status-desktop/test/e2e/tests/wallet_main_screen/wallet: right click out of .../test_right_click_manage_wat...

57 lines
2.9 KiB

import time
import allure
import pytest
from allure_commons._allure import step
from tests.wallet_main_screen import marks
import constants
from gui.components.signing_phrase_popup import SigningPhrasePopup
from gui.components.toast_message import ToastMessage
from gui.main_window import MainWindow
pytestmark = marks
'Manage a watch-only account from context menu option')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('address, name, color, emoji, emoji_unicode, new_name, new_color,'
'new_emoji, new_emoji_unicode', [
pytest.param('0xea123F7beFF45E3C9fdF54B324c29DBdA14a639A', 'AccWatch1', '#2a4af5',
'sunglasses', '1f60e', 'AccWatch1edited', '#216266', 'thumbsup', '1f44d')
def test_right_click_manage_watch_only_account_context_menu(main_screen: MainWindow, address: str, color: str, emoji: str,
emoji_unicode: str,
name: str, new_name: str, new_color: str, new_emoji: str,
new_emoji_unicode: str):
with step('Open wallet main screen and close signing phrase dialog'):
wallet = main_screen.left_panel.open_wallet()
with step('Create watched address from context menu'):
account_popup = wallet.left_panel.select_add_watched_address_from_context_menu()
with step('Verify toast message notification when adding account'):
assert len(main_screen.wait_for_notification()) == 1, \
f"Multiple toast messages appeared"
message = main_screen.wait_for_notification()[0]
assert message == f'"{name}" successfully added'
with step('Right click recently watched address and select edit option'):
account_popup = wallet.left_panel.open_edit_account_popup_from_context_menu(name)
with step('Set new name, emoji and color for account and save'):
with step('Verify that the account is correctly displayed in accounts list'):
expected_account = constants.user.account_list_item(new_name, new_color.lower(), new_emoji_unicode)
started_at = time.monotonic()
while expected_account not in wallet.left_panel.accounts:
if time.monotonic() - started_at > 15:
raise LookupError(f'Account {expected_account} not found in {wallet.left_panel.accounts}')