emizzle 417194e7b4 feat: Keyboard shortcuts
Add keyboard shortcuts according to https://notes.status.im/02cfVf1KQLeQU2SqrIi9tw

fix: update chat message bubbles
- Align emojis to middle of text
- Add line-height as per design
- Properly support RTL languages (right-aligned) and LTR languages (left-aligned)
- Remove unneeded non-breaking space at the beginning of current user messages
- Properly support markdown for bold, strikethrough, and italic
- Fix text being removed when in between strikethrough markdown (~~)

fix: emoji resolution update for high resolution monitors
- Emojis now use the 72x72 original set, but are down-scaled to 20x20 (in chat bubbles) or 22x22 in other places, effectively tripling their pixel density

feat: handle new lines in blockquote

Handle new lines in blockquote so that messages display correctly.

Also, add functionality when a new line is entered in to the chat input, if it's inside a blockquote, a new ">" will be added automatically. This is also handled when backspace is entered.

feat: update xss to support full qt html4 table and table-cell attributes
2020-11-26 11:33:32 -05:00

73 lines
2.7 KiB

import QtQuick 2.3
import "../../../../../shared"
import "../../../../../imports"
Loader {
property int textFieldWidth: item ? item.textField.width : 0
property bool longReply: false
property color elementsColor: isCurrentUser ? Style.current.chatReplyCurrentUser : Style.current.secondaryText
id: root
active: responseTo != "" && replyMessageIndex > -1
sourceComponent: Component {
Rectangle {
property alias textField: lblReplyMessage
id: chatReply
visible: responseTo != "" && replyMessageIndex > -1
// childrenRect.height shows a binding loop for soem reason, so we use heights instead
height: this.visible ? lblReplyAuthor.height + ((repliedMessageType === Constants.imageType ? imgReplyImage.height : lblReplyMessage.height) + 5 + 8) : 0
color: Style.current.transparent
StyledTextEdit {
id: lblReplyAuthor
text: "↳" + repliedMessageAuthor
color: root.elementsColor
readOnly: true
selectByMouse: true
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
ChatImage {
id: imgReplyImage
visible: repliedMessageType == Constants.imageType
imageWidth: 50
imageSource: repliedMessageImage
anchors.top: lblReplyAuthor.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 5
anchors.left: parent.left
chatHorizontalPadding: 0
StyledTextEdit {
id: lblReplyMessage
visible: repliedMessageType != Constants.imageType
anchors.top: lblReplyAuthor.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 5
text: Emoji.parse(Utils.linkifyAndXSS(repliedMessageContent));
textFormat: Text.RichText
color: root.elementsColor
readOnly: true
selectByMouse: true
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: root.longReply ? parent.right : undefined
z: 51
Separator {
anchors.top: repliedMessageType == Constants.imageType ? imgReplyImage.bottom : lblReplyMessage.bottom
anchors.topMargin: repliedMessageType == Constants.imageType ? 15 : 8
anchors.left: lblReplyMessage.left
anchors.right: lblReplyMessage.right
anchors.rightMargin: chatTextItem.chatHorizontalPadding
color: root.elementsColor