonly property string ens_taken_custom: "taken-custom"
readonly property string ens_owned: "owned"
readonly property string ens_available: "available"
readonly property string ens_already_connected: "already-connected"
readonly property string ens_connected: "connected"
readonly property string ens_connected_dkey: "connected-different-key"
readonly property string newBookmark: " "
readonly property var ensState: {
"taken": qsTr("Username already taken :("),
"taken-custom": qsTr("Username doesn’t belong to you :("),
"owned": qsTr("Continuing will connect this username with your chat key."),
"available": qsTr("✓ Username available!"),
"already-connected": qsTr("Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status."),
"connected": qsTr("This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`."),
"connected-different-key": qsTr("Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key."),
readonly property bool isCppApp: typeof cppApp !== "undefined" ? cppApp : false
readonly property QtObject startupErrorType: QtObject {
readonly property int unknownType: 0
readonly property int importAccError: 1
readonly property int setupAccError: 2
readonly property int convertToRegularAccError: 3
readonly property string existingAccountError: "account already exists"
readonly property string wrongDerivationPathError: "error parsing derivation path"
readonly property int minPasswordLength: 10
enum TransactionStatus {
Failure = 0,
Success = 1
enum SendType {
enum ErrorType {
enum AddAccountType {
readonly property QtObject walletSection: QtObject {
readonly property string cancelledMessage: "cancelled"
// Message outgoing status
readonly property string sending: "sending"
readonly property string sent: "sent"
readonly property string delivered: "delivered"
readonly property string expired: "expired"
readonly property string failedResending: "failedResending"
readonly property var preDefinedWalletAccountColors:[ StatusColors.colors['black'],
StatusColors.colors['brown2'] ]
readonly property QtObject appTranslatableConstants: QtObject {
readonly property string loginAccountsListAddNewUser: "LOGIN-ACCOUNTS-LIST-ADD-NEW-USER"
readonly property string loginAccountsListAddExistingUser: "LOGIN-ACCOUNTS-LIST-ADD-EXISTING-USER"
readonly property string loginAccountsListLostKeycard: "LOGIN-ACCOUNTS-LIST-LOST-KEYCARD"
readonly property var appTranslationMap: ({})
Component.onCompleted: {
appTranslationMap[appTranslatableConstants.loginAccountsListAddNewUser] = qsTr("Add new user")
appTranslationMap[appTranslatableConstants.loginAccountsListAddExistingUser] = qsTr("Add existing Status user")
appTranslationMap[appTranslatableConstants.loginAccountsListLostKeycard] = qsTr("Lost Keycard")