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synced 2025-03-03 07:50:49 +00:00
- legacy Style and ThemePalette removed - moved and deduplicated font definitions into `Theme` (unrelated to a color palette) - `Style.current.foo` -> `Theme.foo` - `Style.current.fooColor` -> `Theme.palette.fooColor` - upgrade the imports to 5.15 - removed some mode dead components Fixes #16514
85 lines
2.1 KiB
85 lines
2.1 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15
import StatusQ.Core 0.1
import StatusQ.Controls 0.1
import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1
import utils 1.0
import shared 1.0
Item {
id: root
property int mentionsCount
property int recentMessagesCount
property alias recentMessagesButtonVisible: recentMessagesButton.visible
signal mentionsButtonClicked
signal recentMessagesButtonClicked
implicitWidth: layout.implicitWidth
implicitHeight: layout.implicitHeight
QtObject {
id: d
function limitNumberTo99(number) {
return number > 99 ? qsTr("99+") : number
component AnchorButton: StatusButton {
Layout.preferredHeight: 38
radius: 100
spacing: 2
icon.width: Theme.primaryTextFontSize + 5
icon.height: Theme.primaryTextFontSize + 5
verticalPadding: Theme.halfPadding
horizontalPadding: Theme.smallPadding
font.pixelSize: Theme.primaryTextFontSize
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: DropShadow {
samples: 16
cached: true
color: Theme.palette.alphaColor(Theme.palette.directColor1, 0.16)
RowLayout {
id: layout
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: Theme.smallPadding
AnchorButton {
visible: root.mentionsCount > 0
text: d.limitNumberTo99(root.mentionsCount)
type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Primary
textColor: Theme.palette.white
icon.name: "username"
onClicked: root.mentionsButtonClicked()
AnchorButton {
id: recentMessagesButton
text: root.recentMessagesCount <= 0 ? "" : d.limitNumberTo99(root.recentMessagesCount)
normalColor: Theme.palette.baseColor1
hoverColor: Theme.palette.hoverColor(normalColor)
textColor: Theme.palette.white
textPosition: StatusBaseButton.TextPosition.Left
icon.name: "arrow-down"
onClicked: root.recentMessagesButtonClicked()