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synced 2025-03-04 00:11:12 +00:00
235 lines
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Executable File
235 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable File
import logging
import time
import typing
from datetime import datetime
import allure
import cv2
import numpy as np
import pytesseract
from PIL import ImageGrab
import configs
import constants
import driver
from configs.system import get_platform
from scripts.tools.ocv import Ocv
from scripts.utils.system_path import SystemPath
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Image:
def __init__(self, object_name: dict):
self.object_name = object_name
self._view = None
@allure.step('Get image view')
def view(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._view
@allure.step('Get image height')
def height(self) -> int:
return self.view.shape[0]
@allure.step('Get image width')
def width(self) -> int:
return self.view.shape[1]
@allure.step('Get image is grayscale')
def is_grayscale(self) -> bool:
return self.view.ndim == 2
@allure.step('Set image in grayscale')
def set_grayscale(self) -> 'Image':
if not self.is_grayscale:
self._view = cv2.cvtColor(self.view, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
return self
@allure.step('Grab image view from object')
def update_view(self):
LOG.debug(f'Image view was grab from: {self.object_name}')
rect = driver.object.globalBounds(driver.waitForObject(self.object_name))
img = ImageGrab.grab(
bbox=(rect.x, rect.y, rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height),
xdisplay=configs.system.DISPLAY if get_platform() == "Linux" else None
self._view = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
@allure.step('Save image')
def save(self, path: SystemPath, force: bool = False):
path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if path.exists() and not force:
raise FileExistsError(path)
if self.view is None:
cv2.imwrite(str(path), self.view)
@allure.step('Compare images')
def compare(
self, expected: np.ndarray, threshold: float = 0.99) -> bool:
if self.view is None:
correlation = Ocv.compare_images(self.view, expected)
result = correlation >= threshold
LOG.info(f'Images equals on: {abs(round(correlation, 4) * 100)}%')
if result:
LOG.info(f'Screenshot comparison passed')
configs.testpath.TEST_ARTIFACTS.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
diff = Ocv.draw_contours(self.view, expected)
actual_fp = configs.testpath.TEST_ARTIFACTS / f'actual_image.png'
expected_fp = configs.testpath.TEST_ARTIFACTS / f'expected_image.png'
diff_fp = configs.testpath.TEST_ARTIFACTS / f'diff_image.png'
self.save(actual_fp, force=True)
cv2.imwrite(str(expected_fp), expected)
cv2.imwrite(str(diff_fp), diff)
allure.attach(name='actual', body=actual_fp.read_bytes(), attachment_type=allure.attachment_type.PNG)
allure.attach(name='expected', body=expected_fp.read_bytes(), attachment_type=allure.attachment_type.PNG)
allure.attach(name='diff', body=diff_fp.read_bytes(), attachment_type=allure.attachment_type.PNG)
f"Screenshot comparison failed.\n"
f"Actual, Diff and Expected screenshots are saved:\n"
return result
@allure.step('Crop image')
def crop(self, rect: driver.UiTypes.ScreenRectangle):
assert rect.x + rect.width < self.width
assert rect.y + rect.height < self.height
self._view = self.view[rect.y: (rect.y + rect.height), rect.x: (rect.x + rect.width)]
@allure.step('Parse text on image')
def to_string(self, custom_config: str):
text: str = pytesseract.image_to_string(self.view, config=custom_config)
LOG.debug(f'Text on image: {text}')
return text
@allure.step('Verify: Image contains text: {1}')
def has_text(self, text: str, criteria: str, crop: driver.UiTypes.ScreenRectangle = None) -> bool:
if crop:
# Search text on image converted in gray color
fp_gray = configs.testpath.TEST_ARTIFACTS / f'search_region_in_gray_color.png'
self.save(fp_gray, force=True)
if text.lower() in self.to_string(criteria).lower():
allure.attach(name='search_region', body=fp_gray.read_bytes(), attachment_type=allure.attachment_type.PNG)
return True
# Search text on image with inverted color
self._view = cv2.bitwise_not(self.view)
fp_invert = configs.testpath.TEST_ARTIFACTS / f'search_region_in_inverted_color.png'
self.save(fp_invert, force=True)
if text.lower() in self.to_string(criteria).lower():
allure.attach(name='search_region', body=fp_invert.read_bytes(), attachment_type=allure.attachment_type.PNG)
return True
return False
@allure.step('Search color on image')
def has_color(self, color: constants.Color, denoise: int = 10, crop: driver.UiTypes.ScreenRectangle = None) -> bool:
if crop:
initial_view = configs.testpath.TEST_ARTIFACTS / f'{color.name}.png'
allure.attach(name='search_region', body=initial_view.read_bytes(), attachment_type=allure.attachment_type.PNG)
contours = self._get_color_contours(color, denoise, apply=True)
mask_view = configs.testpath.TEST_ARTIFACTS / f'{color.name}_mask.png'
allure.attach(name='contours', body=mask_view.read_bytes(), attachment_type=allure.attachment_type.PNG)
self._view = None
return len(contours) >= 1
@allure.step('Apply contours with found color on image')
def _get_color_contours(
color: constants.Color,
denoise: int = 10,
apply: bool = False
) -> typing.List[driver.UiTypes.ScreenRectangle]:
if not self.is_grayscale:
view = cv2.cvtColor(self.view, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
view = self.view
boundaries = constants.boundaries[color]
if color == constants.Color.RED:
mask = None
for bond in boundaries:
lower_range = np.array(bond[0])
upper_range = np.array(bond[1])
_mask = cv2.inRange(view, lower_range, upper_range)
mask = _mask if mask is None else mask + _mask
lower_range = np.array(boundaries[0])
upper_range = np.array(boundaries[1])
mask = cv2.inRange(view, lower_range, upper_range)
contours = []
_contours = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
_contours = _contours[0] if len(_contours) == 2 else _contours[1]
for _contour in _contours:
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(_contour)
# To remove small artifacts, less than denoise variable value
if w * h < denoise:
contours.append(driver.UiTypes.ScreenRectangle(x, y, w, h))
if apply:
self._view = cv2.bitwise_and(self.view, self.view, mask=mask)
for contour in contours:
(contour.x, contour.y),
(contour.x + contour.width, contour.y + contour.height),
(36, 255, 12), 2)
return contours
@allure.step('Compare images')
def compare(actual: Image,
expected: typing.Union[str, SystemPath, Image],
threshold: float = 0.99,
timout_sec: int = 1
expected_fp = None
if isinstance(expected, str):
expected_fp = configs.testpath.TEST_VP / configs.system.get_platform() / expected
if not expected_fp.exists():
expected_fp = configs.testpath.TEST_VP / expected
expected = expected_fp
if isinstance(expected, SystemPath):
assert expected.exists(), f'File: {expected} not found'
expected = cv2.imread(str(expected))
expected = expected.view
start = datetime.now()
while not actual.compare(expected, threshold):
if (datetime.now() - start).seconds > timout_sec:
if configs.UPDATE_VP_ON_FAIL and expected_fp is not None:
actual.save(expected_fp, force=True)
LOG.warning(f'VP file updated: {expected_fp}')
raise AssertionError('Images comparison failed')
LOG.info(f'Screenshot comparison passed')