
135 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import StatusQ.Popups.Dialog 0.1
Control {
id: root
Expected model structure:
- tokensKey: unique string ID of the token (asset); e.g. "ETH" or contract address
- name: user visible token name (e.g. "Ethereum")
- symbol: user visible token symbol (e.g. "ETH")
- decimals: number of decimal places
- communityId:optional; ID of the community this token belongs to, if any
- marketDetails: object containing props like `currencyPrice` for the computed values below
- balances: submodel[ chainId:int, account:string, balance:BigIntString, iconUrl:string ]
- currentBalance: amount of tokens
- currencyBalance: e.g. `1000.42` in user's fiat currency
- currencyBalanceAsString: e.g. "1 000,42 CZK" formatted as a string according to the user's locale
- balanceAsString: `1.42` formatted as e.g. "1,42" in user's locale
- iconSource: string
required property var assetsModel
Expected model structure:
- groupName: group name (from collection or community name)
- icon: from imageUrl or mediaUrl
- type: can be "community" or "other"
- subitems: submodel of collectibles/collections of the group
- key: key of collection (community type) or collectible (other type)
- name: name of the subitem (of collectible or collection)
- balance: balance of collection (in case of community collectibles)
or collectible (in case of ERC-1155)
- icon: icon of the subitem
required property var collectiblesModel
Expected model structure:
- chainId: network chain id
- chainName: name of network
- iconUrl: network icon url
required property var networksModel
/** this property decided if the sticky header is visible or not.
Not using visible property directly here as the animation on
implicitHeight doesnt work
property bool stickyHeaderVisible
/** input property for programatic selection of network **/
property int selectedChainId
/** signal to propagate that an asset was selected **/
signal assetSelected(string key)
/** signal to propagate that a collection was selected **/
signal collectionSelected(string key)
/** signal to propagate that a collectible was selected **/
signal collectibleSelected(string key)
/** signal to propagate that a network was selected **/
signal networkSelected(int chainId)
/** input function for programatic selection of token
(asset/collectible/collection) **/
function setToken(name, icon, key) {
sendModalHeader.setToken(name, icon, key)
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property int bottomMargin: 12
implicitHeight: root.stickyHeaderVisible ?
implicitContentHeight + Theme.padding + d.bottomMargin : 0
horizontalPadding: Theme.xlPadding
bottomPadding: d.bottomMargin
topPadding: root.stickyHeaderVisible ? Theme.padding : -implicitContentHeight - Theme.padding
Behavior on implicitHeight {
NumberAnimation { duration: 350 }
Behavior on topPadding {
NumberAnimation { duration: 350 }
background: Rectangle {
color: root.implicitHeight > d.bottomMargin ? Theme.palette.baseColor3: Theme.palette.transparent
radius: 8
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: DropShadow {
horizontalOffset: 0
verticalOffset: 2
samples: 37
color: Theme.palette.dropShadow
// cover for the bottom rounded corners
Rectangle {
width: parent.width
height: parent.radius
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
color: parent.color
StatusDialogDivider {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: parent.width
contentItem: SendModalHeader {
id: sendModalHeader
isStickyHeader: true
isScrolling: root.stickyHeaderVisible
networksModel: root.networksModel
assetsModel: root.assetsModel
collectiblesModel: root.collectiblesModel
selectedChainId: root.selectedChainId
onCollectibleSelected: root.collectibleSelected(key)
onCollectionSelected: root.collectionSelected(key)
onAssetSelected: root.assetSelected(key)
onNetworkSelected: root.networkSelected(chainId)