
153 lines
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import QtQuick 2.15
import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2
import StatusQ 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1
Transforms and prepares the wallet accounts model to display
selected token on selected network
When no token or network is selected, only currency balance for account is shown.
QObject {
id: root
// input api
/** Expected accounts model structure:
- name: name of the account
- address: address of the account,
- colorId: color id for the account,
- canSend: can send from acount ,
- position: position set by user in settings,
- currencyBalance: total currency balance in CurrencyAmount type,
- migratedToKeycard: if account is migrated to keycard.
required property var accounts
/** Expected assets model structure:
- tokensKey: string -> unique string ID of the token (asset); e.g. "ETH" or contract address
- name: string -> user visible token name (e.g. "Ethereum")
- symbol: string -> user visible token symbol (e.g. "ETH")
- decimals: int -> number of decimal places
- communityId: string -> optional; ID of the community this token belongs to, if any
- marketDetails: var -> object containing props like `currencyPrice` for the computed values below
- balances: submodel -> [ chainId:int, account:string, balance:BigIntString, iconUrl:string ]
required property var assetsModel
/** Expected token by symbol model structure:
- key: id for the token,
- name: name of the token,
- symbol: symbol of the token,
- decimals: decimals for the token
required property var tokensBySymbolModel
/** Expected networks model structure:
- chainId: chain Id for network,
- chainName: name of network,
- iconUrl: icon representing the network,
required property var filteredFlatNetworksModel
/** selectedTokenKey:
the selected token key
required property string selectedTokenKey
/** selectedNetworkChainId:
the selected network chainId
required property int selectedNetworkChainId
/** function to calculate token balance from BigInt:
the selected network chainId
required property var fnFormatCurrencyAmountFromBigInt
/** output model
Computed processedWalletAccounts model addon values:
- accountBalance: balance of selected token on selected network along with network information
- filters out account that cant be used to send
readonly property var processedWalletAccounts: SortFilterProxyModel {
sourceModel: root.accounts
delayed: true // Delayed to allow `processAccountBalance` dependencies to be resolved
filters: ValueFilter {
roleName: "canSend"
value: true
sorters: [
RoleSorter { roleName: "currencyBalanceDouble"; sortOrder: Qt.DescendingOrder },
RoleSorter { roleName: "position"; sortOrder: Qt.AscendingOrder }
proxyRoles: [
FastExpressionRole {
name: "accountBalance"
expression: {
// dependencies
return d.processAccountBalance(model.address)
expectedRoles: ["address"]
FastExpressionRole {
name: "currencyBalanceDouble"
expression: model.currencyBalance.amount
expectedRoles: ["currencyBalance"]
QtObject {
id: d
readonly property ObjectProxyModel filteredBalancesModel: ObjectProxyModel {
sourceModel: root.assetsModel
delegate: SortFilterProxyModel {
readonly property var balances: this
sourceModel: LeftJoinModel {
leftModel: model.balances
rightModel: root.filteredFlatNetworksModel
joinRole: "chainId"
filters: ValueFilter {
roleName: "chainId"
value: root.selectedNetworkChainId
expectedRoles: "balances"
exposedRoles: "balances"
function processAccountBalance(address) {
let selectedToken = ModelUtils.getByKey(root.tokensBySymbolModel, "key", root.selectedTokenKey)
if (!selectedToken) {
return null
let network = ModelUtils.getByKey(root.filteredFlatNetworksModel, "chainId", root.selectedNetworkChainId)
if (!network) {
return null
let balancesModel = ModelUtils.getByKey(filteredBalancesModel, "tokensKey", root.selectedTokenKey, "balances")
let accountBalance = ModelUtils.getByKey(balancesModel, "account", address)
if(accountBalance && accountBalance.balance !== "0") {
accountBalance.formattedBalance = root.fnFormatCurrencyAmountFromBigInt(accountBalance.balance, selectedToken.symbol, selectedToken.decimals)
return accountBalance
return {
balance: "0",
iconUrl: network.iconUrl,
chainColor: network.chainColor,
formattedBalance: "0 %1".arg(selectedToken.symbol)